Evolved Jikininki

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


"What makes you so confident?" Asked Fugaku with a frown as Minato leaned on the desk to observe Bakorio from a better angle 'Did something happen during the past few weeks?' was the thought in his mind as he watched Bakorio lifting his right hand and pointing at his eyes which slowly started transforming into his Mangekyo Sharingan.

"This is…" Fugaku was slightly surprised seeing that Bakorio awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan, and he noticed that Minato had a similar look but they quickly accepted it since they already had their guesses.

"When did you awaken it?" Asked Fugaku after getting over his surprise and Bakorio simply shrugged and said "before Itachi"

The real answer is that he didn't really know exactly how much time had passed because of all his time travels so he gave this answer.

"I see… but you should know the consequences of using our eyes too much, are you sure you still want to proceed with your request?" asked Fugaku with a stoic look to which Bakorio simply nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I will get it for you" he said before disappearing to get the scroll from the hidden treasury inside the Anbu headquarters leaving Minato and a Bakorio alone.

"How did you guess I was going to visit Fugaku?" Asked Bakorio suddenly, after all, Minato appearing here wasn't in his expectation, especially when he didn't tell him about his plans. However, the latter simply shrugged and said "Kushina kept nagging me about you not staying for a longer time so she kicked me out of the house saying if you don't bring Bakorio home, you better not come back so I rushed searching for you"

Bakorio couldn't help but let out a chuckle as this couple warmed his heart and said "That's indeed something Kushina would say and do" ' And a good excuse to hide your worry for me, unfortunately for you Minato, I could sense it very clearly, and these senses brought too many unwanted surprises for me…'

In the past, Bakorio had to use the full power of Jikininki just to locate the seed of darkness in his heart, especially when it was in a dormant state. But now, with his increased sensitivity towards sensing emotions, Bakorio become capable of sensing the seed in his heart, and if he focuses his attention on a person's emotions. He could also feel if they have a seed of darkness in their hearts or not, and to his surprise during his walk throughout the village and especially the Uchiha compound, many people had them in a dormant state.

Those seeds were mainly found in ninjas, but not every ninja had one, for example, Minato's heart was a clear white unblemished by any impurity, but not everyone was like him, and unfortunately, even someone like Fugaku had one and Bakorio couldn't help but start making some conjectures…

'Did Danzo have one? Was it affecting him? What about the previous elders of the village? What about the Hyuga family? are their conflicts born from this seed? And if this thing goes way back… is it possible that the conflict between Madara and Hashirama wasn't something destined but man-made? After all, Hashirama clearly sensed that something was wrong with his body at the end of his life, yet he couldn't do anything about it…'

Many thoughts kept racing through Bakorio's head as he kept talking with Minato and told him about some of the things that he had been through such as meeting his teacher Jiraiya and even what he's been doing with Orochimaru which is something not many knows off, he also told him about his encounter with Onoki when he went to save Kabuto and how he spared his granddaughter and thought she could be useful for a peaceful future which brightened Minato's mood…

While they were enjoying their talk, Fugaku finally came back with a scroll in his hand and placed it on the table "Here's the scroll you wanted, what do you plan on doing now?"

Hearing this, Bakorio had an intrigued look on his face as he picked the scroll and unfolded it seeing the hundreds of seals that converged in the middle like chains that held a dark closed eye like print. It was best described as a creepy work of art.

Bakorio smiled wildly before he said "The plan is simple" Before he ripped the scroll in half to the shock of both Minato and Fugaku and the trio witnessed as a closed eye slowly rose from the print before it opened slightly showing a hideous bloodshot eye underneath its eyelid filled with pure evil and it immediately started growing tentacles from its body as a voice sounded in their ears

"Humans, you will never get the chance to seal me again!"

'So this is the zero tails huh? and it's actually trying to stall for time, I can sense its emotions knowing that it can't escape from this situation so it's going to self-destruct hehehe how naïve' thought Bakorio while Minato and Fugaku were on guard with the former ready to seal it again at any moment while the latter ready to prevent its escape with his Mangekyo Sharingan.

However, before they could take any action, Bakorio's eyes transformed into his Mangekyo Sharingan and he calmly squashed the eye like a fly with his fingers. For a moment, the zero tail thought the human was an idiot making its escape easier. However, it wasn't for long before it was shocked as one of Bakorio's eyes that had the ability Jikininki started absorbing its dissipating chakra while the other eye that had Yomi no Kuni absorbed its very soul!

"NOOOOOOOO" A huge scream echoed all around the Hokage's office that startled Fugaku and Minato as well as the Anbu guarding it, and the only reason they didn't rush inside was that Fugaku expected something like this might happen and ordered them not to.

Meanwhile, the fourth and fifth Hokage simply watched as Bakorio's Mangekyo Sharingan started to shine slightly with a cold light as a hollow flame ignited in his right eye that held the power of Jikininki before quickly fading away along with the wretched screams of zero tails and its existence…

"What the hell just happened?" asked Fugaku who was flabbergasted while Minato who had some understanding with souls understood just how terrifying what happened just now was… Absorbing people's souls means absolute death, even Edo Tensei won't work to revive you…

"Just got rid of an annoying fly…" Replied Bakorio with a smirk while observing the illusionary screen in front of him showing many notifications.

[Skill Advancement quest: Kill and absorb a creature that can manipulate emotions. Reward: Jikininki > High Jikininki (completed)]

[You gained the skill High Jikininki level 1]

[Skill Advancement quest: kill and absorb the soul of a hundred living creatures that have Jonin potential or higher. Reward: Yomi no Kuni > High Yomi no Kuni. Current progress 1/100]

[High Jikininki level 1: Allows the user to manipulate and observe emotions in various ways. Cost 1000 - 100000 chakra per use and - 1% to eyesight]

( This is the previous Jikininki for reference at level 1)

[Jikininki level 1: Allows the user to manipulate and observe emotions in various ways. Cost 1000 - 10000 chakra per use and - 10% to eyesight]

'Good, with this, my eyes became far stronger, and the cost of using them regarding my eyesight is even lower, not to mention how my passive increased even further, and now it doesn't require the same level of focus to sense those dormant dark seeds!' While Bakorio was thinking about his improvements... Another notification appeared that greatly surprised him but he was cut off from his thought before he could read its full description

"Annoying fly you say…" Fugaku let out a helpless sigh because this is something even the previous Hokages couldn't find a way to deal with…

"I just hope you don't use that ability too much" Said Minato and understanding what he meant, Bakorio nodded seriously at him and said "Don't worry, I will only use it in similar cases to this one"

"That would put my heart at ease then" Replied Minato with a sigh before sensing that the people were worried too much and might come inside the office despite Fugaku's orders so he immediately teleported away to keep his identity hidden while telling Bakorio to come home soon…