Meeting Guy and Mukai causing trouble

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


After the incident in the Hokage's office was cleared and Fugaku covered what actually happened by telling them that Bakorio was being childish and playing a prank on him, Bakorio decided to leave and go find Naruto and Sasuke to have the ramen he promised them.

While on the way to their school to pick them up, he checked the last notification he received when he absorbed Zero tails bringing a frown to his face...

[You gained the mastery: Dark chakra transformation level 1: The user can transform the negative emotions directed at him into dark chakra]

Bakorio looked at the simple introduction and frowned as he finally understood why not all the people from the village hidden in the sky could use dark chakra, you must be the cause of those negative emotions in a person's heart, otherwise you won't be able to convert them into dark chakra.

Meaning most of them would walk down the path of a criminal, and in the end, they would be hunted down by the other hidden villages so they always have to be careful…

'I don't think the zero tails had this limitation, and if my guess is correct, this also applies for the one responsible for all these seeds of darkness, meaning he probably has incredible reserves of chakra… Even more than a tailed beast, tch how annoying' Bakorio's annoyance kept getting bigger and bigger as he started to gage the strength of his stalker, but it quickly dissipated from his face as he arrived in front of the civilian school and saw that the students were just starting to leave so he leaned beside the entrance as he observed how many parents came to pick their kids, and how those same kids kept point their fingers at him and whispering to their parents with sparkling eyes.

This situation continued until Sasuke and Naruto came out and the moment they saw him, they rushed at him but he immediately stopped them by poking their heads and saying "Let's go to Ichiraku ramen and tell me what happened during my absence"

"Um we enrolled into …" Sasuke and Naruto started rumbling about their time in school and how Sasuke become the top of his class while Naruto too wasn't that bad since in this timeline, he has his parents, and Kushina will never let him be lazy…

While listening to the two kids, someone suddenly stepped in front of them, Bakorio's mouth twitched a bit seeing it was none other than Itachi who said with a smile " Hi there Bakorio-kun, it has been a while"

Bakorio snorted at him and replied "It was nice not seeing your stupid face Itachi" Itachi's smile froze as his eyes started twitching a little bit 'Should I incinerate this annoying brat with Amaterasu right now?' Thought Itachi bringing a smirk to Bakorio's face "Anyways, I'm taking Sasuke and Naruto with me"

"Big brother, I will be going with Bakorio, see you later!" Said Sasuke in excitement not noticing that his brother was feeling betrayed right now and Naruto also just waved at him before they followed Bakorio...

"Sigh, his friend comes and he forgets about his elder brother" Itachi had a helpless look on his face, but someone approached him with a smile and said "You seem happy though"

"In what world do I look happy, Shisui!" said Itachi with a pout making Shisui chuckle a little bit while observing the fading back of Bakorio…

Whike he was having some ramen with the kids and hearing about their life for the past few months Bakorio was surprised when he was approached by none other than Shikamaru...

"Oh, Shikamaru, how come you are here, and why did yo skip classes today?" Asked Naruto, and Shikamaru took advantage of this situation to sit beside him and started some small talk with him before he turned his attention to the kid sitting between Naruto and Sasuke and enjoying his ramen with a smile on his face, but when Shikamaru looked at his eyes, he felt like that smile was only an illusion...

But he quickly shook away these thoughts and asked directly"Bakorio, I heard from my father that you are very strong, how strong are you? did you reach Jonin level like that genius Itachi Uchiha?"

Bakorio glanced at the kid Shikamaru and smiled slightly before he said "maybe... why do you ask?"

Shikamaru replied immediately as if his answer was long prepared "Just curiou...", just at this moment, a green shadow flashed behind Bakorio, and before anyone could react it reached Bakorio before it retreated back again...

The normal civilians in the ramen shop didn't see what happened at all, and even kids aspiring to be ninjas didn't see what happened, but in reality, Bakorio had just exchanged a few moves against his sudden attacker before the latter retreated and said

"It seems Kakashi's praise of you isn't for nothing..." It was none other than Guy who had an excited look in his eyes filled with his aura of youth and Bakorio noticed that he didn't have a seed of darkness which brought a genuine smile to his face as he said "Long time no see Guy..."

"Oh, so you still remember me, this is nice hahahaha" said Guy with a huge toothy grin. They only met briefly during the incident with Furido but they didn't interact much...

"Of course, who would forget a weirdo like you? and why did you attack Bakorio?" Said Naruto while looking at Guy's tight suit with a weird look in his eyes, while Shikamaru simply stared with wide eyes at just what happened 'It seems like father was right, This weirdo is an actual Jonin and yet he still fended him off easily without moving from his seat!'

Meanwhile hearing what Naruto said and seeing the look on Sasuke's face that said he was going to attack at any moment, Guy let out a laugh before he said "Let's train together later and see whose youth shines brighter!"

"Are you crazy, why would Bako..." Sasuke was about to mock Guy but to his surprise, Bakorio replied saying with a terrifying grin"Sure, but you will have to go all out"

Guy felt like he was being stared at by a huge monster, but he wasn't fazed at all, instead, his fighting spirit ignited even more! "Great, I will be waiting for you!" He said before he left...


After this incident, Bakorio went back home and enjoyed his time for a few days to relieve the stress of having to go blind countless times to enhance his abilities.

During this time, many people visited him after hearing about his presence, but the most prominent one was Hiashi and his family including the shy Hinata and her baby sister Hanabi. But the reason it was so prominent was because Mukai also visited at the same time with his wife and two kids, and another kid Neji Hyuga which made the joyful atmosphere in the house tense.

'Mukai... this trouble maker' Seeing the slight smirk on his face, Bakorio knew for sure that Mukai timed his visit on purpose with the Hyuga family for some reason, and indeed it didn't take long for Hiashi to ask "Neji, what are you doing here?"

During this timeline, he wasn't as cold to Neji since his wife was still alive but he still had to maintain the prestige of his main family…

Seeing how Hinata was looking at her father worriedly and how Neji was slightly scared and hid behind Mukai, Bakorio's heart finally softened and approached Neji with a smile "What's your name?"

Neji was slightly hesitant, but seeing that the kid in front of him had a friendly smile on his face, he replied "N-Neji Hyuga"

"OHH, then that's fine, you are always welcome in my house" said Bakorio with a smile as he wrapped his hand around Neji's neck and said " come let me introduce you to Naruto and Sasuke, I'm sure you know them right?"

"This is…" Hiashi didn't know how to approach this matter since Bakorio seemed to accept Neji just because he was a Hyuga which made him appreciate the gesture but something kept bugging him, and that thing was the ugly smirk on Mukai's face… as well as the aching injuries he had from this same hateful guy!