Kakashi's request and hard truth

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


After everyone left and Bakorio was enjoying his time at home, Minato came back from who knows where along with an unexpected visitor, it was none other than Kakashi, 'Oh, so Minato couldn't help it and told him about his revival in the end huh' thought Bakorio with a slight smile, he could clearly see that the heavy burden on Kakashi's heart became much more lighter….

"Yo Minato what's this annoying guy doing here?" asked Bakorio making Minato sigh helplessly while Kakashi simply rubbed the back of his head not knowing what to say before he bowed deeply and said "Thank you for reviving my teacher, and sorry for doubting you before"

While Bakorio was away, Minato and Kakashi spent a lot of time together to catch up on what happened while he was dead, and he did his best to help him get out of his depression, especially since he wasn't shackled by his position as a Hokage… he also told him how Bakorio was able to retrieve his soul from the death reaper and eventually resurrected both him and Kushina leaving Kakashi speechless…

And indeed, this brought great changes to Kakashi, as well as hope… hope that his friends could be revived just like his sensei, hence his visit to Bakorio wasn't merely to apologize for his previous behavior, but also to make a request…

"You don't have to thank me, I did it for my own purposes" said Bakorio with a smile.

"I know, my teacher told me" replied Kakashi bringing a genuinely surprised look to Bakorio's face as he stared at Minato with a look that said 'Did you really' and the latter nodded calmly.

'I didn't expect Minato would put down his pride and tell someone that he was my follower…' Thought Bakorio, remembering his transaction with Minato in what appeared to be a long time ago…

After some small talk with Kakashi, the latter finally revealed his true intentions and said "I have a request"

Bakorio let out a sigh and directly said "You want me to revive your two friends right?"

"Yes, I'm willing to do anything in exchange for this, please" Said Kakashi with an intense determination in his eyes which made Bakorio fall into contemplation…

'It's always worth it to have another loyal follower, but this situation is troublesome, I can't tell him that his dearest friend killed his own teacher and his wife and caused a huge massacre by releasing the enraged Kurama inside the village could I?'

Minato stared silently at Bakorio, clearly his presence here meant that he also desired the same thing but simply didn't want to burden Bakorio with such a task after seeing what he had to go through to achieve it and Bakorio could easily discern those feelings even without relying on his Jikininki…

Eventually, Bakorio looked at Kakashi and said "I'll accept your request, but I will only revive Rin Nohara, Obito Uchiha will have to wait"

Minato's eyes flickered slightly, while Kakashi couldn't hold back his doubt and asked "Why can't you revive Obito as well?"

Surely if he can revive two powerful people like his teacher and his wife, he could definitely do the same to weaker people like Obito and Rin, right? This was what Kakashi was thinking and Bakorio simply answered with "It's a limitation of my ability, it weakens me a lot, I have things to do that requires my full power in the near future, but don't worry, you will also get your other friend in the future"

Bakorio decided to reply with a mix of truth and lies, he promised him that he will meet his friend in the future, but he never said that he needed to revive him for that… he also said the truth about needing to be at full power in the near future, but it was a lie that the revival process would weaken him… So, Kakashi easily believed him in the end. While Minato simply watched silently making Bakorio feel uncomfortable…

'Damn this guy is too smart for his own good' thought Bakorio while Kakashi replied with a sincere look saying "I will be eternally grateful, even reviving Rin alone is a huge debt I could never fully repay…"

"As long as you are loyal, you don't have to worry about repaying it, I believe Minato already told you everything you need to know, go prepare her body for me" replied Bakorio prompting another bow from Kakashi both to him and his teacher that gave him this opportunity, the opportunity to fix his greatest regret of killing his own friend, before he turned around and left leaving Minato and Bakorio alone staring at each other silently…

However, the silence didn't last long as Bakorio let out a sigh and said "stop staring at me like that, it's annoying"

Minato let out a fake laugh and said "Sorry about that, it just felt weird to me, why did you lie to Kakashi?"

'This guy and his terrifying instincts, does he also have a Jikininki or what?' thought Bakorio in annoyance before he replied helplessly saying "I lied for his own good, and yours…"

Minato was surprised slightly as countless thoughts swirled inside his mind but he simply couldn't guess what was going on, but it was something concerning one of his students so he couldn't rest until he understood what was going on "Please tell me"

Seeing Minato like this made Bakorio hesitant, he didn't want to hurt his feelings, and telling him that his student Obito killed the two of them despite the fact that in his heart, he loved him more than the other two, and even his wife felt the same even though she argued with Obito a lot, but she always dreamt about one thing… to have a son like him who can be bright and forthright, and grows up to be just like Obito…

Letting out a long sigh, Bakorio said "Tell Kushina and Kurama to come here, this is something they need to hear as well" He decided to tell them, and he immediately started to make some changes to his plans 'Hopefully my guess is correct…' thought Bakorio

Meanwhile, Minato's heart started to grow heavier hearing what Bakorio said but he quickly left to call them while thinking 'Why did he need them present… don't tell me! No, I should hear his explanation first!' finishing his thought, Minato quickened his footsteps…


A few minutes later, everyone was assembled in the living room, Kurama was laying lazily with closed eyes not interested in Minato's student, while Kushina and Minato started seriously at Bakorio waiting for him to begins speaking and he simply let out a sigh before he started his explanation directly dropping a bomb on them "The reason why I can't revive Obito is simply because he isn't dead"

Minato stared silently at Bakorio in shock while Kushina stood to her feet and exclaimed "Are you serious Bakorio? How can you be so sure? Where's he now? We need to find him!"

Kushina's face was filled with both surprise, shock, and delight at this news, and her doubts were only in the purpose of confirming them and hence confirming this wonderful news, but Bakorio immediately dropped a bucket of cold water on her enthusiasm as he said

"It's true, however the matter isn't so simple" said Bakorio, and Minato caught the hint as he replied with a heavy look on his face and asked "is this why you called Kurama here?"

Kushina thought that she realized what was going on and said "Bakorio, is Obito in trouble and you need Kurama's help?"

However, Bakorio simply shook his head, this time catching Kurama's interest as Bakorio said "Obito isn't in trouble. In his current state, it's more appropriate to call him trouble…"

"What do you mean?" Kushina's heart started to grow heavier as well as she finally realized that the situation felt more ominous than joyful…

Bakorio didn't beat around the bush and directly told them the truth "Obito, known currently as Tobi, he's the masked man that caused the incident that led to the death of the two of you 6 years ago as well as many of Konoha's ninja and citizens!"

Kushina's face froze, and turned pale like a ghost as she dropped to her knees from the sheer shock she was feeling while Minato's face twisted in a mixture of sorrow and pain as he asked hesitantly "Is this why you didn't tell us?"

Bakorio nodded silently not knowing how to console them. Meanwhile, Kurama's eyes were filled with hatred at the thought of the person that used him!

"Why? Just why?" Asked Kushina while staring at the empty space in front of her, this news was too shocking for her as she never expected that the boy she loved so dearly like a son would be the one that took her life and caused a lot of suffering…

"Only he can give you the answer…" replied Bakorio, even though he knew the answer, but this was necessary for his next plans. And indeed, his words lit a spark on Minato's and Kushina's eyes, as they both asked with determination in their eyes "Where's he?"