Chaos at the Hyuga clan

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


Hearing Kushina's question, Bakorio stared at Minato silently before he said "I'm not sure about his current location but I know you left a mark on him during your fight 6 years ago and you can teleport to him at any time. However, I suggest you don't act for now"

"Is that true Minato?" asked Kushina hurriedly and Minato nodded back with a hint of shock hidden deeply in his eyes surprised that Bakorio knew even this and couldn't help but think about the great toad sage that wasn't able to predict his future …

"Then we should go right away! We can't let him stay like that, he must be in pain…" Said Kushina but this time it was Minato who replied to her as he asked Bakorio "Is there a reason you don't want us to meet him right now?"

Bakorio thought about it slightly before he responded "He's related to the Akatsuki, and their leader is quite the troublesome fellow and so are the rest of their members… Wait until I make a few preparations, we shall leave after I solved Mukai's problem with the Hyuga clan. I don't want to leave any unknown danger behind…"

Kushina was relieved when she heard that this won't take too long while Minato kept contemplating how could Bakorio think of the Hyuga clan as a hidden danger… 'The situation with Obito seems more complicated than I thought… it seems like Bakorio-kun didn't hide it from us for no reason…'


For the next few days, huge waves swept through the Hyuga clan when Hiashi claimed that he wanted to end the heartless tradition of their clan… But of course, he was met with incredible resistance from the members of the main family and even his position as clan head was under serious threat and only his good relation with the Hokage was helping him keep it for now. However, he received tremendous support from the enslaved branches…

"Sigh, I can't believe they wouldn't relent at all in this aspect… do they really not care about the sacrifices the branch families do for the clan… don't they care for Hizashi's sacrifice…" muttered Hiashi with a tired look on his face as he remembered his confrontation with the elders of his family…

-Flash back-

"I want to abolish the curse mark ritual from our clan!" said Hiashi with a determined look on his face.

"Hiashi, are you crazy? You want to go against your ancestor's teaching?" said one of the elders.

"Our clan was just humiliated by that filthy brat with tainted bloodline, and you want to further humiliate us by agreeing with him?" said another elder, this time it was a woman.

"It must be because of that brat that returned to the village, Mukai was probably only following his orders, the Uchiha clan must be trying to weaken our clan! Is this why the Hokage's is supporting you? now everything makes sense!" said an elder who thought he was wise forcing Hiashi to cut them off

"Stop talking such nonsense, how could you doubt my loyalty to the clan? And if anyone hears what you are saying about the Hokage, you will only lose us favor with him!"

"So what? You want us to let them meddle into our matters and not react? Plus are you an idiot? How are you going to remove the curse marks? Do you want to kill all of the branch families members? Is this your great solution to free them?"

Hiashi's face darkened. Of course he knew about the curse being impossible to remove and the only way it dissipate is if their host dies… what he wanted is to treat them as humans, not as disposable pawns and allow the next generations to live free from these chains, but it appears that these disgusting elders will only keep playing dumb and they even started blaming the Uchiha…

'This is harder than I thought…' Thought Hiashi, and if Bakorio was here, he would have noticed that all of these elders had seeds of darkness and they were slowly manipulating their emotions to get more and more aggressive and lose their rationality and come up with crazy ideas like blaming the Uchiha…

Even Hiashi had one, and it was slowly manipulating him to give up like the whispers of a devil…

-End of flashback-

While Hiashi was deep in thought, someone entered his room with a smirk on his face "What are you doing here you bastard?" Asked Hiashi with an annoyed look on his face when he saw that his sudden visitor was Mukai…

"Can't I just visit my dear friend? You know they say friendship is born from fighting" Said Mukai with his usual annoying smirk before his gaze landed on a bottle of sake In front of Hiashi and his eyes lit up as he picked it up and took a few mouthfuls before he let out a satisfied sigh "AHHH, the Hyuga really know how to enjoy themselves"

"That's a limited edition Sake from the land of iron, you better be ready to pay the price for it" said Hiashi with a serious look on his face causing Mukai to pause and say with a pout "Why are you being so stingy?"

But Hiashi simply kept glaring at him with the same serious face and Mukai finally let out a sigh and said with a grin "Fine, you can put the tab on Bakorio Uchiha"

Hiashi chuckled slightly before he said "He's going to kill you for that", but Mukai simply took another mouthful before he said "Ah, if only these annoying flies didn't ruin it for me? I would have died happily for this"

Hiashi's eyes narrowed suddenly as he turned to the door and said "What are you doing here?"

Surprisingly, his office was surrounded by the elders of his family "Hiashi, how dare you collude with an outsider to try to take down our glorious clan, prepare yourself to get punished!"

"it seems like you rotten people made up your minds" replied Mukai with a smirk before Hiashi could respond making the latter speechless since he didn't understand what he meant

"You intruder will also be punished for trespassing into our clan!" Said one of the elders while Hiashi turned his attention to Mukai and finally felt like his presence here wasn't a coincidence and asked while slowly standing up "What's going on here?"

Mukai shrugged and said "It's pretty obvious, they plan to get rid of you since you do not follow their ways and they can't control you, just like what happened to my Kohinata clan…" At the end, Mukai turned solemn and so did Hiashi as he stared at his elders before activating his Byakugan and noticed the situation outside…

Many Jonin from the main and branch families were waiting for the order to attack at any moment, and those from the branch families were standing with ugly expressions, clearly they were forced to be here…

"I see…" Hiashi let out a sigh and felt completely hopeless by his clan's actions 'I was too naïve to think I could change a tradition of many generations just by words, and now I'm going to pay the price…'

"What going to happen to my family?" asked Hiashi worried about his wife and daughters since he couldn't find them inside the clan's compound, but no one responded to him letting him know the extent of their cruelty…

Hiashi lost all hope and was ready to fight to the death but that's when Mukai suddenly chuckled "Do you really think you have the advantage in numbers?"

"Shut up, you descendant from a traitorous branch, no clan is allowed to interfere in our internal matters so don't hope for any reinforcements!" Said one of the elders with an arrogant look, but Mukai's smile only widened while the elders felt their spines tingling as a strong aura of death covered all of the Hyuga compound...

"Of course, the Hyuga are going to get their revenge with their own hands" Said Mukai with a twisted grin… and to the shock of the elders who activated their Byakugan to see what was going on… they noticed that a dark aura of death covered all of the members from the branch families and they started falling one after another before the aura disappeared

"Who dares attack our clan? Show yourself!" Yelled one of the elders but he couldn't detect the user of such a weird power, and then to their shock, the branch members they thought were killed slowly rose up… and different from the struggling looks they had earlier, now their eyes were clear and filled with hope as tears fell from their eyes and one of them slowly removed the head guard he was wearing to hide his curse and surprisingly it was gone, their shackles were removed…

"Now the numbers are on our side" said Mukai with a twisted grin while Hiashi stared with wide eyes…