New bloodline and Eye of Truth

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


While going back as Mukai was tagging along, Bakorio couldn't help but ask "You improved a lot in your Taijutsu, I didn't expect to see you create a new style by merging medical Jutsu with the gentle fist"

Mukai almost dropped his jugs hearing Bakorio easily decern the idea behind his new cool Jutsu and seeing his shocked look, Bakorio chuckled slightly and said "Why are you surprised? I've spent a lot of time with Orochimaru learning medical Ninjutsu… You think I didn't notice you doing the same?"

'This kid is annoying as ever' thought Mukai before he replied with a grin "What do you think? Aren't I the strongest Taijutsu user ever? I named that style the sharp fist!"

Mukai's medical knowledge didn't start just from our time with Orochimaru, he learned a lot when his son Murata was ill trying to find a cure for him, and recently when Bakorio gave him the full techniques the Hyuga's had… he was able to create this new one… a very deadly fighting style!

"Sharp fist huh? I like it, and yes you are probably the strongest right now in terms of Taijutsu, but in the near future someone will surpass you, and with his Taijutsu alone, he would surpass even the level of Hashirama and Madara…" said Bakorio with a smile as he thought about the green creep he had yet to spare with…

Meanwhile, Mukai froze slightly 'Surpass Hashirama and Madara? Is he serious' but he could tell that Bakorio wasn't lying and this lit a fire in his heart as he asked "Who's it?"

Bakorio smiled at him and said "Well, come find me early tomorrow and I might tell you"

"Tch, you are doing this just to annoy me aren't you" said Mukai, and Bakorio grinned at him before he said "Bingo, you are correct. Unfortunately, there's no prize for you, see you tomorrow" before he disappeared from his sight…

"Tch, annoying brat' thought Mukai before he went home to see his family as well…

After Bakorio got away from Mukai, his eyes couldn't help but light up thanks to a notification he received from his system right after the incident in the Hyuga clan was over!

[Quest Shackled clan: Save the Hyuga clan from their idiotic traditions which will allow them to unlock their true potential | Rewards: Hyuga bloodline (50%), 100 000 points (Completed)]

'Hyuga bloodline huh… but how will this work with me already having a Sharingan? If I recall correctly, Hagoromo had a Byakugan before he awakened his Sharingan… but after that awakening, he wasn't shown using his Byakugan anymore… was it because his Uchiha bloodline was higher, or is there another reason?' Bakorio was conflicted since he didn't want to accept this bloodline and risk losing his Sharingan… but then he couldn't help but think

'So far, my different bloodlines didn't affect each other, but I will create a save point just in case' After making his decision, Bakorio accepted the reward of this mission without hesitation.

[Congratulations, you received Hyuga bloodline 50% and 100000 points]

After this notification appeared, both of his eyes and the nerves that led to his brain started burning as If they were thrown into a pool of lava and they appeared to be about to melt at any moment but he could only grit his teeth as he endured the intense pain…

After what felt like ages and his whole body was drenched in sweat, he finally opened his eyes again and he felt disoriented slightly and after staring into a mirror, to his surprise he found that his originally pitch-black eyes transformed into the white pupilless eyes of the Hyuga clan…

'What's going on?' thought Bakorio as he opened the system's interface and found that he still had his Sharingan abilities which allowed him to let out a sigh of relief but he gained a new ability as well.

[All seeing eye level 1: grant the user a 359° field of vision, as well as empowers their Genjutsu and can see-through obstacles and observe chakra in a certain range. Current range: 10 meters]

I actually got the Byakugan's abilities! Bakorio was delighted and quickly activated it and he instantly felt his blood and chakra rushing through his eyes and suddenly found himself seeing everything around him in a range of 10 meters including Kushina who was preparing dinner happily and after focusing on her, his vision moved and saw her chakra channels and the vast amount of chakra she had!

After deactivating it, he decided to activate his Sharingan and as usual, his eyes turned into his three tomoe Sharingan and he had all his usual abilities...

'Is this because of the system that I retained the abilities of both bloodlines? Or is it something else?' thought Bakorio before he suddenly had a great idea 'What if I used them both at the same time?'

Driven by his curiosity, Bakorio immediately put this idea to the test and immediately regretted it as he felt a terrifying amount of information rushing to his mind concerning his surroundings and the world around him completely slowed down as he gained a terrifying level of clarity because to his surprise, he could even see the nature energy drifting through the sky, but he also saw something else, faint dark chakra floating from people's hearts and rising into the air before leaving his sight

'What is that?' questioned Bakorio before he suddenly felt a terrible ache in his head, and he knew this pain very well, his chakra was completely exhausted…

"Ugh, the consumption is far more than I thought" muttered Bakorio while glancing at his drained chakra bar but a notification soon appeared in front of him startling him

[Congratulations: you gained the ability Eye of truth]

'A new ability huh… worthy of its name' thought Bakorio before he remembered the chakra rising from the dark seeds like a beacon and his heart became slightly heavier

'I need to hasten my plan' he thought as he glanced at the crescent moon that was slowly rising in the night sky…


After gaining this new bloodline, Bakorio simply kept his Sharingan activated permanently to hide the fact that he has the Hyuga bloodline for now, and it wasn't that storage since many people from the Uchiha clan do this such as Shisui…

And the next day, he was visited by Mukai early in the morning before even the birds started chirping and Minato sleepily opened the door for him and said "Oh Mukai… why are you visiting so early in the morning?"

Mukai smirked slightly before he said "Of course, it's to annoy Bakorio, please wake him up"

Minato had some dark lines on his face as he remembered how Kushina kicked him out of bed and told him to see who was knocking 'You are annoying me, you bastard' thought Minato before he let out a helpless sigh and told him to wake up Bakorio by himself…

"Fine" Mukai's smile spelled nothing but trouble, but Minato wanted to see him in pain so he let him do as he pleased with a cold smile on his face…

As Mukai entered the house, he directly opened the door to Bakorio's room and was ready to splash him with a water Jutsu "Water style: water splash jut-" but before he could finish his hand sign, Bakorio suddenly opened his blood-red eyes surprising Mukai as 10 lethal kunai flew at him from hidden locations in the room and at the same time, Bakorio sent a kick to his jaw but Mukai calmly avoided everything while deflecting those he couldn't dodge including Bakorio's kick, but it was only a feint as Bakorio twisted mid-air and kicked him with his other foot sending him stumbling out of the room

"Tch tch.. brat, why are you sleeping with your Sharingan activated?" asked Mukai in bewilderment, but he only received a snort from Bakorio "It seems like you want to have some fun with Kurama…"

Mukai remembering the annoying fox that was playing somewhere recently, he flinched slightly before he said with a warm smile "I just came to wake you up… believe me I came in peace"

But suddenly, Bakorio vanished from his vision and he received a painful kick to the ass "If you try anything like that again in the future, the thing that greets your ass would be one of my lethal kunais" said Bakorio with a devilish smile as Mukai rubbed his aching ass with a nervous look on his face while thinking 'I couldn't react at all just now… what the hell was that Jutsu?'

This was the power of Bakorio's Blink skill which he rarely uses!