Bakorio vs Guy

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


"So, who's this guy you are saying will surpass me in Taijutsu?" Asked Mukai with intrigue as both he and Bakorio walked to one of Konoha's training grounds and the latter simply replied "You will soon find out…"

'He's still mad at me' Thought Mukai as his butt still ached slightly from Bakorio's kick, but his attention was suddenly attracted to the training ground as he could hear a voice struggling to count "856…857..858…"

Mukai couldn't help but sigh in disappointment before he shot Bakorio a condescending look and said "Are you serious, you are comparing me to someone who can only do 800 something of a physical exercise?" *

Bakorio ignored him and kept walking prompting Mukai to let out a sigh and follow him while complaining constantly… that is until his eyes landed at Guy who was doing push-ups on one hand while carrying a huge boulder on his back and Mukai's jaw almost dropped to the floor after seeing this…

"900… 901 … 902.." Guy was sweating rivers from all over his body and he was clearly struggling but he kept pushing himself to surpass his limits!

Mukai's expression finally grew solemn as he saw the unshakable look on Guy's face and any traces of the disdain he had before had completely vanished by now…

They observed Guy silently and waited for him to finish his push-ups and he soon collapsed after reaching 1000 and started breathing heavily and gasping for air…

"Hey, how's he going to spar with us if he's already so exhausted?" asked Mukai while pointing at Guy who finally noticed their presence…

"Ah ah Bakorio, you are here, don't worry friend, I was just warming up, I haven't even started training yet" said Guy while grinning widely and giving them a thumbs up.

"Indeed, stupid people have stupid people recovery" muttered the speechless Mukai while Bakorio approached Guy and gave him a simple stamina recovery potion "Here, drink this, it will help you recover faster"

"Hmm okay" said Guy without doubting Bakorio and quickly drank the potion in one mouthful 'Isn't he a little bit too trusting, especially from such a suspicious looking person…' thought Mukai but Bakorio somehow felt it and he ended up receiving another kick for it.

Meanwhile, Guy who had just drank the potion suddenly felt his tired body slowly filling up with energy again and recovering from its fatigue at an incredible speed!

"OHHH, This potion is amazing, where can I buy it from?" asked Guy and Bakorio simply smiled and said "You can't buy it from anywhere, it was hard to come by, even for me"

"Ehh, now I feel bad for taking it" said Guy but Bakorio simply chuckled at him and responded "Don't worry, about it… anyways, this here Is my annoying friend Mukai Kohinata… Mukai, this is Might Guy"

After introducing them to each other, Bakorio quickly said "So, what do you think about having a spar?"

"I've been waiting for it for the past few days" replied Guy with an excited look as Bakorio quickly checked his attributes that were greatly enhanced from his training the past few months and the influence of nature energy...


STR 134 > 330

AGI 125 > 240

PHY 206 > 280

VIT 251 > 300

STA 340 > 560

SPI 760 > 910

This was the limit of his current body as it was limited by his age, but he might be able to improve it using Dark chakra which he will research once he leaves the village…

"Let's start then" thought Bakorio before he instantly rushed at Guy without using his chakra to enhance himself, and Guy did the same as they immediately clashed causing a huge shockwave to pass through the training ground as Guy tried to kick Bakorio and the latter did the same… Shin to shin, the best test for their durability!

And surprisingly, Guy didn't as much as flinch while Bakorio frowned slightly at the pain he was feeling since he felt like he just hit his leg into a steel pillar…

'His conditioning is way beyond me at the moment…' Thought Bakorio as he imagined the countless hours Guy spent kicking trees to condition his shins before he barely dodged another kick by him 'We are at around the same speed... This is not normal! as for his strength, I can't determine it yet'

After making his initial assessment, Bakorio's movement changed slightly and he started mixing feints into his attacks as well as using his Sharingan to read and learn from Guy's movement pushing him back slightly...

'Amazing, he's just a kid yet he's so skilled and strong, in terms of skills he's even better than me, even if he doesn't use his Sharingan' thought Guy before he started pressuring Bakorio slowly by increasing his strength and speed slowly until Bakorio suddenly disengaged from him and said

"Guy, stop holding back, I want to face you using your true strength" Mukai could see the annoyance in Bakorio's face and he couldn't help but think 'Eh, is Guy holding back that much for Bakorio to feel insulted?'

And soon he saw as Guy rubbed the back of his head and said with a grin "Fine, you deserve me going slightly serious" Then, to Mukai's surprise, Guy suddenly lowered his orange leg warmers and took a strip of weights from each leg…

'He's actually wearing weights… they're probably not that heavy since he even trained with them earlier…' Thought Mukai but his jaw soon hit the floor as Guy threw away the weights and they caused a huge depression on the ground as dirt and sand rose in the air!

"Okay, you are definitely crazy" said Mukai in disbelief while Bakorio's face darkened slightly before he smiled "Now this is more like it"

"Are you ready Bakorio-kun? This time I'm not going to hold back" said Guy with a grin and Bakorio smiled at him and said "Bring it on"

Guy nodded before he suddenly vanished into thin air as Mukai widened his eyes and saw Bakorio ducking and barely dodging a kick that sent a huge shockwave that shook the trees in the distance…

'This… His agility is definitely at least twice mine if not more' thought Bakorio, but Guy didn't give him the time to think and kept attacking him from every possible direction and Bakorio could only either dodge or block and get sent flying with soreness all over his arms…

'The difference in attributes is overwhelming, but I can't lose just like that' Bakorio's eyes sharpened and Guy who was shocked inside his heart by not being able to land a finishing blow until now noticed this as his fighting spirit burned even brighter with the fire of his youth as he rushed at Bakorio and tried to front kick him in the face with his right leg… this was just a faint and he was ready to send another attack right away if Bakorio dodges

However, this time Bakorio used his incredible reaction speed and waited at the very last moment to tilt his to the side, but his face was still grazed by the kick causing his skin to almost get ripped off and it barely held on because of his high PHY. At the same time, he used this opportunity as Guy was still dragged by his momentum and feinted a punch which made Guy raise his guard and divert his attention from his real target… The leg he was standing on!

Bakorio sent a vicious kick at the lower part of Guy's leg causing him to fall face-first into the floor and eat dirt while Bakorio kept holding the right side of his face that was red like a tomato…

After standing up, Guy and Mukai kept staring at Bakorio astonished by how vicious he can be to himself and his opponents and they felt a slight fear at the thought of facing him as an enemy while he's using his true power "This is the worst kind of enemy anyone could get, I really hate this annoying kid" muttered Mukai, but the grin on his face said otherwise…