The way to become a perfect sage!

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


I would like to announce that I released a new fiction titled "My Life In The Multiverse" check it out and tell me what you think.


"Time to leave…" muttered Bakorio who was absorbing nature's chakra passively thanks to his nature's chakra skill reaching level 100! before he walked outside of his room and was surprised to see Tagitsuhime waiting for him in her human form.

"Bakorio-kun, the white snake sage wants to see you before you leave" she said and Bakorio was slightly surprised "He really has ears all over this cave"

Tagitsuhime giggled slightly and said "Of course… please follow me". Bakorio nodded at her and followed silently, he didn't want to get too close to these snakes that appear friendly on the surface while inside… they were snakes...

Once they reached in front of the white snake sage, the latter couldn't help but let out a long sigh and said "Kid, you are truly an anomaly, mastering our sage arts in such a short period of time, you remind me of him…"

Bakorio tilted his head in confusion and asked "What do you mean by him?"

The white snake sage let out a sigh and said "The sage of six paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki!"

Bakorio felt as if a bomb exploded on his head as the gears inside of it begin turning at a terrible speed 'Hagoromo learned the snake sage mode? Don't tell me he…'

"It seems I was right, you knew about the sage" said the white snake sage with a grin before she dropped another bomb on Bakorio "Do you know why he's called the sage of six paths?"

Bakorio shook his head and the white snake sage slowly said "It's because he mastered all the sage arts this world had to offer and merged them together"

Bakorio's mouth opened slightly… he had a similar idea himself, but he never thought this was how Hagoromo gained his own legendary strength… 'But wait, doesn't that mean there are 6 sage arts? Toad , snake, slug… but what about the other three'

"Do you have any idea what the other three sage arts are?" asked Bakorio and the white snake sage chuckled slightly and nodded before she said "I do indeed, but why should I tell you?"

'Damn it, this snake will definitely ask for a high price for this information…' time seemed to stop around Bakorio as he thought 'what's the commonality between the different sage creatures? They have sacred grounds, that's a given… but most importantly… They can talk! But I don't know all the animals that can talk in this world…' Bakorio frowned slightly before he concluded 'let's see what's his price first'

"I'm already in your debt for allowing me to train here, so I don't mind helping you if it's within my capabilities" said Bakorio, this was indeed how he felt and the white snake sage smiled warmly at him if a snake could have such an expression but it was clearer on Tagitsuhime's human face who for the first time, didn't find Bakorio annoying…

"Kid, I was always blessed with the ability to sense people's destiny, but for some reason, I failed to read yours as it was hidden by a darkness…"

Bakorio frowned slightly and said "I see, but don't worry, no matter what the future holds I will just face it when the time comes"

The white snake sage nodded at him before she said "Please assist my Ryuchi cave in the future if we ever need it"

'Oh, this is quite simple' thought Bakorio before he nodded and easily agreed which made a smile return to the white snake sage's solemn face "Now then, I'm sure you are quite curious about the identity of the other three sage arts locations..."

Bakorio nodded at her and she begin explaining "The reason why people don't know about them is because they are rarely open to outsiders, in fact, my Ryuchi cave is the only location of the six that's open to the whole world and willing to teach sage arts, the other two you probably know thanks to your village, Mount Myoboku, and Shikkotsu forest are only open to people who are somehow connected to them throughout the history of this world"

The white snake sage paused here and explained to Bakorio the selection process of these sacred grounds "Katsuyu, the owner of Shikkotsu forest only accepts those that are either extremely skilled in medical arts or have bodies that are compatible with her sage transformation. As for the toads from mount Myoboku, they only accept people who that old geezer sees in his prophecies or are related to the direct bloodline of the sage, and the rest of the sage beasts follow similar procedures!"

Bakorio nodded at the white snake sage, and he felt like he was beginning to understand why it was very rare to find sage art users!

"As for the identity of the other three, they are the dogs protecting the gates of hell, the monkeys from the mountain of flowers, and the turtles of the dragon palace!"

'Aren't all of these animals somehow related to Konoha?' Bakorio suddenly remembered Kakashi's dog summon Pakkun that was different from any other dogs he saw or heard of from the anime since he can talk and he always found it weird… and then there's the monkey king Enma, Hiruzen's summon, and Guy's turtle summon Ningame... Damn just what's so special about that village, this can't be a mere coincidence… Don't tell me, is Hagoromo doing this on purpose so someone can follow in his footsteps and unlock his sage transformation? Nah probably not… He would have interfered with black Zetsu's plans if he could affect the world this much…'

Seeing the thoughtful look on Bakorio's face, the white snake sage didn't interrupt his thought and waited calmly for him to digest this information…

"Thank you" said Bakorio gratefully and the white snake sage said with an evil grin "let me know if they don't agree to help you" and Bakorio responded with one of his own "don't worry, I'm good at talking and convincing people"

Tagitsuhime who was listening to them remembered how Bakorio made it his routine to beat Manda and any snake that tried to help it when he was training his Taijutsu and couldn't help but shiver 'You are good at talking with your fists indeed' she thought as she watched Bakorio calling the now obedient Manda over and used it to reverse summon himself back to Orochimaru's base…


Meanwhile, inside the temple, Tagitsuhime couldn't help but voice her worries now that Bakorio was gone "Your majesty, are you worried about the darkness you saw?"

The white snake sage remained silent for a while before she closed her eyes and muttered "It's not the vision that worries me, it's what I do not see…"

Hearing this brought an ominous feeling to Tagitsuhime's heart….


At Orochimaru's hideout, a huge cloud of smoke suddenly covered the whole place as a huge purple snake manifested itself and a boy dressed in black came out from inside of it…

"Bakorio-kun, you are back already…" Asked Orochimaru who sensed the presence of his summon nearby thanks to the contract between them and went to greet them and Bakorio nodded at him "It has been a while Orochimaru…"

"I believe you mastered the snake sage art since you are already here…" said Orochimaru with shining eyes and Bakorio replied with a weird smile "You want to test its might?"

Orochimaru nodded with an excited smile and Bakorio calmly activated his level 100 snake sage mode! A strong green aura covered Bakorio's body like a cloak, and if someone looked closely, they would have seen that the strands of chakra flying through the air were made of small snakes!

Orochimaru readied himself by taking out a sword from his mouth as he heard Bakorio say with a smile "Here I come", but Orochimaru's smile suddenly turned into absolute shock as Bakorio moved with a terrible speed that he could barely react to and a punch connected with his stomach and sent him flying away through the walls of the hideout!

This was the advantage of this sage art… Speed, absolute speed! And this was only using the sage chakra without mixing it with something like lightning chakra to empower the power of certain jutsus like the lighting chakra cloak…

"It seems I can fight the strong now without my eyes…" muttered Bakorio before he frowned as he noticed that he was already down to only 90% of his chakra… 'But the consumption is still too much retendering prolonged fights my biggest weakness'

"That was amazing…" Muttered Orochimaru who climbed from the rubble and stared at Bakorio with a crazed look in his eyes unworried about the pain he was feeling from his caved in stomach…