Katsuyu's assessment

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The link is also in the synopsis


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Bakorio glanced at his hands and the damage he dealt to Orochimaru before he said "Unfortunately, I'm limited by my own chakra reserves, otherwise I would be even stronger than I already am"

Orochimaru nodded at this before he said with a smirk "Don't worry, once our experiments are over, you will gain enough chakra reserves and much more to spare"

Bakorio nodded at him as he knew Hashirama's bloodline would give him a huge boost so he asked "How long will it take for the final product to be ready?"

Orochimaru pondered slightly before he said "I'm not sure, the complexity of the Uchiha and Senju's bloodline makes them very hard to mix to begin with, but then you have other bloodlines which further increased the difficulty of the operation…

'I guess it's logical, It took Madara decades for his bloodline to fully merge and he unlocked the Rinnegan at the doors of death' thought Bakorio before he said "Don't worry and just do your best, and invest some more effort into teaching Kabuto, I think he's going to be the key for this operation to succeed"

Orochimaru was surprised at first before he stared at Bakorio's eyes and responded "It seems like you assessed Kabuto's potential better than I did…"

"Don't sell yourself short, your vision is also nothing to scoff at" said Bakorio, and Orochimaru chuckled slightly before he said "The current synchronization rate is at 30%, and it seems like studying each bloodline individually helped greatly, however, the higher the synchronization we achieve, the harder it's to raise it further… and the difficulty is actually scaling exponentially!"

"It's okay, just keep at it one step at a time... Hopefully, you will be done by the time I finish my training…" replied Bakorio before he quickly left… His direction, Konoha! the village that was hiding so many secrets...

"This kid never rests…" Muttered Orochimaru but Kabuto suddenly appeared from the shadows and said "And so are you, Orochimaru-sama"

"Hehehehe, why didn't you appear earlier?" asked Orochimaru and Kabuto simply shrugged and said "I will appear in front of him when I have the results he seeks…" before he disappeared back to his lab

"This kid…" muttered Orochimaru before he looked down at his caved in stomach and said "Oh that's right, need to fix this body…" before he slithered away back to his lab…


Back at Konoha, the situation was very peaceful, especially after the problem with the Hyuga clan was settled and Fugaku's position as Hokage was cemented so there were no more major threats of a rebellion happening or something like that…

After Bakorio arrived, he visited his friends one by one before he went to the Hokage's office since he guessed that Kakashi was somewhere there, or at least Fugaku knew where he can find him…

"Bakorio, you are back" said Fugaku with a smile and Bakorio smiled back and said "Yea, it has been a while Fugaku, how's the situation in the village so far?"

Fugaku turned to Shikaku who was standing calmly beside him and the latter said "So far everything appears to be fine, on the surface at least… there are some undercurrents in Kiri, some clans are showing signs of rebelling under the tyrannical rule of the fourth Mizukage… Meanwhile, Iwa is acting less aggressive for some reason"

When Shikaku said this, he shot Bakorio a meaningful look before he continued " There's nothing new occurring in Kumo, as for Suna, they are still on good terms with us, but there are some rumors that their Jinchuriki is losing control often since he's still a kid"

"Mmm, I see" replied Bakorio as he thought 'It seems I didn't miss anything major while I was away' before he suddenly asked "Do you happen to know where I can find Kakashi?"

"Oh, Kakashi should be returning from a mission tomorrow, he was sent to investigate some type of weird events near Taki and he should be back soon"

"I see, I will be going then, tell him to contact me once he's back" said Bakorio before he left..;

"He seems busy…" said Shikaku to Fugaku and the latter simply sighed and said "It feels like he's gotten stronger as well…"

Shikaku was surprised by this but just hoped that this would be a good thing for their village…


After Bakorio left the Hokage's office, his next destination was Tsunade's house…

Bakorio knocked on the door, and shortly after, her apprentice Shizune opened the door for him and she was pleasantly surprised as she rushed to hug him and said "Bakorio-kun, you are back!"

"Please put me down Shizune…" said Bakorio in annoyance causing Shizune to reply awkwardly "It has been a while…"

"Indeed, is Tsunade here?" he asked and Shizune nodded and was about to invite him in when they heard the sound of footsteps and Tsunade's voice soon followed after as she said "What's all this noise early in the morning"

Bakorio raised his head and stared at the shining sun indicating that it was noon and Shizune awkwardly said "Lady Tsunade, it's Bakorio-kun…"

Hearing this, Tsunade's eyes lit up slightly and said "Oh, come in"


After sitting in front of each other, Tsunade was the first to talk "I heard from Minato that you met Orochimaru…"

'Damn you Minato and your loud mouth' thought Bakorio in annoyance before he said "Indeed, he's as creepy as the rumors describe him"

Tsunade nodded before her eyes narrowed slightly and said "Why did you approach him instead of asking me for help?"

'Well, you are a great doctor and he's a great scientist, duh…' thought Bakorio but he said "I needed his help to locate Ryuchi cave, I went there to learn sage arts from the white snake sage"

Tsunade's eyes widened slightly as she said "haven't you learned sage arts from Jiraiya?"

"Yea, and I actually visited you for this reason, can you summon Katsuyu,? I wish to learn her sage arts as well…" said Bakorio and Tsunade's mouth almost fell open

"You want to tell me you mastered two sage arts!!!! This is a crazy achievement!" Tsunade almost yelled out loud while Shizune could barely get out of her shocked state and said "Bakorio-kun, you are amazing…"

"Not only amazing, even that bastard Orochimaru couldn't learn the snake sage arts, and the same with Jiraiya since his sage transformation is still flawed…" said Tsunade in astonishment leaving out that she also failed... and having something to compare with caused the shock in Shizune's eyes to grow even bigger before her eyes lit up weirdly…

After calming down, Tsunade said "You want to learn sage arts from Katsuyu right? Although I'm sure she would agree if I ask her for this favor... Unfortunately, her sage arts are extremely hard to train and have extreme demands on the body that even I didn't meet… I will summon her and you can ask her directly"

"That would be much appreciated" said Bakorio with a grateful nod, finding Tsunade's words matching that of the white snake sage…

Tsunade pricked her finger slightly before she summoned a small version of Katsuyu that could sit on the palm of her hand…

Bakorio stared at the white slug curiously as it spoke with a feminine voice "Tsunade, why did you summon me? Is everything okay?"

Tsunade explained to her what Bakorio wanted and asked if she could do her a favor and teach him her sage arts… Bakorio was really grateful for how Tsunade was helping him without asking for anything…

Meanwhile, Katsuyu stared at Bakorio before she approached him and said "So you are Bakorio-kun, I heard a lot about you but we never got the chance to meet"

"Well, here we are" said Bakorio with a smile…

"Learning my sage arts probably has the strictest requirements in all the sage arts, let me see if your body and blood are fit for the training, otherwise you will simply die…" said Katsuyu, and Bakorio nodded and watched how she slowly crawled over his body until she reached his shoulder and begin shining with a gentle green light that covered his whole body…

'Is this some kind of scanning ability?' thought Bakorio in wonder as he watched the light moving across his body in waves without interfering before it completely vanished and Katsuyu said "Unfortunately, your body isn't suitable to learning my sage arts…"

Hearing this, Bakorio wasn't disappointed at all unlike the looks on Tsunade and Shizune's faces as he thought 'Even my strong body isn't enough huh...' before he said "Please explain to me why?"