Medium Kage Body!

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


Thanks to Bakorio's knowledge of medical arts, and probably his eye of enlightenment displaying its subtle effect, he concluded that Shinno was probably utilizing the principle of the muscles growing stronger after their fibers getting destroyed through training and regeneration.

This is a great way to use the strong recovery and destructive characteristics of dark chakra… however, Shinno used it to push himself beyond his body's natural limit and he had to sustain it with dark chakra at all times otherwise it would crumble which is why he ended up in that terrible state after Mukai interrupted the flow of Dark chakra in his body…

But Bakorio wasn't planning to push his body beyond its natural limits, he was planning to just use it to reach the current limit of his body that grew during his three years inside the eternal chamber…

"Let's try this out" muttered Bakorio before he began destroying the fibers of his muscles with dark chakra and reconstructing them again repeatedly… It was a very painful process...

Someone like Shinno who had great mastery as a doctor as well as with dark chakra and its properties could do this almost instantly, but Bakorio had to be careful since he wasn't that experienced yet and it took him a whole day with the use of his multitask ability just so he doesn't make any mistakes… but the results were terrifying and satisfying…

He was already incredibly talented in terms of the body thanks to his greatmaster body talent so even his normal limit was beyond what anyone could reach in their lifetime…

Right now his body was around the age of 10 years old, but after this transformation, he immediately reached 170 cm in height! His body was bulky, full of muscles but lean at the same time, not compromising on any agility and Bakorio was shocked when he opened the stats window



[700 700 700 400 1000 1800]

The biggest increase was in his spirit thanks to all the experiences he went through, but the increase in his body was no joke as well... It was terrifying to say the least, and he was around the level of a medium Kage in terms of body power…

"Nice, I can push myself further but I don't want to become reliant on dark energy for now, let's keep going" muttered Bakorio who was feeling the power coursing through his body and begin transforming his negative emotions into dark chakra and used it to create all kinds of Jutsu…

His best creation was to incorporate dark chakra into the Rasengan creating a destructive Jutsu that was second to power only to his Dark touch Juinjutsu… and he kept spamming this Jutsu inside the eternal chamber while creating dark chakra at the same time for a whole month.

It was a vicious cycle as he quickly grew bored of this training creating more negativity to fuel his emptiness, but at the same time, it quickly leveled up his dark transformation and his new Jutsu which he named Dark Rasengan for convenience which first, made his speed at transforming negative emotions faster, and second, the power of his dark Rasengan surpassed all his other Jutsu and so is its destructiveness which in turn increased its dark chakra cost and was able to reach a rate of refilling and expanding his chakra higher than his creation of negativity.

And once both his dark chakra transformation and Dark Rasengan reached level 100, he was finally able to reach his goal, and he could feel his heart getting lighter and lighter every day and after one month, he finally expanded all of his negativity!

But there was still a trace of his emptiness that was giving birth to negativity inside his heart so he used his High Jikininki to forcefully block it… Although he didn't feel like he could erase it since it was a weird part of him… as if it was a part of his very soul and his instincts warned him against destroying it, but freezing it worked just fine since it was weakened now and didn't consume much of his eye power which was something Bakorio was reluctant to use.

After staying like that for a few seconds feeling delighted inside his heart, a door finally appeared in one of the walls of the eternal chamber signifying Bakorio's success in passing the trial and the end of this annoying test…

"Finally…" Muttered Bakorio as he exited the eternal chamber and was surprised to find Otohime waiting for him outside while carrying a basket full of food in her hand

"You actually passed the test already?" Otohime had a shocked look on her face, after all she knew how difficult this test could be, and she herself spent more than 50 years inside the eternal chamber before she was able to pass it and was considered a genius for it… A time, she was able to expand thanks to her being a long-living tortoise…

"It took too long, why are you saying it as if it was quick?" asked Bakorio who was now taller than Otohime… Thankfully his clothes still fit him just fine since they were system items and he kept his sword inside his inventory for now…

"It took me 50 years to pass the trial, and I'm considered a genius in the dragon palace, some other members of our tribe are still stuck in the eternal chamber for hundreds of years…" Said Otohime with shock still covering her face

"Hmm, there are other eternal chambers?" asked Bakorio who was intrigued by this information… 'If they can create these chambers without the stupid trial, they could become great training grounds… However, he was disappointed when Otohime shook her head at him and said "No, there's only one eternal chamber, but it has many entrances that lead to different enclosed spaces, the one you entered is just a small part of the whole eternal chamber"

"I see, can I start learning sage arts now?" asked Bakorio and Otohime finally remembered that she was supposed to lead him to the black tortoise sage so she smiled awkwardly and said in her soothing voice "T-that's right, please follow me"

'How cute' thought Bakorio before he suddenly remembered 'Didn't I kill her many times inside the infinite dream? Poor girl' Bakorio had a weird look as he stared at Otohime's back and she couldn't help but feel a shiver and she shot him a glare before she said "You walk in front"

"It's not like I'm staring at your a—" however Bakorio couldn't finish his sentence as Otohime blushed slightly and pushed him quickly all the way to the hall where the black tortoise was still sitting just as Bakorio left him, and probably didn't leave that position for a long long time…

"Young man, it seems like you passed the trial and even grew stronger, congratulations" said the ancient voice, and Bakorio nodded back at him and said "How do I learn your sage arts?"

"It's very simple young man, you just need to enter the pond, and nature chakra will naturally begin flowing through your body" said the sage in response and Bakorio begin analyzing the pond of yellow water where the sage was sitting…

"Okay" said Bakorio before he started walking confidently towards the pond and directly stepped into it without hesitation

Right after, huge vortexes appeared inside the pond and the same happened on his skin, as multiple swirls appeared on it before it started bulging up and threatened to transform into a carapace if he doesn't take control of that natural energy quickly…

However, that didn't bother Bakorio, instead, it was a swirl that appeared near his heart that surprised him and he felt his emotions stirring up…

'I see, so this is why they require that trial, it seems that this nature's chakra doesn't affect only the body but probably even the soul is affected' thought Bakorio as he focused on taking control of the natural chakra raging through his body and disturbing his emotions and he remained unmoved like a mountain both in body and spirit!

This went on for a whole day before all the swirls stabilized on Bakorio's skin and he opened his eyes that turned yellow just like that of the black tortoise sage and Otohime and he couldn't help but feel as if he was reborn as his spirit felt stronger than ever before…

[Congratulations host, you learned Tortoise sage arts]

[Tortoise sage art level 1: + 20 to physical attribute]

"Finally, I'm done with this dragon palace… I never expected to spend so much time in this place…" muttered Bakorio as he slowly exited the pond and couldn't wait to leave this place…