Rematch with Guy

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


'What kind of talent is this, to actually learn our sage arts from the first try and in just one day…' The Black tortoise sage was astonished despite knowing of Bakorio's capability to learn their sage arts.

"Well, thanks for your hospitality, I will be taking my leave now" said Bakorio and the sage nodded at him but he suddenly said "Be careful kid, what you seek is far beyond your power…"

Bakorio shot the black tortoise sage a calm look trying to understand the meaning behind this warning before he shook his head and said "I will eventually become strong enough" then, he turned his head, unaware of the sage shaking his head in disappointment…

Meanwhile, Bakorio followed after Otohime out of the dragon palace and waited for her as she called for Ningame to help reverse summon him back to Konoha.

"Is he already done with the training?" Said Ningame with a shocked look on his face to the frowning Otohime who nodded back in response… Her world views were destroyed by Bakorio, and yet the sage still felt that he wasn't sufficient to face the incoming darkness which brought a heavy feeling to her heart… and Bakorio easily noticed that feeling but didn't say anything…

"Amazing brat, Make sure to make good use of our sage arts and don't use them for evil, or I will make sure to punish you" Said Ningame with a serious look on his tortoise face which brought a smile to Bakorio as he responded "Hai Hai"

Satisfied with how Bakorio was listening to his worlds, Ningame happily took him back to Konoha straight to Guy's location…

"Ningame, what are you doing here—" asked Guy who was startled by the sudden appearance of Ningame, but when the dust settled, his eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the young man beside Ningame… he had blood-red eyes with three tomoe inside that had a special intricate design deep inside of them different from a normal Sharingan that could only be noticed by a careful observer… His hair was long and his eyebrows sharp and had an evil charm to his face… His body was not overly muscular but appeared full of explosive strength, and his hair was long and straight reaching all the way to his lower back despite being tied into a loose ponytail, but he still had a bang that fell by the right side of his face…

"This is?" Guy was shocked at Bakorio's appearance, while Ningame simply snorted at Guy and said "You humans have low life spans, so its only normal for the boy to grow up quickly after the three years he spent inside the eternal chamber"

"Three years…" Guy's heart shook slightly but Bakorio soon greeted him and said "Yo Guy, what's this face all about? And here I was expecting to be baptized by the power of youth"

Guy quickly regained his cool and thought 'I have to ask Ningame later about what kind of trial Bakorio went through…' Before he said with a thumbs up "Bakorio, you seem to have gotten stronger! Wanna test out your current strength with me?"

"Sure" replied Bakorio with a smile as he observed that they were in a training ground and having a spar with a normal human after all this time wouldn't hurt…

"Get ready!" said Guy as he rushed at Bakorio and started exchanging punches and kicks with him, but soon Bakorio landed a kick on him that sent him flying through the air…

"You better be serious, I'm way stronger than before" said Bakorio with a smile, and he only received a grin from Guy as the latter took off his weights and said "Good, I shall fight seriously today"

Bakorio grinned back at him and watched as Guy began activating the gates one by one all the way to the fifth gate 'This is going to be exciting' thought Bakorio as Guy instantly rushed at him with a terrifying speed that wreaked havoc on the training ground, but Bakorio still calmly negated all of his attacks with his own Taijutsu using his now stronger body and better fighting mastery coupled with the gentle fist that helped him negate the terrifying pressure emitted by Guy.

"Guy, don't hold back!" Said Bakorio startling Guy slightly before the latter smiled and said

"6th gate, The gate of view, OPEN!" The aura around Guy became even more terrifying and the sheer force of it created huge waves of air that threatened to uproot the trees around them…

"This is it" Said Bakorio with a grin as Guy rushed at him and said "Morning peacock"

Bakorio stood his ground and replied "Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms" and at the same time he used his snake sage transformation and they both started sending extremely fast punches that caused the very air to ignite in flames as they moved around and kept trying to land a hit on the other while moving around creating huge destruction wherever they went

'What kind of monsters are these two…' thought Ningame with a fearful look on his face as the whole training ground was on fire right now as Guy and Bakorio kept moving and attacking each other at high speed but Bakorio eventually said

"You are still holding back"

"Ah, ah, ah" Guy was already breathing heavily, but seeing how Bakorio was able to somehow react to his attack despite being slightly faster than him in terms of speed, he suddenly said "You are truly a worthy opponent, be careful now, I'm going to get serious!"

Bakorio nodded and watched as Guy took a horse stance and a terrifying power even bigger than before started gushing out of his body that caused the ground to cave in, a huge area around him! " 7th gate, the gate of wonder, OPEN!"

Guy had a new blue smoke-like aura surrounding his body, then he instantly disappeared and reappeared in front of Bakorio sending a terrifying punch at his stomach 'This… Both his speed and strength increased dramatically once more' he thought while noticing how the air was being compressed to a terrifying degree and Bakorio was hit by it before the punch even connected…

"AAAAA" Yelled Bakorio as he used all of his chakra to increase his speed and barely dodge Guy's punch while counterattacking at the same time and using his future sight and true fighter mastery to their fullest capabilities. This went on for a while until the both of them were completely exhausted and they fell to the floor while breathing heavily…

"Damn Guy you are truly terrifying" said Bakorio with a smile satisfied by the result of this fight since he only used his Taijutsu and snake sage to fight Guy and nothing else…

"No, you are the terrifying one Bakorio-kun, you are still young, I can't imagine how strong you will get once you grow up… ouch" said Guy while holding his right hand that probably had one of its muscles ruptures, but Bakorio calmly used his Restoration skill on Guy and his wounds started to magically heal slowly to his surprise and he was soon able to sit back on his feet…

"Don't sell yourself short, you are also talented, it's just that the way you use to train your body is inefficient and doesn't allow you to fulfill your full potential" Said Bakorio with a sigh…

"What do you mean?" Asked Guy curiously and Bakorio decided to explain to this friend of his how it's impossible to train all of his muscles with just simple training exercises like push-ups and squats even if he uses weights

"Guy, the human body has more than 600 muscles, do you think your training regime can train all of them to perfection and allow you to reach the limit of your body's potential?" asked Bakorio, and Guy couldn't help but sit cross-legged with his hand on his chin and said "It doesn't seem possible…"

"Indeed, but I found a way to solve this problem… want to get stronger?" said Bakorio with a grin, and Guy's face suddenly lit up as he immediately stood up and gave Bakorio a bow and said humbly "Please teach me"

'What a guy…' Thought Bakorio with a warm smile on his face…