Kaguya Otsutsuki

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


"Listen Guy, the way muscles grow stronger is by…" Bakorio explained to Guy how muscles grow stronger through the effect of physical training.

"Hmmm, I do know about this, but it's not easy to replicate the effect of training with chakra" said Guy because this was already something he and other people considered before, to use chakra to directly strengthen the body but it eventually failed or at least wasn't effective enough.

And he was right since recovery aside, the way to destroy the fibers without harming the muscles in a way that replicates training wasn't an easy thing to do with normal chakra requiring huge mastery of controlling chakra which not anyone could achieve especially taijutsu users aren't known for it. And even if you could, it wouldn't be with the same precision and effectiveness that dark chakra has since you will have to do each muscle individually, and considering there were more than 600 muscles, the effectiveness of training becomes better...

This is because normal chakra can affect the body, but the user can only channel it through chakra channels or out of their Tenketsu. So, they can't make it flow through the fibers of their muscles directly to destroy it and has to use more complicated ways… Dark chakra however doesn't use the normal chakra channels and can flow unhindered throughout the body. Plus having destructive and regenerative abilities makes it perfect for this kind of use…

However, this procedure requires perfect knowledge of the body in question as well as huge amounts of dark chakra that could only be accumulated from torturing at least 10 people for a few months…

However, Bakorio didn't have this kind of problem since his body was automatically converting his negativity into dark chakra and he was almost full again… Not to mention that he could always use Jikininki to produce it into other people and absorb it so he only need to understand a person's body structure…

"Don't worry, I have a way to help you reach your full potential, although I will need to study your body's structure in detail for a while…" Said Bakorio and Guy easily agreed not minding at all…

"No problem!" This was a great show of trust from Guy since he was basically opening himself to Bakorio completely…

"Good, I will be staying in Konoha for a while until I receive a response from Kakashi so we can take our time doing this"

Guy nodded at him before they both left to do their own things…

Bakorio went home, and after knocking for a while, a feminine voice came from the door "Coming"

'It was early morning so Naruto and Sasuke should be at school' Thought Bakorio as he waited for the door to open; and soon a red-haired woman opened the door curiously and said "How can I help you—"

But she suddenly paused as she kept observing the young man in front of her with a weird look in her eyes before it turned into absolute shock

"Is everything okay? Are you amazed by how handsome I look?" Said Bakorio with a smile bringing Kushina out of her shock as she said to Bakorio "What kind of transformation Jutsu is this? It's actually so perfect I can't see through it"

Said Kushina while staring curiously at Bakorio who was even taller than her right now and she didn't consider at all the possibility that he was three years older!

Hearing the commotion, Minato suddenly came out from the kitchen where he was washing the breakfast dishes and his blue eyes couldn't help but freeze In shock when he saw Bakorio's appearance… "What happened to you Bakorio-kun?"

Minato wasn't delusional like Kushina and immediately understood that no transformation can be so perfect especially when he was feeling a terrifying pressure coming from Bakorio that couldn't be faked…

"Well, I had to go through quite the annoying trial…" Bakorio explained to Kushina and Minato who had shocked looks on their faces and the former even hugged Bakorio with tears in her eyes feeling sorry for all the loneliness he had to endure…

And a little fox suddenly woke up from his slumber and jumped at Bakorio and landed on his shoulder while admonishing him with the couple…


Meanwhile, as Bakorio was reuniting with his friends after three years that was only three days for them…

In a completely dark dimension, a soul was calmly floating its eyes closed, it was the soul of a pale-skinned woman with delicate facial features. She had extremely long, sweeping white hair even longer than her body and her fingernails were long and dark.

Her eyebrows were cut very short and round— a symbol of nobility, and she wore a red shade of lipstick on her lips. Most noticeable of all, she had two brown horns that stuck out from her head and a slit at the center of her forehead. She wore a high-collared hime-kimono which has tomoe running down the center and edges of the gown adorned with intricate gold and purple lines.

This was the dormant soul of Kaguya Otsutsuki who was sealed more than one thousand years ago by her two sons Hagoromo and Hamura… Depraved of all her power, her body slowly degraded until only her strong soul remained, but taking the loneliness of imprisonment wasn't easy and even her soul risked dispersing if she remained awake so she entered a dormant state to save her energy and retain the last bits of her sanity.

However, she suddenly felt a tug at her soul and her eyes opened slightly showing pure white eyes, an indication of her Byakugan… and she stared absentmindedly into space as she imagined herself in a completely white room and somehow she had her peak strength…

In that room, there was only a boy that looked around 11 or 12 years old with a huge aura of negativity surrounding him, an aura she knew very well… It was emptiness… But she was surprised because the boy had Sharingans…

'Is this boy a descendant of Hagoromo? How come I was summoned here?' she thought

In that vision, the boy stared at her calmly and without her control, her phantom-like selfused Tsukuyomi on him, and the boy's eyes soon lost their focus as they closed and he remained motionless there…

'This boy is gone… what a pity I wanted to talk to him and understand the current situation of the world…' Thought Kaguya, as her illusory body slowly started fading, Although it wasn't a quick process and she watched how the trapped boy kept struggling to escape from the dream…

This went on for a month, and she found it interesting… At least more than her years of imprisonment that only had emptiness and darkness around her…

However, even at the last seconds of her disappearing, the kid didn't show any strong signs of waking up, although she was happy for him since the air of negativity around him was gone thanks to the effect of her Tsukuyomi… However, it suddenly came back, despite her Tsukuyomi, that emptiness eventually came back and she noticed that the boy was struggling even harder than before…

After going back to her darkness Kaguya couldn't help but wonder 'Just what kind of life did he lead for him to have that kind of emptiness… Maybe he would succeed in leaving my Tsukuyomi eventually!' She thought and a faint smile appeared on her face, something she didn't have in a long time… but it quickly turned into a sad one before she closed her eyes with a lonely look in them…


Back at Konoha, Bakorio didn't realize that the illusion he summoned actually contained Kaguya's consciousness, and currently he was being scolded by Kushina who got mad at him for being reckless once more… While Kurama kept bragging about how he went through worse than this and three years in isolation was just a vacation for him

"Bakorio-kun, we need to have a talk" Said Minato with a faint smile on his face but he had a cold look on his eyes that made Bakorio's spine tingle slightly... 'This guy has grown stronger as well…' Thought Bakorio before he nodded at Minato and said


"I decided, you aren't allowed to leave Konoha anymore until I say so" said Kushina with hair flying in the air in anger and Bakorio only smiled awkwardly at her and nodded. Although his heart was feeling nothing but warmth since he could feel their love for him and how much it pained them to see him lose his childhood like this…


An: Greetings everyone, Enjoy double release today :D