Advanced Chakra transformations

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


In a secluded location near Konoha, two people suddenly appeared, they were Bakorio and Minato and they reached this place thanks to the latter's flying thunder god Jutsu.

"So, what did you want to ask me about, Minato?" asked Bakorio casually and Minato frowned slightly before he said "This transformation is impossible to achieve even if you intensively trained for a few years, Guy is the best example of that, so how did you achieve such a transformation"

Bakorio let out a sigh and said "I'm sure you already have the answer so why ask?"

Minato's gaze flickered slightly before he said worriedly "Bakorio-kun, you are playing with fire". Minato indeed already sensed the familiar presence of dark chakra coming from Bakorio and staring at his terrifying muscular body, it immediately reminded him of Shinno…

"I know what you are worried about, but don't worry. Unlike Shinno's transformation which was relying on dark chakra to keep itself held together far beyond the limits of what his body could have ever achieved. My own transformation is just me training to the limits of my body and I don't have to sustain it with dark chakra at all" replied Bakorio with a reassuring smile, but to his surprise, Minato still shook his head and said

"This isn't all that I'm worried about, I'm sure you remember the dark presence we felt when Shinno suddenly died, I don't want you to fall prey to that presence like the doctor "

Bakorio narrowed his eyes slightly before he shook his head "I know, which is why I'm trying to grow stronger as soon as possible, otherwise that being will keep looming over our heads from the darkness without us noticing him at all…

Minato agreed with this reluctantly and Bakorio suddenly told him "I'm waiting for something from Orochimaru's side before I make my move, you should be prepared at that point for what we are going to face, that's all we can do…"

Minato nodded at this and kept his thoughts to himself as he teleported the two of them back to Konoha…

'I just hope my plan would work' thought Bakorio with an uncertain look on his face… It was truly annoying to have to face this kind of enemy that remains hidden in the dark, so Bakorio was planning to forcefully drag it into the light!


The next few days, Bakorio spent them peacefully inside of Konoha, and other than meeting Guy and Mukai to discuss the 8 gates release with them and study their body's structure thoroughly with his Byakugan, the rest of the time was spent training his True fighter mastery and swift sword style as well as his affinities and trying to finish some of his other quests… He also made sure to keep an eye on the situation of the world.

This went on for a whole month, he was training Naruto and Sasuke with a clone while he was trying to complete raising the rest of his affinities to level 100 and they weren't far from reaching that level. Eventually, he succeeded and got all his affinities to level 100 and a notification instantly appeared in front of him

[Quest Master of the elements: Reach level 100 in all 7 basic affinities transformation. Reward: 10000 points, One Affinity enhancement token]

[Affinity enhancement token: allows the host to transform one of his level 100 affinities into a superior form.

Ps: This token can only be used once and the decision cannot be changed even if the host goes back in time]

Bakorio's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected reward, and he couldn't help but reread the description of this token… 'I was expecting to get some kind of Kekkei Genkai, but I actually received such a terrifying item instead…'

Bakorio was truly surprised and delighted at the same time because this was something he always theorized about… were the Amaterasu flames that Itachi could use really just a Kekkei Genkai of the Mangekyo Sharingan or was it something else… The same thing was the case with his ability to control death, terrifying illusions such as the Kotoamatsukami or Fugaku's ability to manipulate space… These were all weird abilities that didn't seem to be a combination of some chakra transformation… This is where the theory of a superior form of chakra transformation comes into place!

"Let's see how this item affects my affinities" thought Bakorio as he tried to use it on each of his abilities and received a notification that told him to what his affinities were going to evolve if he used the token on them.

Fire Transformation > Blaze Transformation(Amaterasu flames)

Earth Transformation > Rumble Transformation (Allows the user to create tremors that could destroy both the earth and the sky itself)

Wind Transformation > Sharp Transformation (Allows the user to conjure a sharp energy that can cut through anything!)

Lightning Transformation > Smite Transformation (Allows the user to conjure Red lightning that has very destructive and penetrative characteristics)

Water Transformation > Drown Transformation (Allows the user the conjure an extremely dense and heavy water that could march with an unstoppable momentum)

Yin Transformation > Reality Transformation (Allows the user to manipulate the immaterial and turn it material)

Yang Transformation > Life Transformation (Grants the user the ability to manipulate the essence of life)

Dark Transformation > Evil Transformation (Grants the user the ability to manipulate evil energies as well as blood and souls to a minor degree)

"This is amazing, I honestly can't make up my mind at all… all of these transformations are amazing in their own way…" Thought Bakorio while staring at the description of each transformation…

'I will probably find a way to evolve them in the future, and considering my fighting style and my recently acquired sword, it would probably be best if I chose the Sharp transformation…'

Thought Bakorio while analyzing all of his skills before he used the token without any hesitation!

[Congratulation host, your Wind transformation level 100 advanced into Sharp transformation level 1]

[Ps: You can still use all of your wind-related abilities without any problems]

Bakorio felt knowledge rushing into his mind and instantly understood the basic principles of how to use this sharp energy and immediately wanted to put it to the test so he went to a secluded training ground and used it right away.

A white light gathered on the tip of his finger resembling flowing wind, then he slashed it at a nearby tree and it immediately was cut in two, but the slash kept going and cut 10 more trees before it penetrated slightly into a rock where it stopped.

Bakorio's jaw almost dropped to the floor as he stared at this scene… 'This is at least 10 times stronger than wind transformation… How great' he thought, satisfied by this new power he gained before he turned his attention to the system with narrowed eyes and thought

'It's unfortunate that ths seems like the rest of my quests, once you accept the reward, it doesn't matter if I use save and load ability, my quests are automatically accepted… and the rewards don't change, and in this case, it seems like the token works in the same…' Bakorio had a disappointed look on his face since he was tempted to use it multiple times but it instantly disappeared as he muttered

"It's fine, now I have the basics of how these advanced transformations are created… In time, I will master the rest of the transformations as well" Muttered Bakorio with a confident look on his face before he suddenly felt one of his clones that were training Naruto and Sasuke had disappeared, and it returned to him with the news that the dogs he contacted through Pakkun has finally made their decision…

His request was accepted, but not without conditions…

'Let's see what these dogs are planning' thought Bakorio before he disappeared instantly from his spot curious about what the dogs wanted…