
If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


[Quest friend of a tailed beast 2: befriend two tailed beasts from this world: Reward 1000 points +

Ability: Exoskeleton]

"Hmm? I didn't expect to get an ability from Isobu instead of some kind of inheritance like Kurama" Muttered Bakorio to himself before he clicked on the description of the ability

[Exoskeleton: Grants the user the ability to manifest an exoskeleton that covers their body like armor and its toughness depends on the host's physical attribute. (Phy x 2)]

'Amazing, This is an amazing ability especially since it could scale even more when I increase my attributes… It reminds me of that bastard Seiryu…' Thought Yuki and he couldn't help but think about those tough scales he couldn't even make a crack on despite him using all of his strength…

However, a smile soon adorned his face as he thought 'It seems like my decision to befriend the tailed beasts was right, this is the best way I have to grow stronger quickly…'


With his goal with Yagura achieved, Bakorio decided to try and establish a friendship with the rest of the tailed beasts as well as the hidden villages that housed them if possible, and while he was thinking about who should be his next target, somewhere in a hidden location. Two men were currently having a talk…

"Madara, what should we do now?" Asked Kisame to Obito since they lost their hold over the hidden mist village and the existence of Bakorio worried him slightly.

Obito too was concerned about this and he couldn't help but think 'I didn't expect that kid to grow so fast, if I knew things were going to end up like this I would have killed him a long time ago and got rid of his threat… At this rate, our plans are going to be impossible to achieve… It seems like I should try to mobilize Nagato and see if he could get rid of that brat…'

As countless plans were running through Obito's head, his blood-red right eye suddenly shined brightly before he said "Don't worry, nothing can stop our purpose" before he used his Kamui and teleported them away to the land of rain…


Meanwhile, back at his home, Kushina kept lecturing Bakorio about the danger he put the kids on which he simply filtered as background noise which earned him a kick from that dangerous woman and he ended up landing on the couch beside Minato who simply smiled at him and said

"You did well, I didn't expect we could gain an ally just like that… those soul contracts we designed thanks to your Mangekyo Sharingan's ability are truly a game changer in terms of assuring that agreements do not get broken…"

Bakorio nodded at him and leaned back on the couch beside him and he couldn't help but remember how many experiments they had to do to successfully seal Bakorio's Yomi no Kuni's white chain ability that could affect souls inside a scroll.

After all, this contract was a very complicated formation that Minato, Kushina, and Bakorio invented by sealing Bakorio's ability in it and using it to ingest Bakorio's white chain inside the users' souls.

However, that chain was accompanied by seals that contained the agreement of the contract, and in the case that it was broken. That chain would immediately destroy that person's soul!

"Indeed, However this will cause some waves for both the hidden organizations as well as the other hidden villages as they will feel threatened by us…" Spoke Bakorio and Minato nodded at him seriously

"Indeed, this will break the current balance of power the other hidden villages believe they have with us and it might push them into becoming allies"

Bakorio nodded at Minato's assessment before he said "That's why we need to make a move, and we need to make it quick… By the way, how's your sage training going?"

Minato nodded at Bakorio before he said with a smile "I already mastered both the snake sage arts and the dog sage arts… However, I'm not sure I could deal with the rest, especially the slug sage art as it's very demanding on the body"

Bakorio nodded at Minato and was already satisfied with his progress during these past two years… From the moment he decided to gather as many powerful allies as possible, Bakorio decided to help the closest people to him get stronger to the best of his ability…

He of course helped them reach the full potential of their bodies through the use of his dark chakra, but he also advised them on what they could do to get stronger… Both Guy and Kakashi mastered a sage art already so he asked them to try to develop new Jutsu they could use along with their new sage chakra and they were having success already as Guy created a new terrifying Taijutsu while Kakashi's fighting style became much more deadlier!

"I think it's time to go see your third student… He's probably going to cause us a lot of trouble soon if we don't interrupt him…"

Minato's eye suddenly lit up and he instantly stood up which attracted Kushina's attention despite her being distracted by Naruto telling her about his adventure and how valiantly he fought while she almost puked her heart out of nervousness…

"Are you sure?" Asked Minato and Bakorio nodded at him with a smile and said " I'm sure… If my guess is correct, we might end up catching another big fish as well"

Minato narrowed his eyes at this before he nodded and stood up to wear his long coat and Kushina instantly appeared in front of them and said "I will go with you two"

Minato stared at her calmly in the eyes and seeing her strong determination, he ended up nodding at her "Naruto, go stay with Sasuke, we are going out for a while"

Naruto was about to childishly disagree and ask them to take him with them but he suddenly stopped when he noticed the sad looks on his parents' faces and ended up swallowing his words and simply nodded which brought a smile to Bakorio's face 'This kid is clever, he's only playing dumb most of the time when in reality, he's very smart and perceptive…'

Minato and Kushina as well appreciated Naruto's reaction and the latter ruffled his hair lovingly before Minato put his hands on both of their shoulders and teleported them away… Directly to Obito's location! This was of course thanks to the mark Minato left on him during their fight years ago…

Obito was currently having a meeting with Pain and Konan and discussing the idea of him joining the Akatsuki along with Kisame when suddenly, the only visible eye from the whole of his mask suddenly widened in surprise as three familiar figures appeared in front of him.

However, he was mainly attracted to Minato and Kushina as he couldn't believe his eyes that they were still alive… This situation was simply way out of his imagination!

'Are these two some kinds of fakes? No, how can anyone fake their chakra signature… and they are with this guy of all people' Obito quickly thought as pain who was similarly shocked suddenly spoke

"I never thought I would end up meeting the yellow flash and his wife… seems like someone revived you from the dead" He shot Bakorio a look when he finished his sentence, clearly indicating that he was probably the one behind this and Bakorio didn't deny it as he simply smiled at Pain as Kushina whispered into his ear. "Who are these people?"

This whisper was heard by everyone and it ended up causing the tense mood to erupt as Minato instantly disappeared and attacked Obito while Bakorio simply said "This is the leader of the Akatsuki, Pain… Or to be more precise… Nagato Uzumaki!"