The face behind the mask

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


The moment Bakorio uttered Pain's true name, both Minato and Kushina had two completely different reactions…

"Uzumaki?" Muttered Kushina as she remembered her massacred clan and couldn't believe that the man in front of her was another surviving member of it.

Meanwhile, Minato had an astonished look on his face as he clearly recognized this name, the name of none other than his teacher's student whom he never met, and seeing the appearance of Konan that was standing beside him he couldn't help but remember how Jiraiya always bragged about how beautiful she was with her blue hair.


While Minato was clashing with Obito, Pain suddenly spoke with a surprised tone "How do you know who I am?"

Konan also raised her guard and started conjuring all kinds of weapons that were floating in the air and ready to be released at any moment…

"You should know that Danzo is dead right?" Spoke Bakorio to which pain responded with a nod and said "Indeed, it's unfortunate that I didn't get to kill him with my own hands"

"I found some information recorded in his intel regarding a trio that were leading a revolution against Hanzo in the land of rain and he tried to kill them a long time ago, and they were none other than Jiraiya students… your appearance matches perfectly, especially those special eyes of yours so it's easy to guess your identity"

Bakorio's eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the Rinnegan and Konan noticed this so she immediately attacked them with her paper weapons.

"Can you handle her, Kushina?" asked Bakorio calmly and Kushina smirked at him before she said "I also grew far stronger during these past two years! Don't underestimate me"

After saying this, Kushina created a strong windshield that blocked Konan's attacks, however she noticed that they contained explosive seals so she quickly extended the reach of her shield to protect them before she pushed Konan away with a wind blast and dragged her to a different battlefield…

"I'm not here to fight you, in fact, I have a great offer for you" spoke Bakorio calmly, still not moving from his initial position but he noticed that Kisame was acting sneaky behind him and preparing to attack him…

"Konoha is the last place I want to make any deals with" replied pain coldly before he raised his hand and used the attraction force of his Rinnegan to drag Bakorio toward him…

"I guess a fight is unavoidable then" Spoke Bakorio with a sigh before he allowed himself to be dragged towards Pain who manifested a black rod into his hand and tried to stab it into Bakorio's chest.

However, different than the usual sensation of penetrating flesh, this time his rod found a strong hindrance in the form of a grey exoskeleton that covered Bakorio's chest!

'Not bad, but I guess this is to be expected as my physical attribute has passed the 1000 mark…' thought Bakorio with a smile before he used his gentle palm Taijutsu to attack this Pain… although he noticed that his chakra was finding some difficulty in penetrating his tough body to block his Tenketsu and Kisame who quickly reacted and attacked him from the back didn't give him too much time to work with…

Not long after, the other five Pains quickly rushed to attack Bakorio as well but he simply smiled and thought 'This won't be the same fight as my time during the war…'


Meanwhile, as Obito and Minato clashed, the former suddenly spoke with a deep voice "How did you get revived, your soul should be trapped in the death reaper making it even more difficult!"

Minato stared at Obito with a bitter smile on his face and spoke "It seems like you aren't glad to see me"

Obito's eyes flickered slightly at the hidden meaning behind this sentence but he quickly regained his calm and spoke "It's fine, I will just have to kill you and your wife once more!"

Hearing this, Minato's bitter expression turned completely cold as he activated his snake sage mode increasing his speed to unimaginable degrees before he dropped a kunai on his current location and rushed at Obito!

"This won's work!" Spoke Obito before he used his Kamui to make his body intangible which was in reality just sending it to his other dimension. However, this didn't stop Minato who created a giant Rasengan on top of his palm and pushed it at his stomach.

'I will win this time' Thought Obito, as he prepared for every possible scenario of Minato's possible appearing locations as he watched him pass through his body.

However, he never expected Minato to disappear mid-attack while he was still completely intangible…

'Wait don't tell me!' before he could even react, his intangibility was suddenly canceled as he found himself coughing blood from a huge wound that appeared on his back and he stumbled forward toward the kunai that Minato dropped before attacking him, and unsurprisingly, Minato appeared from it and stabbed Obito's stomach with his hand that was covered in chakra and cast a seal on his body that hindered him from using his chakra properly…

Having received such a serious injury, Obito struggled to stand from the ground and glared at Minato who appeared in front of him with his blue eyes shining coldly "You actually teleported directly Into my dimension! How did you know that this wasn't my physical body!"

Minato shook his head at him before he deactivated his sage mode and said "After our first fight, I thought a lot about your weird intangibility and I eventually understood… your body is transported to a different dimension, but an image of you remains here, and you can't fully disappear while you are under attack, however your body in that dimension can still receive damage"

Obito coughed up more blood after hearing this answer and he couldn't help but wonder 'Am I really not going to ever surpass teacher? He even gained a new sage mode…' However, Obito realized that this wasn't the time for any of this and tried to divert Minato's attention

"You better go help your wife and that kid or they will end up dying at the hands of Pain! That guy is far stronger than you can imagine, those eyes aren't just for show" Spoke Obito with a threatening tone, and Minato couldn't help but chuckle at him and said "Don't worry, I fully trust in Kushina and Bakorio"

After saying this, they suddenly heard an explosion which made Obito smirk under his mask 'It seems like Konan had already made her move!'

However, a silhouette soon made her way away from the sound of the ongoing fighting, and it wasn't who Obito was expecting, at least not in their current situation as he watched in surprise Kushina approaching them with Konan tied in her adamantine sealing chains…

"Already done?" Asked Kushina and Minato nodded at her before he turned to the injured Obito and extended his hand to remove the mask from his face with a bitter look.

Kushina too had a similar look on her face as her eyes watered slightly while watching the familiar face that was always hidden under the mask staring at them coldly and it pained her heart as she muttered in a soft voice while Obito's current face kept overlapping with his younger self in her mind "Obito?"

Obito laughed at her before he said "Obito died a long time ago, today I'm Tobi… Nothing more, nothing less"

Kushina couldn't help but shed some tears while Minato closed his eyes silently before he said "Sorry for failing you…" before a tear also fell from his closed eyes… After all, he really disappointed all of his students and none of them led a happy life…