Conclusion and Dark Rain

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Demon aura, something Bakorio was intrigued about since the day he fought Shuten Doji and learned of its existence, his first instinct was to try to understand how to use it to make it his own.

Yet, no matter how many demons he dissected, no results came of his research on how they generated that aura or the way they gained their gifts, in fact, he always thought it was something genetic but Murakumo finally shed some light on his doubts…

A Demon core, Something all the demons are born with nowadays... It was the reason for them being able to generate demon aura and having unique gifts, yet Bakorio never found one on the demons he dissected which confused him…

'But why is it when I tried to study them there didn't seem to be any demon cores to speak off?' Wondered Bakorio so he decided to ask Murakumo about it and the latter calmly replied

"Well, you probably only researched low-level demons, in their case, their demon cores are still underdeveloped and you can think of it as it being in a spiritual state, and the stronger the demon is, the more developed the demon core is and the more real it will become"

Bakorio's eyes narrowed slightly as he thought 'This is… Yin-Yang transformation!'

Seeing the clear shock in Bakorio's eyes, Murakumo calmly asked "You are wondering how the Demon sage can have this kind of unique mastery right?"

"Yes, and how come you didn't mention him at all in the fight against the darkness?" Asked Bakorio curiously.

Murakumo remained silent for a while before he spoke "the demons sage was always elusive, in fact, despite my previous standing, I never got the chance to meet him face to face… One day, he appeared out of nowhere and started spreading the method to cultivate demon aura, and the only person I know who met him was my father, the previous demon lord…"

Bakorio's mind was instantly full of questions and doubts, but he simply shook his head and thought 'This world is definitely hiding plenty of monsters, but now is not the time to worry about them, let the main body think about this since he has plenty of free time…'

Then, he pondered slightly before he asked "Are humans also able to create a demon's core? And how's the ability that someone gains gets picked?"

"I will answer your second question first since it's much easier… You don't get to pick the gift you gain"

"What do you mean?" Spoke Bakorio in confusion and Murakumo simply shrugged and said "I know, weird isn't it? However, from what we observed, it seemed like demons gain gifts corresponding to their needs and personality"

Murakumo's words were simple, but Bakorio suddenly felt as if an explosion went inside his head as the images of certain people appeared in his head… And the commonality between them is that they all had weird designs in their eyes… The Mangekyo Sharingan.

Bakorio thought a lot about this subject, and he came to a single conclusion, When an Uchiha awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan including himself, the circumstances he's in and their personality determines the ability they gain.

For Itachi, he wanted nothing more than to take revenge for his little brother whom he thought was killed, so his peaceful nature turned into absolute rage and he gained the ability to burn anything with his Amaterasu as well as a powerful Genjutsu called Tsukuyomi that was born from his wishful thinking wanting that horrible reality to be just a dream… yet it wasn't.

Shisui was the same, he was always someone who loved his friends, yet one day he felt jealous of his teammate that was more talented than him, and in a moment of life and death, he made a choice to save his own life and leave his friend behind even though he could have saved him.

That guilt ate at him, and ironically, he gained the ability to manipulate people without even having a choice or control over their actions, and they won't even realize that they were being controlled…

But all of these weren't really what intrigued Bakorio the most, what he was most fascinated about is that these eyes are a derivation of the Rinnesharingan that Kaguya gained after eating the chakra fruit which held most of the power of their world!

'If the Uchiha could be seen as natural demons thanks to their eyes that are related to the very source of this world, could it be that this demon sage was actually able to study the world to such an equivalent degree and recreated it into demon's aura?' Bakorio's heart wavered slightly at the complexity of this task and he wasn't even sure if he would be able to achieve a similar thing…

Murakumo was surprised by Bakorio's silence, but he eventually continued his explanation " I was always fond of using swords, so when I created my demon core, I gained a gift that made my sword arts much stronger… Suija and Enja are also similar, one had a peaceful nature like water while the other was always hotblooded and explosive so they each got gifts that complemented those abilities allowing them to freely manipulated water and fire and even enhance them to terrifying degrees"

Bakorio nodded in understanding since he experienced their powers and he eventually asked "So, can you answer my first question?"

Murakumo rubbed his beard slightly before he spoke "Theoretically you can"

"What do you mean?" Asked Bakorio curiously and Murakumo kindly explained "The purest of nature's chakra will be required to create the demon core, and I don't mean the one floating in the world currently after being tainted by the various 'holy' beasts and the ten tails rampage… You require the original energy of the world. Other than that, you will only need to have good control of it which is something demons are naturally proficient at to use the demon core-forming technique"

Bakorio's eyes widened slightly 'Six paths sage chakra requires nature energy from all sacred grounds, but it seems like I will also need to collect the energy of the ten tails huh… Guess this will take a while…"

As Bakorio was thinking about this, one of his true clones that was near the border of the land of demons was currently observing a small red-haired kid fighting a wave of demons with a crazed look on his face while his green eyes appeared completely bloodshot…

"It seems like he's about to lose control once more…" muttered Bakorio as he stared at a huge tsunami made of sand drowning the rushing demons… As for the kid, it was of course Gaara, the son of the Fourth and current Kazekage of the village hidden in the sand…

Gaara was the Jinchuriki of the one tail, and after being treated as nothing but a monster by his village, including his father, he truly felt that this world was nothing but hell, until he met a certain dark-haired individual that treated him nicely…

In fact, as Gaara was struggling to regain control over his emotions, he could faintly remember his first conversation with Bakorio


"You think you are a monster just because you are housing one in your stomach?"

Asked Bakorio while staring at the eerily silent Gaara before he rubbed his head to the shock of the little kid and said "Real monsters Hide here… and we all have them"

Gaara slowly lowered his little head and saw what Bakorio was pointing at… it was his heart…

-End of flashback-

"No, I can't lose to that monster" Yelled Gaara as he watched the army of demons approaching him but he knew that he needed the power of that monster to fight the demons, yet that power was too wild and it made him feel like he was losing his mind every time he used it…

Just as he was going to fall for the temptation and his body started to lose its skin and enter the second-tailed beast form transformation, Bakorio suddenly put a hand on his shoulder and suppressed the one tails chakra before calmly throwing a lethal kunai into the air and started walking back with Gaara.

The little kid could only watch in horror and admiration as the small Kunai transformed into a rain of death that turned the noisy battlefield into a silent graveyard… This was the combined power of Dark rain along with Undodgeable Throw!