Living Seal

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


In a simple-looking house, a little red-haired kid had a look full of focus on his face as he listened to a black-haired man's instruction...

"Try minimizing the chakra you get from the one tail and only leave as much as you can control without losing your mind" Spoke Bakorio calmly to Gaara but the little kid simply frowned with evident struggle on his face before he said "I can't, the one tails doesn't want me to control it so it keeps increasing the intensity of its chakra making it hard to control"

Bakorio frowned slightly before he thought calmly 'Guess it's time to complete the advancement quest for my sealing arts' then he said to Gaara "Hmm… Let me try something"

Then, he calmly put his finger on Gaara's forehead and entered his seal space… There he saw a Giant Tanuki-like beast that was made out of sand and covered in seal marks…

"Human, are you here to convince me again to obey this kid? That's not going to happen!" Yelled Shukaku the moment he saw Bakorio causing a sonic boom to burst from his mouth… Although it only served to blow the hair of Bakorio who wasn't intimidated at all and calmly said

"I indeed want you to help Gaara, however, this time I have another offer for you…"

Shukaku paused slightly before he said "What is it?". He knew from talking with the other various tailed beasts that he had no chance of opposing Bakorio if he wanted him harm, but he still didn't want to simply submit so he wanted at least something in exchange

Bakorio calmly circled around his body and observed it calmly unafraid of the possibility of getting attack and after completing a whole circle around Shukaku, he calmly spoke "One of your innate abilities is the power of using seals... In fact, your whole body is covered in them…"

Shukaku frowned slightly not knowing what Bakorio was getting at so he asked "So what?"

"Well… You want to be free right? I can give you freedom…" Bakorio had a weird smile on his face, like a devil tempting an innocent victim, all for his own benefit…

[Sealing art Advancement Quest: Create a living seal!]

A clear task, yet almost impossible in its complexity… Bakorio searched far and wide to find any clues about living seals yet he always ended up empty-handed until he laid his eyes on Shukaku, a tailed beast with the unique ability to use seals! And the source of these seals is none other than his own body, they were a part of him, so he was the closest thing that Bakorio can find to a living seal!

So, he came up with a crazy idea, turn this tailed beast into a seal!

After explaining his plans to Shukaku, the tailed beast was hesitant at first, Bakorio wasn't going to free him entirely, but he was going to use part of his body and his mastery over souls and seals as well as puppets to help him create another version of his body that he can manipulate on the outside world while his main body remains inside of Gaara as a simple chakra source!


After some convincing, Shukaku frowned slightly before he spoke "I Accept your offer, but only with the condition that you give me at least a Kage-level body to manipulate!"

Bakorio smiled slightly before he nodded and left Gaara's seal space and walked slowly to an empty field "Where are you going, teacher"

"I've reached a deal with Shukaku, I'm going to show him something…." Then, Bakorio took out a simple-looking scroll and dripped some of his blood on it to summon its content

"Summoning Jutsu: Undead Berserker!" Suddenly, a giant 6-meter-tall armored figure appeared in front of Bakorio and Gaara… It held a pitch-black giant battle ax in its hands, and two hellish blue flames shined under its helmet where its eyes were supposed to be, and if anyone looked closely at the seams in the joints of its armor, they would notice that it was a skeleton!

Gaara felt a chill just by standing in front of this entity but Bakorio simply smiled at him and said "So, do you like it?"

After a few seconds of silence, Gaara suddenly spoke "Shukaku said that he accepts the offer…"

"That's good, let's start then" Spoke Bakorio calmly as he put his hand over Gaara's forehead again…

2 hours later, the previously armored undead giant became covered in countless seals on every part of its body, and other than this, its previously skeletal body was now covered in flesh and appeared no different than a normal human as even the blue flame flickering in its eye sockets disappeared and was replaced by eyes that had Brown pupils…

Shukaku controlled his new body and removed his helmet showing that he had a bald head and somehow resembled an elderly monk and kept observing his body in surprise…

"Hmm, this is quite the appearance you chose for yourself" Spoke Bakorio calmly but Shukaku instantly responded "That's none of your business" and kept testing his new body…

'This body is strong… That brat didn't trick me… Does he trust me so much or is he simply foolish…' Contemplated Shukaku while Bakorio simply smiled and patted the worried Gaara

'It's a pity that I had to give him one of my best soldiers, but it's worth it… He will have to return to Gaara to recover his chakra which will make their relationship grow stronger and we get a strong soldier that can help defend against the demons as well…' Contemplated Bakorio silently feeling relieved to find a solution to Gaara who was still weak yet having to come to this forsaken place...

Then he suddenly recalled something and said "I think I saw this person before…"

Shukaku who was winging his axe causing huge winds suddenly paused and approached Bakorio with a cold look in his eyes "Impossible, he's been dead even before you were born!"

Bakorio nodded at him before he shrugged and said "I'm sure you know about the dead coming back to life… They are constantly fighting against the dead hunters and I'm pretty sure someone fought him before and recorded him as a very strong Fuinjutsu user… He should be in the village of the dead right now"

"T-This… Those bastards dare desecrate Bunpuku's grave!" Shukaku was full of rage as he roared into the sky causing the clouds to part!

"Well, the world is a chaotic place right now, I suggest you get used to your new body before you make any rush moves…"

"NO, I CAN'T SIT ASIDE LIKE THIS!" Then Shukaku started running away at a fast speed to the shock of Gaara who finally spoke "Teacher, will everything be okay if you let him go?"

Bakorio simply smiled and said "Don't worry…" This situation was part of his plan to bring Shukaku under control after all…


Meanwhile, Shukaku traveled at a rapid speed while thinking 'Old friend, don't worry, I won't let these bastards use you!' His destination was the location of the new hidden village of the dead, and it was located in the land of noodles south of the land of the earth…

The body Bakorio gave him was at the high Kage level, and coupled with his immense Chakra, it didn't take him long to reach the land of noodles.

From that point on, he slowed down his pace so as to not alert anyone of his presence and even used seals to shrink his giant body.

However, he soon started frowning 'This is weird, why does it appear as if no one is guarding the way to this village? This should be impossible considering the level of ninja in it…'

Feeling how abnormal this situation was, Shukaku suddenly spread his seals to see if he was under some kind of Genjutsu or a formation, and to his surprise, he was!

However, it was already too late by the time he realized this as he suddenly found himself surrounded by countless ninjas!

"It seems like I walked right into your trap…" muttered Shukaku while staring at an Uchiha clan member that actually had Mangekyo Sharingan and was eyeing him coldly.

If Shukaku realized who this was, he wouldn't be as calm… This was Izuna Uchiha, Madara's younger brother and previous owner of Jikininki! And he wasn't even alone as many old masters surrounded him, including his old friend Bunpuku who sighed and said "Shukaku… You shouldn't have come here…"