I laugh lightly as I see Felicia landing on her butt and how she pouted at me

"You are enjoying this aren't you," She said pouting

"What do you think," I answered as she went sit next to me and drink from a water bottle

I feel her hand wrap around me and squeeze as we see Peter practicing with Terraspin to fly around

However, he soon crashes into the ground and detransforms

"Ow," He said in obvious pain

He is weak even after giving him Spider-Monkey's DNA, which is now locked into his transformation, so he has no actual powers in his normal form.

I offered to give him the Super Soldier Serum in order to at least be able to defend himself in his normal form somewhat.

He reluctantly agreed when I explained the sheer number of beings that actively ruined his life

Now, I am sort of worried about him pulling a Victor Von Doom and going apeshit interdimensional beings

Victor is currently trying to improve his current tech with some of what I gave him

Vibranium and Uru were more than enough to push him to new heights and he goes and absolutely destroys my expectations

He has made armor at the level of Iron Man's Endo-Sym armor at a minimum adding magic he has made armor that I am sure can help him survive some attacks from the real deal

Peter after going through a lot of the features that are in his watch. He has actively taken the overprepared path.


"Peter what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked sitting next to him on a chair in the backyard of the house I provided for him

"I thought about what you said," He began while drinking some soda

"My life has been screwed over from the get-go. I have been poor my whole life and it felt like the entire world was against me every waking moment. You said that it was because these Inheritors and other beings like them take everything they can from us. Some like to eat people like me and others take things like our luck," He says scowling at remembering that

"You said this watch was a gift from everything that I owe the multiverse for my sacrifices," He said chuckling

"You know there was one time when some time traveler from the future traveled back in time and made a company called Alchamax and Miguel O'Hara the Spider-Man from the future did everything he could to keep me alive even after I didn't listen to him. I saved the world from being destroyed and only he and I know what happened," He began explaining

"I didn't really think about how much my original life sucked. After it was over and I received my original memories back. I was shocked at how different they were. In my fake life, I had both my parents and aunt and uncle alongside my sister," He said which made me rather sad at how cruel the universe was to him and the other spiders

"In my real life, both my parents abandoned me with my uncle Ben and aunt May. They left for Europe and killed the pilot of the private plane they were on and faked their deaths in order to start new lives. My sister who is older than me just left one day and I found out that she joined the CIA and then Shield until finally she joined Hydra and became one of its leaders," He said which made me wince at how much his life was screwed over with no author to backing him up or Disney-fying things

"My first girlfriend/fiancee Gwen Stacy cheated on me with my former best friend and her dad. They both got her pregnant. His dad had twins and my former friend had a daughter," He continued

"My life is an absolute mess and that was just some of the stuff I went through," He says putting his soda down

"Peter, life sucks in general believe me. I struggled with it every day," I began

"I know how it feels to not have anyone to truly help you or understand you," I said remembering my first life

I was looked like an animal in a zoo by my own race

Something weird

Unnatural to them

I hated it

"Huh, so I guess life screws everyone over," He says a bit sad

"That it does," I answer taking a sip of my own soda


I gave him the Super Soldier Serum enhanced by Vita-Rays so he should be up and about in a few minutes

"So, tomorrow?" Asked Felicia looking at me with expectation

I smile at her and she blushed a bit

"Tomorrow," I answered as tomorrow was our date

She smiled a more and went out of the room

I smile to myself

I am giving myself after the convergence to go after my last enemies and enjoy my life.


I am currently waiting for Felicia to come down with the rest of the girls as they have been up since 6 am and getting ready

It's nearly 8 and I am almost finished making breakfast

I have spent too long on getting stronger that I want a break for a while

I smile as I can hear their footsteps coming down

The rest of the girls are going to be out shopping for things for our dates as well

Felicia comes down and I smile at her and she smiles back

" Breakfast is ready?" I said to which she nodded and the other girls came down still in their nightgowns

As soon as we sat down we began to eat

A little while after Felicia and I left for our date

I took her to the movies and she chose a horror one which was rather terrible although the CGI looked ok

We walked around the city for a bit before arriving at Central Park where we decided to have a picnic

We stayed there for 2 hours just talking about everything

She told me that she has cut off her mom from her life

I truly had no idea what to tell her as I have never dealt with a mom before

But, I know that you have to kick toxic people out of your life since they will try to drag you down



("I am not sure it will work like that") Said Hera responding telepathically to Amora's question

("I mean it could work but, I truly have no idea how to control it") Continued Hera as she looked at the clothes in front of her

("I mean Hercules, got his strength from drinking from your breastmilk") Mentioned Jean hopefully

Hera sighed loudly

("That is true, but keep in mind that to my domain, I am married to Aiden and I can draw upon his power through it. Hercules only got physical strength and he had to train his body for most of his mortal life in order to use it. What is to say that if any of you drink my milk your bodies won't explode from the sheer power,") Said Hera to Jean, Amora, and Natasha

("Hmm, would there be a way to lower its effects?") Wondered Amora rather intrigued but not really caring about drinking Hera's milk so much since Aiden already figure out how to enhance them already

Using what he said is 'Superman Vision' after much experimentation alongside his power bestowal gained from the serum. He managed to give them the ability to draw power from the sun permanently, not unlike a Kryptonian. However, he made it so that it would empower their regeneration, stamina, durability, and intelligence.

Most of them refused the majority of the powers instead asking for the powers to come in much later.

The only exception is Hera as her powers over marriage managed to give her the power set of Aiden when her domain managed to although a watered-down version of them

She doesn't have the natural ability to control her powers very well but due to Aiden's teachings, she has managed to control them.

She is doing this not only for Aiden but for the others as well

She knows that they all care for each other and they love Aiden, even Natasha who was in it for a bit of lust and has grown feelings for him as well to the point that she can say that she loves him but she wants to see where it all goes.

She knows that Aiden truly loves her

Being able to see his emotions and read his mind has proven that he does love her

She only hopes that Aiden will give her a child

But, she knows that he won't have a child for a long time

Even so, she can hardly wait

(N/A: Hey, I am sorry to say that the entire dates arc has been canceled completely due to me being absolutely horrible at writing romance. I tried but goddamn it didn't work out

I am really sorry about it also I wanted to say that I have confirmed that this novel will end in chapter 200 due to me having a lot of issues with some of the arcs that I have discarded.

Take care everyone

Now to the main reason, I am here right now

I will post the following message in a disclaimer

Some people have asked me in comments that they want to write their fanfic to which I gave them the best of luck and to please link their fanfics over to me so I can read them

One of them asked me what to do and not to do

One of the things not to do is don't start a fanfic how I did

I truly had no intention of writing more than a few chapters at most and we can see where it all lead

I will say that I was going to end it after Aiden came back from the invincible universe the first time because at that point I was just writing as it flowed out of my mind until a bit later on when I decided to make outlines for different chapters

If you are going to make a fanfic make sure you have an outline for the chapter planned ahead

What to do when starting a novel and how you want it

For this novel, I started Aiden out with his wishes which are overpowered as all hell

When I got more into it I realized what I did

I made him too strong so I had to get creative with his enemies so I introduced Superman Villains which I don't regret as I was originally going to bring Doomsday in any way.

Which I will admit was a huge mistake on my part

But, I tried to make it work

I wanted an OPMC and I made him

Another what not to do is overcomplicate things for you when you start

Because you have to keep track of so many other things that like me you will need several papers just to remind yourself what you are doing

This is a mistake a lot of wish fanfics do that makes them quit not even 10 chapters in

They start out by giving their MCs overcomplicated powers that in the end they end up overpowered or just seem straight-out incompetent. This is something that happened with Aiden

Kryptonian Magi powers, alongside their meta-knowledge, is a great combination overall

But, I added in Doomsday General adaptation for his body, mind, and soul

Ok, still manageable

His immunity to mental attacks either physical or magical

Still fine

His energy absorption is when things started to get overcomplicated

So, at that point, I said fuck it let's see how strong I can make a comic book nerd with wishes in the omniverse

Well, you guys can see the power list

I was asked by another person if he should give his MC meta-knowledge due to him being a comic book nerd before.

I say yes

Because the way I see it is that if they lose it they will most probably not be themselves as comics are a big part of who they are as a character for example Aiden is going to accomplish his dream of being free.

Taking away meta-knowledge to me means taking a part of the MC before the fanfic truly even starts

One piece of advice

If you start writing a fic of your own please encourage others to know that it may even be copied and pasted by another person. but that is the risk you take when you start writing.

Take care everyone)