Time To Eat Myself Chp 141




"Well this is embarrassing," Said The Ancient One sipping on some tea

"That doesn't excuse that Thanos got his hands on the Mad Marqui Of Jaspers for whatever reason," I said to her while waving my arms around still in a bit of shock

"We need to find Thanos now," I said as the only reason I know that he took them was that I accompanied the Ancient One to reinforce some of the seals that we placed in the Marqui's prison

Thanos literally showed up out of nowhere and attacked us with speed that rivaled my own without the Speedforce or any other powerup, just pure speed

Then I had a terrifying view of his new power

He is strong now

Not only that he is now near the same level in Marvel magic that I am

Level 4

His technology is also something to be wary of

It reminds me a lot of the tech in Apocalypse's ship which I haven't messed with yet

This means he probably got some of their technology

The biggest question is how is he hiding from my Tenth Metal?

I should be able to see him if I focus and even the soul trace that I put on him doesn't tell me anything

I can't let him become stronger

I shake my head as I say goodbye to her and quickly go to my fortress and place it on war alert

I made some more energy sources for the fortress and checked up on the All-Box

"Everything is going smoothly," I say after a glance which is more than enough for me to know how much Nth Metal it has made

Roughly 1/10 of Earth right now

Not as much for Tenth Metals as I want not even close

The convergence is happening soon

I need at least 5 infinity stones in order to speed it up and properly increase the speed at which the Nth Metal is created

I borrowed the fake Time Stone and made sure to absorb enough energy to bring up my time manipulation abilities as much as I could which frankly at this point I am being careful in using it

It has sped up the production of Nth Metal but, not fast enough and thankfully it is helping the power of the other stones

"I am going to have to do this aren't I," I say to myself sighing

I quickly pull up some blueprints for armor for the girls

I teleport to my forge once I get all of the adjustments done

I bring up all materials at my disposal

I am going to make sacred gears for each of my girls and thanks to some more practice make Peter a brand new sacred gear with his Omnitrix as the base which wasn't that difficult to do at all

I did tell him I was going to do this one day

I quickly send the watch back to him and quickly make the suits for the girls

Made of a mix of Uru, Proto-Adamantium, Mysterium, and Nth metal together with slivers of Tenth Metal in them from my own armor.

I quickly bring out the cores for each of them

On the surface, they look like orbs of white glass with an ethereal glow to them

On the inside of them, there is a hair for each individual orb that belongs to each of my girls

I place them in each suit and make them go to each of them

The suits look rather plain but that is only on the surface

The tech inside is Omni-Tech from Ascalon which admittedly isn't a lot on its own

But combining it with the Sacred Gear orbs should in theory allow it to adapt to other multiverses in case something happens

I put everything type of tech I could on it and even then I made it so that it has a self-updating database connected to the Fortress

I quickly send them out and inform the girls of it

As now I have to do something I am most likely going to regret

I am going to eat myself

The Zone has served its purpose but thanks to one of my projects it is no longer necessary

I found a safer and more reliable method of going to other multiverses partly thanks to Angstrom Levy

His powers allow him to create portals to not only other universes but the Void between realities itself

I managed to create technology based on his powers

But, the Void is my destination

From there I can just send my modified probes with All-Box and Omni-tech out safely until they land where they have to

I modified them connecting them to the fortress itself which was a pain but now I can use them to go back and forth

I shake my head as I teleport to the zone and leave some of my All-Boxes on them and done

I quickly cut the connection to one multiverse that doesn't have a lot of value

Somehow, I found the Friends Multiverse which I have no care and quickly check the All-Box teleportation

Which works amazingly

Truthfully, it may seem like a disadvantage but not for me

For my powers over space have ascended

I quickly teleport back and forth between different Multiverses with my own power not using the Zone

"Hahaha," I laughed lightly as I can now go to any multiverse I have visited once with just my teleportation alone

The All-Box is just in case something happens and I get stuck somewhere

I go back to a rather peculiar multiverse

One with a certain baldhead in a yellow costume with a white cape

I want to stay here but I have to deal with Thanos first

Nevermind the being currently looking at me which I just flip him off in response

"Good Luck with Saitama," I tell God while laughing at his near defeat

He doesn't say anything but I can tell he is rather curious as to what I am

I go back home and begin making preparations to take in the Zone into myself and gain my most powerful advantage again

My free will

When I bound myself to the zone I gave up the right to be called mortal by becoming and realm lord and had to sort of follow some rules but now I will be freer than before.

I open a portal to the zone using technology and begin the Ouroboros process

I don't feel anything physical as the zone comes to me through the portal

In my soul though, huge changes are happening

I feel as if I am bloating up like a balloon but my soul quickly adapts to it and the process goes on

In an hour it is done

I am not a realm lord anymore

I can truly move and act how I want in this multiverse even more than before

"Time to hunt down the Mad Titan," I say as I can feel my soul literally swelling with power

"Begin operation, Mad Hunt," I say out loud and the Fortress quickly orders the Synthezoids in space to begin looking for Thanos as their sight reaches literal solar system and some even entire galaxies

I go to my storage of Nth Metal and press my hand to it and use it to enhance my Tenth metal and soon I am scouring millions of dimensions every pico-second with my sight.

"Found him," I say as I look upon him and I scowl as my eyes burn red in a near rage

I quickly use my cosmic awareness and see what he has done

The Marvel Zombies he restarted that shit and currently has zombie universes at his disposal ready to invade this universe

I summon every single Synthezoid and begin making my way over to him

My power bursts from within as I tear through space and time itself to reach while bringing in my own army

"I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU," I scream as I go through multiple dimensions to reach him

I can see him even now as he erases the mind of the Mad Marqui Of Jaspers and starts fusing him into himself

I can't stop it now but that doesn't mean I can't hurt him

I punch one time to which he barely staggers as the fusion process is over and he retaliates by punching me in the face and quickly I feel pain again

Hello old friend

My helmet covers my face and I smile at the pain as it goes away quickly

My attention is diverted to his left hand as I see a very precious stone

The Soul Stone

I smile while approaching him and I bring out Anathema

"Try not to die too quickly will you," I say while twirling my sword and striking against him which he blocked bringing out a blue gem sword that stops mine in its tracks

"Like it," He says pushing me away with a lot of difficulties

"I call it Vehemence as its opposite is called Serenity from a failure of a god," He says which brings me curiosity but I stomp it down

"Let's go," I said while preparing for this fight while all around me I could feel the pocket dimension tremble at our sheer power

We scream as we rush at each other