As soon as the doctor had the Queen settled in a cozy swath of blankets and her bean bag looking fuzzy bed, she fell back asleep resting a little more peacefully. He then proceeded to stick her with an IV drip to push fluids into her. Turning to Helios he replied, "I want to run some tests on the queen. I have been pondering this for a while but I would like to study the affects magic has on a human. Since she has arrived in Kosea she has become increasingly weaker with each visit. I'm wondering if her mate markings has something to do with her illnesses. Not many people know this but when a male mates with a female they transfer some of their magic energy to the female. This is how their connection of formed and how a male is able to hear her thoughts dreams, and sense changes in her appetite, body temperature, and when their mate is in danger."
Two days ago the Queen was heard all over Kosea singing. In that instance she was using magic of some sort to telepathically transmit her feelings through her song to everyone. She is a human and is not supposed to have any magic abilities. The tests I want to perform will be able to tell me just how much magical energy you my King have transferred to your queen that night of your mating ceremony. I also want to test to se wife there is any way we could dispel some of the magic coursing through her body. The last test I want to run and no offense to you Sire but I need you to mate with her again. I need to know if you are transferring magical energy every time you mate or if it was only during the mating ceremony."
"None taken," Helios said with a wave of his hand happy at the thought that he would get to mate with his queen again for the sake of science and finding a way to protect his queen at the same time. "My knowledge of how the human body works with magical energy is very limited and even more so for female humans and I think it would benefit us both, me as her doctor and you as her mate run these tests. I would need to draw a significant amount of blood though in order to run multiple tests simultaneously. I would love to get the queens permission first but I don't think she fully trusts me yet. She seems to be very timid around other males other than you my King," the head doctor chuckled jealous"
Helios along with Lucas and Silas who were standing in the corner was taking in all the information silently mulling over what the doctor had said. Helios was shocked to hear he wasn't the only one who heard his Queen's song. He though he was the only one who heard it thinking it was just his connection as mates with his Queen. But if all of Kosea heard it then the doctor couldn't be wrong in saying she had shown an immense amount of magical energy if everyone in Kosea had heard her. Not even the strongest of sages can Astro-Project beyond several hundred yards let alone all of Kosea. "Let us wait until she awakens, we can ask her then what she would like to do. I don't want to force her, this will give you a chance to gain her trust. I need her to be able to trust you if you are to be her doctor after all, Helios whispered as he brushed the hair out of his queens face.
About an hour later I awoke coughing and begging for water my mouth drier than the Sahara desert. A moment later the doctor was helping me sit up bringing a cup to my lips. "Drink slowly, we don't want anymore water getting in your lungs miss. I took several sips before laying back down. Looking around there were four sets of eyes staring at me. I hated being the center of attention, back on earth no one cared about me, here in Kosea I had four very hot male models looking at me with lust and concern written on their faces. My face went from pink to red as I tried to escape their gazes. I wasn't used to being stared at by males who looked like Gods in their human forms.
The doctor spoke gently so as not to frighten me, "I don't think I have had a chance to introduce myself yet. My name is Asacarmenthis. I was hand picked to be your doctor by none other than Ihloi the advisor to your King. I thought it would be beneficial to get acquainted seeing as you are my number one patient here," Asacarmenthis chuckled as he pressed a cold stethoscope to my chest listening to my lungs again. When he was done he poured me a little cup of sticky purple liquid in a cup and handed it to me. "Drink this it will help suppress your coughs, this was picked from the finest Roki berries in Kosea."
Skeptical about trying things from Kosea I hesitantly took a sip. To my surprise it tasted like grapes mixed with coconut. It was very sweet. I downed the whole cup in one go licking my lips. Everyone in the room burst into laughter at the sudden changes to my facial expressions. The next minute the berries began working their magic. My throat felt better and my coughs almost disappeared. Those berries really do come in handy I thought. After I finished the sweet berry juice, Asacarmenthis instructed me to lay back again. Cracking his knuckles I saw the tips of his fingers turn red as he cast a spell to heat up his fingers.
Asacarmenthis lifted the blankets a cool breeze wafted across my skin. I trembled from the cool air as Asacarmenthis placed his hands on my tummy. My eyes widened as soon as his fingers touched me. They were like little hot rocks you would get at a massage therapist session. "My magical energy includes healing magic. I have the ability to treat and heal patients. Right now I'm going to help massage the aches from your body. All eyes in the room where on me as soon as the blanket was lifted. I laid there stiff as a board trying not to pay attention to the males urges coming from the corner looking toward the ceiling above me.
I remained stiff as the doctor tried to massage my arms and legs. He frowned looking down on me, "you are too still. Try to relax a little. Tensing your muscles will only make the aches worse. Whimpering a little I loosened my muscles finally feeling the affects of his heated fingers. The warmth from his fingers spread through my body as he massaged down to my bones. I began to melt under his hands. a tiny purr of ecstasy escaped my lips. My muscles turned into putty as the aches went away like magic. "Can I call you a different name I moaned through my teeth. Your name is too long for me to say."
His fingers paused for just a moment before he continued to massage my legs. "Yes your Highness it would be an honor to accept a name worthy from you." His eyes glowed with excitement. She barely knows me and yet she's ready to give me a name!!! He started on my feet as I pondered what to call him. I mumbled some names under my breath, trying to come up with a good name. I really liked the sound of the first part of his name, "Asa (ah sa)," I whispered. "I think I will call you Asa it means doctor or healer where I'm from. It suits you and your magic fingers," I complimented his work.
Asa's ID tag around his neck glowed as his name changed to say Asa on it. He beamed with pride, "thank you my Queen. I love the name you picked out for me. He reached my toes and gave them a slight tug, I yelped in surprise, Helios stood up ready to push the doctor out of the way. I wiggled my toes, "hey that actually feels really good," I giggled. Helios sat back down with relief that his queen wasn't hurt. Asa moved to my arms and down to my fingers as he repeated the process of popping my fingers. It wasn't until Asa placed his hands on my breasts that I threw up my guard again crossing my arms over my chest.
I glanced over at Helios begging for help. "It's ok Chelsey. He is a doctor. He knows what he is doing. Helios snarled through his teeth. He wasn't comfortable with another male touching his queens breasts either. But he knew he couldn't argue with the head doctor he accepted for his queen either. Helios's fists clenched as he sat perfectly still waiting to pounce at a money's notice. Asa looked down at me expectantly, I whimpered again as I moved my arms back to my sides. She was so adorable Asa thought as he placed his hands back on her breasts and moved them in a circular motion. Her breasts were so tender and soft. He wished he could hold them in his hands forever.
I flinched when Asa began to massage my chest. I kept glancing at Helios as my mind screamed to him that I was sorry for getting sick. I'll never get sick again. Please help. I only want you.
"My queen I must ask you for a favor. We need to run some tests on you but Helios asked me to get your permission first. We need to draw a vast amount of blood in order to run some tests. When you were singing at the bathhouse all of Kosea was able to hear you. We believe you posses an immense amount of magic. Humans are not supposed to have magic energy. We need to run these tests to make sure you are stable and if we can find a way to expel some of the magic. We think the magic you possess is causing you to become ill more frequently. We believe the cause of this was the night you and Helios mated. When a female mates with a male some of his magic energy is transferred to the female as a form of protection for females.
He left out the part where Helios can read her mind on the Kings orders. If it's not too much to ask I need you to mate with the King again and have him monitor if he transfers magic energy every time or if it only happens during the mating ceremony. My knowledge on humans is very limited. So everything is as new to me as it is for you when it comes to taking care of your health, Asa explained as he continued to massage my chest. Many emotions were running through my mind. All of Kosea heard me sing?!! How? Oh my gosh this was so embarrassing! I have magic abilities?!! No way! I wonder if I'll be able to fly! I have to mate with Helios again?!! Not that I minded mating I smiled at that thought, to Asa is still massaging my chest!!!
Helios snickered from the corner of the room as he tried to keep up with my mind that was racing a million miles a minute. Man females minds were so complicated when they were put on the spot. I turned and glared at him when I heard him laughing not knowing why. I looked back at Asa as I shook my head letting him know it was ok to go ahead with the tests. He smiled down apologetically at me as he continued massaging down to my tummy again. "When you mate with the King I'll make sure to keep track of when you conceive an heir for Kosea as well," Asa chuckled as he tapped me on my stomach.
I blushed when he said heir. "I haven't had my menstrual cycle yet," I told Asa. "There is no way I can become pregnant."
"Um unfortunately you can. I could smell your menstrual cycle start the moment you mated with the King at the mating ceremony. But lucky for you because you stopped aging before you were able to finish your menstrual cycle you won't have to suffer like the other females who get it once a month," Asa hung his head in shame as he admitted the truth he found out at the mating ceremony.
Oh no I thought. I've mated with Helios! Does that mean I'm pregnant?!! Will my baby look like an alien too??? Many more thoughts rushed through my mind. Will it hurt to give birth? I've heard horror stories from kids at school about a girl who had gotten pregnant and was pulled out of school to give birth and rumors spread that it hurt like hell to give birth to a baby. I began to panic again. Asa saw the panic in my eyes as he laughed aloud. "You don't have to worry my queen. Females in Kosea don't actually give birth. We extract the baby when it's still the size of a pea and we freeze them. You will not have to experience birthing pain here. Heirs are kept as a fetus until the king and queen decide to pass on allowing for the heir to be born. This is how we keep the kingdom in check so no one will ever fight for the throne. We do not participate in bloody wars here like they do on Earth.
I sighed with relief when I heard this. I don't have to worry about giving birth! And I don't have a menstrual cycle either! Two pluses in one day I thought! "Maybe one day you and I can become mates and I can help birth an heir with you," Asa joked. Helios snarled a warning from the corner. "It's just a joke," Asa laughed to lighten the mood. I really wish I could mate with the queen Asa thought. She would produce the most beautiful heirs in Kosea. He finished massaging the last ache out of her body. He covered her back up with the blankets so she wouldn't freeze and walked back to his office to gather the supplies needed to run the tests.
He came back and when I looked up I saw a huge needle in his hands. He sat up the equipment and came over with the needle. "Im sorry my queen. We need this to be able to extract the amount of blood needed for the tests. You might black out from the blood being drawn but we will make sure it won't affect you too much." I held out my hand to Helios as I called out to him. He came over and picked up one of my hands in his. I'll be right here when you wake up. I promise. Helios planted a kiss on my lips distracting me from the needle, I felt a sharp pinch in the crook of my arm. I winced in pain accidentally biting Helios's lip. I began feeling really dizzy as the lights above me became hazy. The next thing I knew I had blacked out again.