A Snake In Plain Sight

It has been a long time since Orihime was in trouble. The last time she was in trouble, she was taken to Hueco Mundo against her will. She was then used to heal the Espada and the other Arrancar. Even though our heroes saved her, there are still scars from that mission. Currently, Kuroi, Chad, and Tatsuki run up the stairs of Orihime's apartment building. They see Orihime sitting on the ground and run up to her.

"Orihime!" exclaimed the Fullbringers.

Orihime doesn't respond.

"Orihime, are you ok?" asked Kuroi.

"Ah! Kuroi, Chad, Tatsuki, why are you guys here?" asked Orihime.

"We felt your spiritual pressure change. Are you alright?" said Kuroi.

"That wasn't a normal spiritual pressure fluctuation. What happened, Orihime?" said Chad.

"Nothing's wrong. My stomach just started hurting and I knelt to see what was wrong," said Orihime.

"There was another spiritual pressure here. Who was it?" said Chad.

"It belonged to my friend. I met my friend here," said Orihime.

"Friend? You have more friends?" asked Kuroi.

"Yeah, after I said goodbye to my friend, my stomach started hurting. That's all. Sorry for making you worry. I'll call you if something bad happens," said Orihime.

"Ok then. See you tomorrow," said Kuroi.

"See you tomorrow," said Orihime.

Tatsuki, Chad, and Kuroi walk away as their usually happy friend watch them. They walk down the stairs and start to walk through the street.

"So, what do you guys think happened to Orihime?" asked Tatsuki.

"She was lying, but I don't know why. Maybe it was just nothing important," said Kuroi.

"Probably. There's no reason why Orihime would lie to us," said Chad.

"The cafe is just around here. We can talk after we get some food," said Tatsuki.

"Why do we need to talk? We're still friends. We can just talk over the phone," said Kuroi.

"We have to tell you about important information. We don't want anybody who could be spying on us to hear," said Chad.

"People are spying on us?" asked Kuroi.

"Just wait until we get to the cafe. We'll talk then," said Tatsuki.

Fifteen minutes pass. Kuroi, Tatsuki, and Chad sit at a random table in the newly opened cafe. Cups of tea sit in front of them.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" asked Kuroi.

"Ginjo told us a lot of important stuff and he wanted us to relay the message to you. You heard Rukia's voice coming from your Substitute Soul Reaper badge, right?" said Tatsuki.

"Yes. I heard her voice nice and clear. She seemed worried about why I was part of Xcution. Why would she be worried and how did I hear her voice?" said Kuroi.

"That badge doesn't just allow you to become a soul reaper. It also limits your power and allows the Soul Society to spy on you," said Chad.

"The Soul Society has been spying on me? Why is that?" asked Kuroi.

"The badge has always been a device to spy on substitute soul reapers. The Soul Society has never trusted unofficial soul reapers. Because of this, it led to one of the most deadly events in Soul Society's history," said Tatsuki.

"What was the event?" asked Kuroi.

"One substitute soul reaper found out that the badge was a spying device and went on a killing spree. That man was Shukuro Tsukishima," said Chad.

"Something has to be wrong with Xcution. Why would Rukia not want me to be there?" said Kuroi.

"Ginjo was also a substitute soul reaper. He quit once he found out that the badge was a spying device. He then found out that he had a Fullbring and created Xcution, a group for powerful Fullbringers, with the help of Tsukishima," said Tatsuki.

"Tsukishima was once part of Xcution? That's why Rukia didn't want me to work with Ginjo. Ginjo must not have the best taste in allies," said Kuroi.

"He didn't know at the time, but once he found out, he went to confront him. Tsukishima easily defeated him and the other members of Xcution," said Chad.

"He must have been the one who attacked Uryu and must have also gone and talked to Orihime. He's trying to get to me by going after my friends. That bastard needs to be dealt with," said Kuroi.

"How can you deal with a dude that you've never met?" asked Tatsuki.

"Do you know something?" asked Kuroi.

"His Fullbring is called Book of the End. It allows him to implant himself in people's memories by stabbing them with his bookmark that can turn into a sword. With him around, no one is safe," said Chad.

"If you want to find him, you have to know where his next target is. Chad and I can protect ourselves, but can Mizuiro or Keigo or Senna," said Tatsuki.

"Senna doesn't have any powers," said Kuroi.

"But, she is your friend. Tsukishima is an evil bastard. He will do anything to get to you. Protect her," said Chad.

"Thanks. You guys can pay the tab. I need to find Senna," said Kuroi.

"Wait. You said that you were going to pay," said Tatsuki.

"I lied," said Kuroi.

Kuroi gets up from his seat and runs out of the cafe. He runs through the streets of the town until he reaches a small house. He quickly opens the gate and runs up to the door. He sees that the front door is partially open and opens the door. He walks into the house and smells something weird.

"Senna, are you here!" exclaimed Kuroi.

The boy gets no response and he quickly runs up the stairs. He quickly walks through the different rooms on the second floor but finds no one. He reaches a room that he assumes is the bathroom and hears water running. He slowly opens the door, preparing for the worst, but he gets a good show.

"Tsukishima didn't get to her yet. That's good. Now, I can just-," said Kuroi.

"Kuroi! What are you doing watching me shower!" exclaimed Senna.

"Oh umm, I was just making sure that you were safe. Someone is coming after you and he's pure evil. I'm sorry for peeking," said Kuroi.

"Who's after me?" asked Senna.

"A guy named Tsukishima. He's a killer and he's trying to get to me through my friends. I just don't want you to get hurt," said Kuroi.

"I'm fine. I've been to Hell. I can handle him," said Senna.

"He's not a regular human. He's way more powerful than you," said Kuroi.

"Fine. If he shows up, I'll call you and you can take him down. Will that make you feel better?" said Senna.

"Yeah, it will," said Kuroi.

"Good. Now, are you just going to watch or join me?" said Senna.

"Tempting offer, but I'm on the hunt for Tsukishima. I don't have time for distractions. Sorry," said Kuroi.

"Don't be. Just come back if you want. I'll be waiting," said Senna.

Kuroi quickly closes the door before he floods the room with the blood from his nose. He walks down the stairs and walks towards the door. Before he can leave the house, he senses a familiar spiritual pressure. He turns around and sees Tsukishima standing behind him.

"Tsukishima, I knew you would come here," said Kuroi.

"You did, but you couldn't stop me. That's tough," said Tsukishima.

"What are you talking about?" asked Kuroi.

"Your friend up there was weaker than you thought," said Tsukishima.

"What did you do to her?" asked Kuroi.

"Let's just say that I'm no longer her enemy," said Tsukishima.

"You bastard! I'll destroy you for hurting my friends!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"Why are you trying to fight me when your friend is dying up there? You sound more selfish than compassionate," said Tsukishima.

"Dying? I'll kill you!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Kuroi jumps in the air and tries to kick Tsukishima, but he easily dodges the kick. He then walks towards the front door.

"Where are you going! Our fight isn't over!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"Kuroi, help," said Senna weakly.

Kuroi turns around and sees an injured Senna, crawling towards him.

"I think that you have a bigger issue to deal with. Have a good night, Kuroi," said Tsukishima.

"Don't act as you've won. I will defeat you," said Kuroi.

"Keep on telling yourself that, kid. If it makes you feel better," said Tsukishima.

Tsukishima opens the door and walks out of the house. Kuroi runs over to Senna and picks her up.

"Kuroi, he came quicker than I thought he would," said Senna weakly.

"Stop talking. You need your breath. I'll take you to the hospital. Doctor Ishida will help you," said Kuroi.

"Ok," said Senna.

Kuroi opens the door and runs through it. He runs at top speed towards the hospital. He runs for only a few minutes until he sees the giant sign on the hospital. He runs into the hospital and runs up to the front desk.

"Hello, sir. What do you-," said the secretary.

"Where's Dr. Ishida?" asked Kuroi.

"Do you have an appointment?" asked the secretary.

"No, but I need him. He's the best surgeon in the country. My friend was attacked and she needs him," said Kuroi.

"I'm sorry, but he's not here," said the secretary.

"He's here all of the time. Why would he not be here now?" said Kuroi.

"I don't know. I just work here," said the secretary.

"Fine. I'll just take her to Orihime," said Kuroi.

"There's no need. I can help her," said Dr. Ishida.

Kuroi turns around and sees Dr. Ishida standing behind him. Kuroi places Senna in his hands.

"Please help her. Tsukishima got to her as well," said Kuroi.

"She'll be fine by tomorrow. Go get him," said Dr. Ishida.

"Thank you, sir," said Kuroi.

Kuroi runs out of the hospital and runs towards Ginjo's apartment. He reaches the apartment building in ten minutes. He runs into the apartment building and enters the elevator. He quickly clicks the button for the sixth floor and the elevator rockets upwards to the sixth floor. He runs out of the elevator and nearly kicks down the door.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Doors cost money!" exclaimed Ginjo.

Kuroi angrily walks towards him and grabs him by his collar.

"Senna got hurt because you made friends with that bastard, Tsukishima! You taught him about Fullbrings and he's now coming after my friends because of you! I should beat you for what you've done, but, for some reason, I can't do it!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"Look. I'm sorry. I didn't know that he was evil when I first met him. If you want to punch me, then do it. I won't be mad. Your friends got hurt because of my mistake, but I can fix it. We can resume your training tomorrow morning. You can stay here if you want," said Ginjo.

"Fine. I'll stay here," said Kuroi.

"You can just sleep on the couch. The members of Xcution always come here pretty early, so you should be able to get some rest," said Ginjo.

Kuroi lets go of Ginjo's collar.

"I'm sorry. I was just angry," said Kuroi.

"It's fine. Just don't keep on doing this. I don't have time for this crap," said Ginjo.

"I won't. Thank you," said Kuroi.

"Don't mention it," said Ginjo.

Fifteen hours pass. Kuroi opens his eyes and remembers that he slept over in Ginjo's apartment. He gets up off the couch and walks over to the bar. Kutsuzawa stops cleaning glasses when he sees Kuroi take a seat.

"You're up early, sir. Do you want anything to drink?" said Kutsuzawa.

"Just give me some orange juice. Drinking early in the morning isn't wise," said Kuroi.

Kutsuzawa grabs a glass and places it on the table. He grabs some orange juice from the fridge and pours it into the glass. He hands it over to the young soul reaper.

"Thanks, Kutsuzawa," said Kuroi.

Before Kuroi can take a sip of the orange juice, a ball hits the glass, breaking it and spilling the orange juice on his lap.

"What the hell was that?" asked Kuroi.

"Good morning, recruit! It's time for your training to begin," said Riruka.

"I just wanted to enjoy some oj. Why did you do that?" said Kuroi.

"Didn't you hear me? It's time to begin your training!" said Riruka.

"I heard it, idiot. I just wanted to enjoy an early morning beverage," said Kuroi.

"Don't call me an idiot, you asshole!" exclaimed Riruka.

"Just tell me what we're going to be doing today," said Kuroi.

"You wanna know, huh? Fine, I'll tell you," said Riruka.

Riruka grabs a fish tank and places it in the bar.

"All right! You're going to be training in here!" exclaimed Riruka.

"A fish tank? Couldn't you have chosen a better place?" asked Kuroi.

"Stop complaining and prepare to train. I permit you," said Riruka.

Kuroi shrinks and is sent into the fish tank. He lands on the wet ground and sees Jackie standing twenty feet away from him.

"Welcome, Kuroi. We haven't talked yet, but we have met. I'm Jackie Tristan. Nice to meet you," said Jackie.

"The name's Kuroi Hono," said Kuroi.

Kuroi takes his necklace off of his neck and activates his Fullbring.

"Let's just get started," said Kuroi.

"That's a good expression," said Jackie.

A few seconds pass, but nothing happens.

"Are you not going to attack?" asked Jackie.

"You haven't brought out your Fullbring yet," said Kuroi.

"How naive are you? This may be training, but I am still your enemy. Would you still do the same thing on the battlefield?" said Jackie.

"Maybe," said Kuroi.

"Unbelievable. If that's how you fight, then I have no choice. I'll get this started. Dirty Boots!" said Jackie.

Jackie's outfit changes as she activates her Fullbring. Instead of waiting, she instantly tries to kick Kuroi, but he dodges the sneak attack.

"That's pretty good. I didn't think that you could dodge that," said Jackie.

"You can't sneak attack me. I always see it coming. Plus, what is your Fullbring?" said Kuroi.

"Why would I tell you?" asked Jackie.

"When I'm fighting, my enemies usually explain their abilities," said Kuroi.

"I'm not a regular enemy," said Jackie.

"I guess that I'll just have to find out while we fight," said Kuroi.

Jackie jumps towards Kuroi and tries to kick him, but Kuroi easily dodges the kick. Kuroi winds up his attack and smacks Jackie with his Fullbring and is sent flying. Once she touches the ground, she gets back up and charges at Kuroi, but she seems faster. Before Kuroi can react, Jackie appears behind him and kicks him in the back of the head. Kuroi is sent flying in the same direction she was.

"I thought that no one could hit you with a sneak attack," said Jackie.

"How did you get faster?" asked Kuroi.

"It should be obvious. When my boots get dirtier, I get stronger and faster. If you keep on going easy, you will never beat me," said Jackie.

"I can never beat you, huh? How am I up here then?" asked Kuroi.

Jackie looks up and sees Kuroi above her. Kuroi extends his leg and kicks Jackie in the face, creating a medium-sized explosion where Jackie was once standing. The smoke clears and Kuroi stands in front of Jackie.

"You snuck attack me. How did you get so fast? You're still in your human form," said Jackie.

"I'm a captain of the Gotei 13 for a reason. I'm not easy to beat," said Kuroi.

"Kuroi, what's going on with your Fullbring?" asked Jackie.

"What do you mean?" asked Kuroi.

Kuroi looks down at his Fullbring and sees that it is slowly expanding on his body.

"What's happening?" asked Kuroi.

"I don't know, but I'm calling it off," said Jackie.

"What are you talking about? Not yet," said Kuroi.

"Your Fullbring is going out of control. This is the first time I've ever seen this. Your progression is too fast. I'm ending this right now," said Jackie.

"I can handle it. Keep going," said Kuroi.

"Ginjo or even Yukio, tell Riruka to-!" exclaimed Jackie.

Before Jackie can finish speaking, she is punched by Kuroi. The punch forces her to fall to the ground.

"My Fullbring isn't going out of control. I've worn this necklace every day for the last nine years. I can control it," said Kuroi.

"You little bastard! I'm telling you that this is dangerous! Can't you figure that out without it getting beat into you!" exclaimed Jackie.

"Bring it, Jackie," said Kuroi.