Cinderella here I come

A smile married Charles face as he gazed at the snickers in his hands. His life has been boring for way too long, it's time for things to change a little.

Almost everyone watched, reads or hears about the story of Cinderella, but the story would soon be portrayed in his life. Mischievouness flowed through his blood at the plan he had in mind. Cinderella here I come...

He carried his phone and called his best friend, who's house was next to the tree girl. It was just a shoe, but Charles being Charles wants to make as big fuss as possible.

"Hey bro". Tyler's voice rang at the other end of the line.

"Yh bro I want to ask you something".

"Go on".

"Well, that girl whose house our ball entered, what's her name". Charles asks scratching the back of his head.

"Charles what are you up to now". Tyler ask suspicioness lacing in his voice.

"Nothing just wondering".

"Common bro, just tell me".

"Fine, I just want to create a little bit of drama. So be a good friend and give me all information you know about her". Charles confessed to his friends. But was it a little bit of drama that he wants to create?


"I really don't know her name, the girl hardly even comes out of her house. But I think she goes to our school".

"Ok bro thanks". Charles says then hung up. He couldn't wait till Monday. His sure the day would be fun.

"Charles lunch is ready". His Mom shouts from the kitchen.

"Coming". He shouts back leaving the living room and heading to the dinning room completely forgetting about his little plan. After his Mom and his sister, food, sleep and football are the things Charles loves a lot. He could forget about anything when doing those things.

"B bro". Charles four years old sister, zoey bounces on her chair on sighting her brother.

"How you kiddo". Charles patted his sister's head.

"Am fine, b bro would you take me to the pawk". Zoey says pouting.

"Of course, how can I say no to that face".

"Yay Mom, Charlsh is taking me to the pawk". Zoey says bouncing up and down on her chair.

"Great sweetheart". Their Mom, Mary, Smiles serving her children.

"Mom where ish Daddy". Zoey ask as she hasn't seen her Dad in a long time. Their Dad is a pilot so he travels from place to place daily, giving him a little time to spend with his family. Charles was closer to his Mom because of his Dad's career.

His Mom never missed his football matches, piono performance and never fails to be there when Charles gets in trouble at school. She was there for him every step of his life and supported him through thick and thin, he could say his Mom is his heroin. Mary didn't have to work because her husband earns a lot that would even sustain their next 5 generation.

"Your Daddy has travelled sweety, but he'll be back soon don't worry". Mary says looking at her eldest son with sad eyes. The girl loves her Daddy a lot and he could be her favorite. If only he had the time.

"But that's what you said two weesh ago". Zoey whines, her eyes clouding with tears.

"Don't worry dear, he'll be home soon". But the truth is, even she doesn't know when her husband would be back.

"I don't want to talk to you". Zoey pouted her bottom lip trembling.

Oh-uh, she's about to cry.

Not a pleasant thing to witness.

"Sweetheart...". Before Mary could finish, zoey ran out of the dinning and headed to her room making her Mom sigh.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll talk to her". Charles says also living the dinning room and heading to his little sister's room.

The door was open wide and zoey was laying on her bed crying. You could easily tell she was crying, her body vibrated and she let's out a few hiccups.

"Zoe, you know I don't like seeing you cry". Charles settled himself on her bed bringing her tiny body to his lab.

"Buh i missh Daddy". Zoey wipes her tears with the back of her hand.

"I know, I also miss him but you know Dad is a pilot. He goes out there and fly's plane's like a superhero". He patted his sister's head as he spoke calming the girl down.

"Really, is Daddy a superhero". Zoey says sitting up, her eyes widen with questions.

"Yes zeo, we should be proud of him even though we miss him. Or do you want Daddy to be upset". Zoey shock her head on a negative so Charles continued as his positive now that his plan would work.

"So stop crying now and cheer up, Dad wouldn't like to see his princess crying".

After wiping his sister's tears, the two walked back downstairs and continued eating their lunch.

The brother and sister left for the park after eating lunch.


Karen drew a small dress as the cold wind bellowed her face.

A smile graced her face as her drawing started to take shape. She drew a beautiful little gown with floral design and a waist band.

She felt a presence beside her but she ignored it and continued with her drawing. The intruder moved closer and closer to her making karen feel uncomfortable. Who is that creep.

"The dresh is cute". A tiny voice sang from besides Karen diverting her attention to the little cutie.

"Oh thank you". Karen smiled at the cutie.

"Your really pretty". Little Miss says earning a big smile from Karen.

"Thank you, your really cute too".

"Really". The cutie bounces up and down giving karen a toothy smile.

"Yes". Karen laughs.

"Thank chu". The young girl blushes looking away, how cute. Karen had always wanted a baby sister. She wanted a sister to hold, braid her hair, dress her up and take her to the park. And this young girl here just makes her miss not having a sister.

"Tell me, what's your name". Karen ask.

"Zoey what are you doing here". A husky voice asks yanking the girls attention to him.