The Disturbing...

The Disturbing...

Horror28 Chapters47.0K Views
Author: Anton Pan
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The Entrapped two book series starts with The Phantoms. Hunter investigates the people in Chloe’s life and secures her dwelling as best he could before leaving to search for his main suspect, Quinn. The eccentric Mrs Kennedy’s abandoned haunted house in the woods where a family murder took place is getting more and more disturbing with the inexplicable phenomena getting very personal and in her face. Isaac shares her experience and helps her at a time when she starts to doubt her sanity. Hunter gives them disturbing warnings and confusing messages over the phone and for some reason fails to inform them what is going on. Just when the passion between her and Isaac burns like a wildfire, they wake up captured by the devils that are behind everything.

Their situation is getting more and more hopeless since it seems the devils are in full control and their ambush for Hunter is well in place. The devil holding them captured is playing mind games with Chloe while she waits in agony for Hunter to walk into the trap. Surely, Isaac and Hunter’s cruel fate seems unavoidable and she is not sure what to expect to happen to the rest of them. She can only hope that some miracle would save them all from this evil.

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