Take a deep breath before the plunge, either ways it's not gonna help

Her guess was correct, their original residence was this creepy place. Then she noticed that whatever mess he had created they started to undo it.

They cleaned the furniture, placed everything in the right place and cleaned all the mess.

"So, these were the mysterious guys who were doing the dirty job," thought Adaline.

Adaline was scared, but she couldn't just run from there. Her heart willingly wanted to stay there while her brain wanted her to run.

Adaline always listened to her mind in logical things, but in situations like this, she usually listens to her heart.

But as time passed, her heart persuaded her mind. No one could stop her now from figuring out the truth.

They were saying something, but she couldn't make it out.

"I hope I could get a little closer to them, they might be saying something important," thought Adaline.

She tried getting closer, but she quickly backed away when she saw that their eyeballs suddenly turned red and blood started to pool out of their eyes!!! They both fell down and started to beg for their lives to some invisible being.

Adaline was horrified and ran as fast as she could. While she was running, her mind was filled with the pictures of that moment, it was really scary.

She couldn't think of a reasonable explanation for it. Suddenly, someone snatched her hand and brought her to a corner with force!

"Who are you? What's your problem? Why did you…" Adaline couldn't complete her sentence, Mrs. Bloodstone shut her mouth with her hand with force. Their eyes were sore and some blood was still there.

"No words, no words," Mrs. Bloodstone murmured.

"She's too short, it's not her! The witch will kill us! Oh no! Oh no!" Mr. Bloodstone shouted.

Adaline couldn't make sense to any of it. She just wanted to run away from there as fast as she could.

"No! no! This has to be her!" Mrs. Bloodstone shouted back.

While they both argued, Adaline tried to sneak out of there.

"Where do you think you are going dear?" Mrs. Bloodstone grabbed her hand and a wide evil grin was on her face. With full force, Adaline punched her on her nose.

"Oww!" Mrs. Bloodstone yelled in pain.

Mr. Bloodstone ran after her. Adaline ran and ran. She was so scared, and was running out of oxygen. After some time, she stopped.

She checked if Mr. Bloodstone was still after her. There was no sign of him.

She felt relieved. Then she reached home silently.

"Where were you? Have you any idea what time is it? Were you daydreaming? You are grounded for a mont…"

His mother stopped shouting when she saw the horror on her daughter's face. She was sweating and panting and more importantly, she hated running. She knew something bad happened to her.

"What happened dear?" Adaline remained silent.

"Tell me what happened?" she started panicking.

"Don't panic mom, my friends challenged me to take a full round of our colony, it was really exhausting," lied Adaline.

"You scared the hell out of me," said his mom relieved.

After that, she told everything to his brother.

"What?!! You did that! What were you thinking? Huh?" shouted Alex.

"Shh! Mom will hear you!" said Adaline. "I only did that because I felt like I was not being enough, I also wanted to contribute something to the group," Adaline said and started crying.

"You're a brave girl, Adaline. You've always been that, I was the one who got you into this. I'm so sorry, I should have acted more mature," Alex hugged her as he said.

"I just got so much scared when she…." She couldn't complete her sentence when she started crying again.

"Okay, why don't we order some pizza? Let's have some fun! Where is my arrogant sister?" cheered Alex.

Adaline finally smiled. She laughed and said, "Yeah sure. I'm not giving you any piece of my pizza, you're such a geek!" She acted arrogant and then burst out laughing.

They both laughed and enjoyed some sibling time. They were so happy now. Adaline was really happy now, her worries were covered by light for now.

Only if they knew that it was the deep breath before the plunge.