It is what it is

"The ancestors of the Silverton's were valiant and valorous. They were more powerful than any an ordinary human.

In older times, they had contacted a witch to make them more powerful because they wanted to stay powerful and to make their bloodline the most powerful one whom no one can defeat. They could live up to 150 years!"

"Woah, this sounds like a really interesting story," Sam said as if he was enjoying it. Everyone gave him a death glare which made him shut up.

"The Soliño witches didn't like to be with them because, if the blood of the Silverton and Soliño will mix, then a very powerful hybrid will bear which could even destroy the world!

For many years they all lived happily, but then one day, Katherine Soliño ran from her home because she didn't like witches.

She thought that witches use their power for their benefit and do not have any wish to use their power for the welfare of others.

"OMG! I think I have an idea where this is going," said Salvadora a little bit scared.

"This is not your book's story, this is our history as a witch," her mom said in a serious tone.

"Witch? I think I'm kind of scared, I don't like this at all," said Sam actually scared.

"Then after that, she met Dominic Silverton and with time, she fell in love with him.

Later, they got married. The news of their marriage spread and the Soliños got angry.

They immediately performed a locator spell and found her and then they forced her to put a dangerous curse on the Silverton, she was the one who broke the rule so she can only put the curse.

She cursed them that the Silverton will not be able to continue their bloodline, each Silverton lost their ability to reproduce.

The Silverton begged the witches to remove the curse, so they gave them a brutal way to remove it.

Your grandmother Isobel was only 5 years old when this curse was placed. Her desire to have her own child was so much that she became hell-bent on breaking the curse.

With the help of Selena her sister, she wanted to know how to break the curse, because this information was contained within her parents and her grandparents.

The brutal way was that; if they would ever reproduce, there won't be just one child, there will be two twins.

The extra child will be a very big burden on their family, she will destroy the whole family if not killed by the age of 18. How she will become a problem was still unknown.

The death of Silverton's child would remove the curse. Now, Isobel understood that why it was called BRUTAL."

"Mom, this isn't some legendary story, right? I can't believe any of this, this is just too much," Salvadora said a little frustrated.

"I know dear. This is what it is," declared her mom.

"I and my twin grew up together in that house. I, Rosaline-Soliño-Silverton & Rebekah-Soliño-Silverton, my sis.

Time passed and slowly Rebekah started to act strangely and it was getting worse day by day. Sometimes she even tried to kill herself!

Some doctors said she was mentally ill and she needs to go to an asylum. She didn't had a mental or any kind of health problem, she wasn't ill after all.

My mom knew that going to a mental hospital will only make her worse, so she decided to treat her in the home only.

Your grandmother tried everything but everything was useless. Then somewhere in her mind, a thought came up, "Rebekah is the consequence and she must die for good."

Selena went to visit some of her witch friends to understand what was happening to Rebekah. There, she learned something very important and quickly reached her sister's house.

But when she reached there, she was stunned by what she saw, Rebekah was hanging on the top floor facing down lifelessly! The pretty face with those glowing silver eyes was now nothing but a lifeless body. She couldn't believe any of it."

"Silver eyes? Like Sal's?" asked Sam.

"Yeah, Sal definitely got her aunt's eyes," her mom replied sadly.

Salvadora remained silent, she was too stunned to say anything right now.

While her mind processed everything, somewhere in her, she felt bad for Rebekah.