Better swallow the Bitterness, than to Taste it

Everybody was frozen, if the theory's correct, then they themselves knew that Salvadora was in major danger.

Salvadora slowly opens her eyes, so many eager faces were watching her. She was feeling a bit tired from that much sleep.

Her mom, dad, brother, and her two friends were watching her with eager eyes, she was really confused about what happened there.

Her mom and dad's eyes were filled with tears, Sam's was too but somehow, he managed to swallow it back.

She couldn't exactly recall what happened to her, it was all in a blur, her memories were in pieces. She tried really hard to remember what happened to her, and slowly she remembers it all.

She felt a little dizzy as she lifted her head and sat, she couldn't exactly say why everyone was acting like this, but she knew that something wasn't right.

Her mind was completely buzzed up, it was taking time for it to function normally again.

Apart from all this, she felt some new emotions in her, some new feelings which weren't before, something which wasn't hers. She was confused about the whole situation.

"Mom, what happened? Why you all are crying?" she asked weakly.

"It doesn't matter, we're really happy to see you, you—you passed out and woke up after a really long time Sal," said Sam and hugged her.

"Dear, take the full time to recharge yourself, you must be feeling exhausted, try to remember everything clearly, it's really important," her mom said calmly.

She took some time to relax and forced herself to remember everything clearly, but so many things were in her mind, it was hard to focus on one thing.

"Drink this, it'll help you focus," her mom offered her some coffee and dark chocolates.

It was a bit awkward as everyone was watching her eat, it really was.

"Um...can you guys please do something else?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Adaline said and started doing some random things to pretend she wasn't looking.

Everyone realized that they made it really awkward for her.

"So, ask anything. I'm okay now," Salvadora remembered everything now. It was a bit frightening, but she decided to play it cool.

"What happened to you, dear? before you passed out?" asked her dad.

"I—I don't remember exactly what happened, it was all a blur. Last time, I was with aunt Pomphrey, then suddenly, she started acting so weird, like—like she wasn't herself.

A minute before, she was so calm and suddenly she got so much angry. I couldn't understand what happened to her.

I remember her saying some really weird words before I passed out."

Salvadora couldn't shake those new and weird feelings, she was feeling sad, she couldn't really explain what she was feeling.

It was as if she knew Rebekah her entire life. She felt really bad for her aunt, and that's when the thought came up,' I can help her.'

"I think I know what happened back there, but believe me it's bad news," her mom said worried.

She continued, "I think Rebekah must've possessed Pomphrey in order to put her plan into motion."

Everybody was frozen by Rose's words, it was like a horror movie and they were completely stuck in it. There was really no way out of it.

"What the hell! She could do that? I… I … thought she couldn't really do those stuffs," Sam was slowly losing it.

"What do we do now?" asked Adaline. "My best guess is we need to talk to Madam Pomphrey and…" Alex stopped as soon as he saw that Salvadora was so shook up with all that's happening and she was speechless.

Others noticed it too. "Honey, rest. I and your mom will take care of the business," said Dad concerned.

"You kids stay with her; we'll be back real soon."

"Ouch," Sal shrieked.

Her mom plucked some hairs of hers, everyone noticed that, but then they ignored it because they both left just after that.

"Mom and dad are gone, let's have some fun!" Salvadora screamed as soon as they left.

"But..." Sam started but Sal didn't let him complete it.

"Oh, come on Sam. We've had enough already, don't you think we should have some fun? Guys? don't you agree?" she looked at Adaline and Alex with eager eyes.

"Yeah, sure. She's right Sam," Alex looked at Sam and convinced him with his glare.

After that, they enjoyed the remaining day to the fullest. Ate all the junk foods, played some video games, pillow fighting, movie night...and so on.

Salvadora was feeling much better now, she really needed a distracted from everything.

It was night time, tired by the weirdness happened they slept earlier than usual.

Alex and Adaline also slept at their house as they were too tired. And they didn't want to leave her alone at this time. But night has always been the hardest for her.

It was night time and there were no stars in the sky, it was all covered by the dark clouds.

It seemed as if happiness was covered by the clouds of darkness and sadness. Sal couldn't sleep with all this mess going on.

She pretended to be okay in front of others, but inside, she wasn't okay. She could literally feel the pain and sorrow running through her veins.

She couldn't rest and sleep, every time she closes her eyes, all she could see was Rebekah calling for help.

Apart from that, she was scared of her scary dreams, with a lot going in her mind, she couldn't even imagine how much weird her dreams could get.

The only thing which seemed pleasant was the scene of watching the stars as the clouds drifted away.

"Dang! it's the key! I have to remove something just like these clouds, so that everything can be alright again," Sal said quietly so that she doesn't wake others.

"I know exactly what to do now, I just need to get over with this night."