You Can't Expect the Unexpected

"What do you mean? How can you say that it all depends on Salvadora? Sal's just a child!" Her mom was extremely worried.

"Rose, you need to calm down. According to the hairs of Salvadora you gave me, the potion turned blue after adding those hairs to it.

So, Rebekah doesn't have full control of her mind, she just filled her dreadful memories in Sal's mind, Salvadora can now feel everything that Rebekah felt," explained Rose's friend Sybil.

"Oh my God! It must be so awful for my dear Sal! Salvadora must be going through so many things. Sybil, there must be a way to stop this, right?" Rose collapsed on the floor.

She thought she was losing her mind by the other second. But she tried to be calm in a situation like this.

"Sybil? What about the doppelganger? Why aren't you doing a damn thing!" she shouted.

"I already did that, there's something wrong with this whole thing, someone's blocking my spells, it can't be Rebekah, she doesn't have enough power to do these kinds of powerful spells," said Sybil worried.

"Then who…Omg! Omg! It can't be, she wouldn't do such a thing," Rose burst into tears, the worst thing was that she couldn't do a thing.

"I'm afraid to say this, but yes, Salvadora is doing this. She chose to sacrifice," Sybil's words brought silence to the room.

Rose's throat went dry and no words came out of her mouth. The phone started ringing, it was Pomphrey.

"Listen, Rose. This is me, and I know a way to save Sal."

"I'm helpless Pom, I know I can't trust you but there's just no other way. So, please tell me. I'm ready to sacrifice anything or anybody for her," she begged.

"Listen to this, Salvadora blocked all the possible ways she knew to save her. What she didn't know was that there is always one alternative way of witchcraft.

The bad news is this that we have to sacrifice someone of her bloodline," said Pomphrey concerned.

"I…" Rose started but Pomphrey blocked her and said, "No you don't, you have a family to take care of, you can't just disappear from their lives.

I've no one and no responsibility, I'll die for her. This is my time to prove my love towards her," said Pomphrey weeping.

"I know I can't change your mind so, I'm not gonna say a thing. We'll miss you Pomphrey," Rose ended the call because she doesn't want to hear her cry.

"Sybil, Prepare everything for the spell," she wiped a tear as she said.

The situation was really bad, their future wasn't decided, it was all messed up real big. They could only hope for good now.

"I feel like I only slept for 2 hours!" Sam yawned as he said.

"You literally slept for 10 hours, and you're still feeling sleepy. Since when did you get so lazy?" Sal exclaimed.

Salvadora was doing really well at hiding her emotions. She couldn't let others know about her condition.

She was cooking something really dangerous in her mind.

"Well, we were really tired yesterday. At least, our minds were. Besides, sleeping helps relieve stress and pain," Adaline explained.

"Yeah, true. Anyways, I was joking," Sal laughed.

"We're so worried about you that at the moment, your jokes sound something serious," Alex came forward as he spoke.

Salvadora loved all of them, she couldn't risk their lives because of her. Tears came in her eyes, but she managed to swallow them back.

"Come on guys! Don't be so boring, you are making me feel so dull. How about some coffee? Aren't you guys hungry?" Sal was trying really hard.

It was a little awkward for Sal to be so energetic. But, she had some real reason for her behavior.

' She's already been through so much, she deserves to be happy,' Sam smiled as he thought.

"I don't know about these two, but I never said that I wasn't hungry," Adaline joked.

"Coffee? Come on, Sal. Do you really think I can just say no to it?" Sam said in a dramatic voice.

"Well, majority wins, gotta drink coffee," Alex tried to be funny but it didn't exactly suit him.

"Seriously Alex? It's not like you hate coffee," Sal was kinda irritated now. She tried to control her anger.

Then they all made coffee from the coffee machine. All of them sat together in the living room.

Sam switched on the T.V. He knew that they would probably get bored if he didn't do a thing.

"Guys? Do you have anything on mind to watch? cuz I don't," Sam asked.

"I don't really know, I think I could watch some news. I don't know what's happening around me lately," Alex yawned as he said.

'Why do I feel so lazy? Didn't I get enough sleep last night?' he wondered.

It was more like his mind was tired, he felt like his eyes would close any second.

Sam played the news channel. The news reporter told some normal news which nobody really cared about.

He wondered why he didn't play any movie, it was getting really boring.

After some deadly moments, Adaline finally said something to wake them up.

"Oh my God Guys! This is totally not what I expected to see this morning."

All three of them turned around to see what caught her attention. Adaline's eyes were glued to the T.V. and her mouth was wide open.

The news reporter was telling about the drastic death of some old couple, they wondered who could that be.

The pictures shown were too blurry to recognize who that was. So, they waited patiently to hear their identity.

Everybody got disappointed when they heard that their identity was yet to discover, the police couldn't find any relatives or family friends.

"So, this was your reason to be shocked?" Sam asked Adaline doubtfully.

"Yeah, can't you see? I'm ninety percent sure they're the Bloodstones!" she exclaimed.

Everyone else was confused. They couldn't really understand why Adaline was thinking something like that.

"Adaline, would you care to explain why do you think that?" Sal asked.

"Yes, the pictures. It just looks like the house I and Alex visited. And the location also matches," explained Adaline.

"Well, that makes sense. I think we should call mom and discuss it," said Alex and then called her mom.

"Hi, mom! Are you free for some time? I just need to ask something," he asked.

"Well, I've got some time. Ask away," his mom replied.

"About that old couple's death that's on news, Can you give me more information about it?" Alex asked patiently.

"I can tell you one thing. Their identity was hidden from the public because those old couples weren't exactly the type of normal people. The news about their death can cause a conflict," his mom replied in a hurry.

"Do you know their name?" asked Alex and waited patiently for the answer.

"I don't know their first names but their last name was Mr. & Mrs. Bloodstone. Surprising, huh? Just don't get into any danger, son," his mom said.

"Yeah, thank you," and the call ended.

"So, it's true," Alex declared.