More Sales, Massive Profit

The auction proceeded at a rapid pace from there on, as soon as a bid was shouted, another cry would take its place.

The price of the swords remained relatively stable, none of the organizations were really willing to spend over $10,000 for one piece of equipment. As the bidding over the swords continued the price dropped a little, but overall the prices hovered around the $10,000 mark,

If it were a skill book, based on what they had learned from Eidiri's blog, they would be willing to spend a whole lot more.

The knives that Eidiri had crafted were put up after the swords were taken away.

These knives weren't crafted with magical ore or the Dwarven Son technique, however, the people would still want them.

After displaying the knives, the expectations of those assembled dropped a bit, however, they were still willing to buy them.

When the game went fully public, they would be able to equip these weapons to their players right of the bat.

All these groups wanted to snag these weapons, each additional weapon would be another member that would be able to push on ahead.

Eidiri announced the details for the first knife to be auctioned off, this creation being more on the lower end, the best would of course be saved for last.

"Ordinary Iron Knife - Crafted from the hands of the Novice Forger Eidiri according to the guidelines of a blueprint.

There is really nothing extraordinary about this, it's a knife. It cuts things. Sometimes even stabs them if the wielder is feeling like it.

ATK +2."

"For this item, the bidding will start at $500, each bid must be in increments of $100."

One of the members of the lower-tier alliances decided to take a stab at it this time, trying to secure an early victory over the others, placing the initial bid of $500.

For a period of time, no one else bidded.

Eidiri and Edgar weren't nervous though, now that the initial excitement over the swords had died down, people were thinking more calmly.

If they perhaps tried to place their bids at the last second, they would have a better chance at getting it.

The higher level organizations naturally wouldn't bet on such a low-tier weapon, knowing that actually quality goods would be further down the line.

When Eidiri started the 3 second countdown, countless voices started placing their bids, creating a cacophony of voices, Eidiri being unable to distinguish the sounds being thrown at him.

Seeing the trouble Eidiri was in, Edgar stepped up, "Now if we would please all just calm down, you guys will be able to place your bids. Theres no point in clamoring like this, nothing will be accomplished," he said calmly.

When he saw that the crowd had died down, he nodded towards Eidiri, "Okay, so the current bid right now is $500, would anyone like to raise that?" he asked.

"Going once,"

"Going twice."

A gentle looking woman called out from the crowd, "$700! $700 here!" she cried.

"Okay, we've got $700 now. Would anyone like to raise that?"

"$800! 800 here!" called a portly man.

A slim fellow ended up taking away the knife for $1,200.

As the quality of the knives slowly increased, so did the price these people were willing to pay.

When it got to the last knife, the one that Eidiri had actually applied the Dawrven Son technique too, a murmuring went through the crowd.

"Now, as I'm pretty sure all of you can tell. This next item is indeed quite special," Edgar said.

"This knife has been crafted by Eidiri here through the use of Dwarven Forging techniques, such a work you will most likely be unable to find elsewhere."

"If you've been keeping up with my friend Eidiri's blog here, then you should know the capabilities that his dagger Steel Song possesses."

"Much like Steel Song, this knife here was also forged using the Dwarven Son method. Such a weapons is guaranteed to be a level higher than whatever was just sold now."

After the brief introduction, the stats of the item were put on display, allowing everyone to see them.

Compared to this knife, the knives that so many of them had fought over seemed like trash now.

This was the knife that the top organizations were waiting for, this was the one that possessed the attributes that would give them not just a slight edge, but a real competitive one.

Giving this knife to the right player would most certainly cause them to create a place for themselves within the game.

"Now seeing as this knife is a bit special. The bidding for this will start at $10,000. I trust there will be no disagreements," Eidiri said.

No one voiced any complaints, some were leaving, knowing they wouldn't be able to secure it, or sitting patiently.

And with that, the bidding began.

Integritas landed the initial bid, but that was quickly outpaced by Destiny who bid $12,000.

Destiny was then overswept by Dynamo who placed a $17,000 bid.

However, these little fish were then dispersed by a true shark, a true top tier guild, Emperium.

"Emperium has laid claim to this knife. To make things fair to the seller, we'll be placing a bid of $25,000," the Emperium representative said.

Even if there were no complaints, no one voiced them, only internally grieving. Emperium was an established name, one that had garnered a lot of respect.

Then, the Emperium representative extended an offer that no one had expected.

"If Mr. Eidiri would be willing, I'm wondering if you would be willing to negotiate a private deal on the sale of the leather armor."

"Just curious of course," they added on offhandedly.

Such an offer was meet with great dismay, despite them being at the top, surely they couldn't just eat this all up, right?

Voices of frustration and annoyance began to express themselves within the crowd, the tension slowly growing.

Then a refined-looking woman stepped forward, "Surely you can fathom such ideas Jacob? Too think that Emperium would be so arrogant. It's a free auction, emphasis on the free," she said.