Ore Retrieval Quest Completed

After Eidiri had finished the blog post, he then proceeded to upload it, closing the forums immediately after to avoid the inevitable storm of messages.

Then he gathered himself off of the ground and proceeded to head back to the village, planning on submitting the quest back to Jarid.

Hopefully the reward this time would be something like the skills to handle ores of this grade or something along those lines.

As he traversed the uneventful, rugged path that he had created haphazardly upon arriving to the Caverns of Laroshia, his mind drifted off thinking about the rewards he could get.

"Perhaps another Dwarven Forging technique," Eidiri mused to himself.

"Nah, they'll never give such valuable techniques to outsiders, at most the bare minimum," he then thought, denying that idea.

Before he knew it, the familiar sight of the sturdy wooden gate came into view as he climbed up a hill, the gate open, almost as if he were being welcomed back.

When he entered the village again, he flashed his identity card, signaling he had the right to enter the village before immediately heading to the blacksmith.

When he got to the blacksmith though, he couldn't find any sign of Jarid. Something that was quite peculiar.

Normally Jarid would either be in a backroom or manning the forges. Other times he would be hammering away at the anvil. Such a disappearance didn't suit Jarid at all.

Curiously, Eidiri decided to ask Leif about their master's whereabouts.

In response, Leif replied, "Master Jarid went out to discuss a weapons manufacturing deal with some mercenary group. He should be back in about 2 days."

"2 days?" Eidiri repeated.

"2 days," Leif confirmed.

"Okay then, did Master Jarid leave any instructions for when I come back?" Eidiri asked.

"As a matter of fact, Master Jarid honestly didn't expect you to finish your task so quickly. As such he really didn't leave anything for you to do," Leif said.

"If you want something to do, you can clean up the shop here and maybe do some orders if you feel like it."

"One of our regulars, Priscilla, recently ordered a batch of swords if you want to handle that," Leif further elaborated.

"Yeah sure, I'll handle it," Eidiri said, accepting the order.

And with that Eidir spent the next 2 days handling the simple chores around the shop, cleaning up the backlog of orders (as well as raking in that sweet, sweet forging exp), tidying up the shop, etc.

On the 2nd day a slow clopping resounded on the cobblestone street outside the shop, the sounds of a horse-drawn cart approached the blacksmith.

Curious as to who the visitor would be, Eidiri peeked his head out the door.

To his surprise, Master Jarid stepped out of the carriage along with a guest.

This guest looked to be a nobleman, with a slight air of pretentiousness.

Busying himself outside the shop, Eidiri covertly listened in to the conversation.

"Now Mr. Robertson. What exactly did you say you wanted the weapon to again?" asked Jarid.

The now named Mr.Robertson then said, "Why I'm looking for a weapon that exudes an elegant air equivalent to mine. Preferably it would be a splendid sword, something that would truly catch the eye if you know what I mean."

"Translation: He wants something that looks nice. Big whoop. Probably something to pick girls up with at the next big gala or whatever he would host. Probably going to tell some sort of dumb story about traveling to the Northern Front and slaying hundreds of Frost Trolls with the weapon also," Eidiri thought to himself.

"We can surely produce a weapon according to your requirements my good sir. However such a weapon would be costly to forge, as a weapon that matches the elegance you exude would be quite the difficult task, my lord," Jarid said, completely buttering this poor fool up.

"Ah well then my good man, my butler will be here within the week to handle the retrieval of this magnificent weapon. So long now, and good day. I must be off to my manor in haste," Mr. Robertson said as he stepped back into the carriage.

"May we meet again, my lord," Jarid replied.

All this while, Eidiri had pretended to clean the storefront, wiping away at the same shelf for the past several minutes.

Jarid waved to the carriage, momentarily stopping his actions to watch the carriage leave.

Then Jarid turned to Eidiri saying, "That jackass left already, you don't have to keep scrubbing there."

"What do you mean Master Jarid?" Eidiri asked, trying to sound confused.

"Cut horseshit. Just ask away I know ya got questions," Jarid said gruffly.

A bit abashed, Eidiri asked, "You don't actually respect that man do you?"

"By my forge, I don't," Jarid barked. "He wants a goddamn pretty weapon. A pretty weapon!"

"A weapon is made to cut, to stab, to kill, and that piece of shite wants to wave it around and all that."

"You were being polite to get a better fee weren't you?" Eidiri then asked bluntly.

"You already know that kid, don't even bother," Jarid responded. "Anyways, you got the ore?"

"Yep, I put them in the backrooms there. Based on the mining skills you provided, I identified them to be Shimmering Low-Tier Magical Grade Ores," Eidiri said.

"Ah, that's fine. Could be better though. Hmm... I'll have to see what I can make with that now," Jarid said as he scratched his beard.

"Well, in any case, this is pretty decent, you're waiting for some sort of reward, aren't you?"

Before Eidiri could reply, Jarid answered his own question, "Well of course you are, you did do my request. Problem is I didn't really think of a proper reward for this. Hmm..."

This stumped Jarid, and he stood there for a bit, trying to think of a proper reward for Eidiri. The silence was agonizingly awkward for Eidiri, and just when he was about to deny any sort of reward, Jarid spoke.

"I know what, I'll just make something with this ore and let you pick one of the items I make. Should be good enough?"

Before he received Eidiri's confirmation and assent to this sort of reward, Jarid had already scurried to the forge, planning out several items that he would make.

Eidiri was quite excited at this development, any item that this Master Dwarven Blacksmith could make would surely be leagues ahead of the gear he produced himself.

As such, this kind of reward to him was more than enough for the mere services he had provided.