"*sniff* My daughter *sniff*"

"Come on Daddy~! I'm not dying~" I whined upon seeing my dad weeping in front of me.

Anne and I are now ready to set off to the Royal Academy. The documents that contained the details including our schedule, orientation day's details, our dorm information and vice versa arrived last week, a week after our enrollment.

We are currently standing in front of our mansions, with almost every person inside our mansion, making it a fish market and both of us wondering how to stop our dramatic parents.

Well, of course it is understandable since we won't be returning for five years except for the holidays but we can't stay now, right?

"My Anne!!!! Please don't leave Daddy!!" Uncle Sael exclaimed as both of the males joined each other's agony. I looked towards Anne and she was already teary-eyed, making me sigh.

'Who in the world would believe that these two are the most feared dukes in the empire?' I sighed, looking at the weeping duo.

"Milady..." Fannie sobbed.


"You're going with me, Fannie!!!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, right?" she said and passed a smile.

'Is she okay?' I questioned.

"SISTERRR!!!!!!" Shane shouted and jumped at me, sticking to me like a koala, with tears continuously streaming down his doe eyes.

"Don't leave me!!" he exclaimed.

'Why am I getting Deja vu?'

I thought since this scene really felt familiar and soon I got reminded of the time Knox was leaving.

"Shanie, I have to go. I have to study there and become a successful person" I tried to explain as he vigorously shook his head.

"No! We are already rich! What's the need!!" he shouted. 

"That's not what I mean- Haiz...." I sighed since my attempt failed drastically but he's has a point.

"Mommy he- What in the world?" I looked towards Mommy only to find her wiping off her non-existent tears as she patted Aunt Rosaline's back to calm her down since she was also crying.

'My Mother doesn't really care, does she?' I thought.

Soon everybody calmed down and finally our luggage got loaded as we sat inside our carriage. Both of us popped our heads outside, only for me to receive a smack on my head.

"Popping your head out of the carriage is against the etiquette" Mommy said calmly as I held my head which started to least for me.

'What the heck is wrong with her? Why is she getting stricter day by day?' I thought.

"Sabi, my baby, don't forget Daddy, okay? Write letters every weekend, don't miss your meals and stay away from boys since they are bad. Oh, my daughter has grown up so much"

Daddy said as I sighed, whereas a similar scene could be seen on the other window, adding the fact that both the parents were concerned.

"Sister, I'll miss you *sniff*" Shane said as my heart also sunk a bit upon realising that I'm really separating from my family for a long time.

"Me too" I said and smiled without realising that my eyes were also teary.

Mommy forwarded her steps towards me as she ruffled my hair. I looked at her confused, obviously this is also not included in the etiquette.

"Take care of yourself, get serious in life, don't reveal your power at all costs, okay?" she said as she caressed my cheek.

I nodded my head as she passed me a heart warming smile. She kissed my forehead and said,

"I'll miss you...My Sabi"

"I'll miss you more. My Devil instructor" I said as she chuckled at my statement. Daddy also came forward with Shane in his arms as both of them, turn by turn kissed my cheeks and I did too.


The carriage departed as we waved at our family, maids, knights and butlers. They all waved back and we sat back in the carriage.

"We are really leaving our families?" Anne asked as tears dropped down her eyes turn by turn.

"Calm down, Milady. You are not leaving forever, Are you? You'll meet them soon." Sister Ray comforted her. I smiled at them.

"Don't take this as a sad ending, take it as a new beginning...beginning of a journey in which you'll be experiencing many new things that you could never experience living in between those four walls." Sister Ray added.

Anne went deep into her thoughts and soon nodded with a big smile on her face.

"You're good at this, Sister Ray" I said as I gave her a thumbs up to which she smiled at me.

"By the way, Why do Daddy and Uncle Sael's teary faces keep coming in front of my vision? And why am I finding it funny? Am I the only one?" I asked.

They all stared at me for a moment before giggling to themselves, more like holding in their laughter.

'Okay, So I'm not the only one' I thought to myself after seeing their reactions.


We were travelling now for more than three hours. The carriage stopped as a knock on the window could be heard. It was Sir Brian.

Both Sir Brian and Sir Ryan are escorting us to the Academy because of our fathers' order. I popped my head out, startling Sir Brian.

"Yes?" I said as he cleared his throat.

"I want to inform you that we will be stopping for a while. If you need to do anything, please feel free to do so under the supervision of your maid" he said.

"Do what?" I asked, not understanding what he meant.

He looked kind of taken aback by my question whereas in my side-eye vision I could clearly see Sir Ryan face-palming himself.

"Do like, know...what you want to do." he tried to explain and my dumbass still didn't get it as I passed him a 'Huh?' look.

He started to turn red, making more confused.

"The...the...Um...where you do business" he said and was now completely a tomato and I finally got what he wanted to say.

"Oh~ You mean if we want to use the restroom?! tch, What's there to be so shy about? Just say it openly." I said and plopped back to my seat, unaware about a frozen Sir Brian.

Sir Brian turned towards Sir Ryan with questions written all over his face.

"I can understand. I'm used to it by now" he said as he patted his back before leaving towards the horses whereas Sir Brian was still in a state of shock.

"Milady, both of us will be out to bring some refreshments. Until then please stay seated" Fannie said as Anne and I nodded.

Both of them headed out, leaving both of us alone. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could say anything, I heard two familiar voices.

"No! She said I'm a better partner. You tease her alot" Celimine said as she suddenly appeared mid-air.

"But I'm a better fighter than you," Augustus said with an attitude, appearing right after her.

"Mr. Augustus! Celi!" Anne exclaimed happily as both of the spirit's attention diverted to her.

Before her awakening Anne could only feel their presence and when she aroused her powers, she was able to see them. Celimine explained that the reason behind this was because of the divinity flowing in her veins.

"Oh? Anne? Carriage? Are both heading somewhere?" Augustus asked as I pressed my temples in frustration.

'This forgetful carrot' I thought to myself and of course he heard it.

"Will you stop calling me that!" he exclaimed.

"I won't" I said and stuck my tongue out, causing him to let out a groan.

"You forgot? They are leaving for the Academy, Stupid" Celimine said as Augustus finally recalled his memory.

"How are you both? And what were you fighting about?" Anne asked.

"We're good and we were bickering on who is a better help to Sabrina" Celimine exclaimed.

"It's definitely not you" I said, looking at Augustus as he scoffed in disbelief and on the other hand Celimine jumped in happiness.

"See! I told you!" she mocked Augustus who was currently having a glaring competition with me.

"Young Misses, We're back" Sister Ray announced as both of them entered the carriage.

"Oh? What are those?" I asked and soon felt a vibration indicating that the carriage had again departed.

"These are sweet buns, and since this is not a very civilized area, that's all we could get. I'm sorry" Sister Ray explained and apologized as she handed us the buns.

"Oh no, it's totally fine. These are actually good!" I said, munching over the bun.

"Can we try too?" Celimine asked as I nodded my head.

Celimine took a little piece and broke it into half, passing the other half to Augustus who at first showed neutral reaction but eventually took it and their expression showed that they absolutely love it.

The carriage moved for like less than an hour and we soon heard an announcement.

"We have arrived"

Anne took deep breaths as I chuckled seeing her all tensed up.

Both of us got off the carriage followed by Sister Ray and Fannie. We bid our escorts last goodbyes as they proceeded to head back.

It was almost afternoon since we departed early in the morning. And now we are standing in front of the huge gate which already had a few students entering it.

'So, now a new chapter begins...'