Chapter 39

Mia tried to get rid of the ice all day long but every time she was just done with cleaning everything she would turn around and find it covered in ice once again. Mia finally managed to clean up the ice that evening and went to get something to eat in the dining hall. "Have you finally got off that lazy ass of yours and cleaned the apartment," the old woman asked.

"Yes if you must know I cleaned it three times today. I don't like ice as much as I liked it before," Mia said. "That's what you get for being lazy," the woman said. But surely after dinner, Mia discovered even more ice in her apartment. She was losing it and she had finally had enough. She used her fire element to melt all the ice at once not caring if a possible fire breaks out.

She used her water and wind element to dry the apartment and opened the door to the outside to check who is using an ice element on her apartment. She saw Clara with a man next to her and Mia yelled. "Clara I do not think this is funny, how dare you use Ice on my apartment. I got yelled at because of you?" Mia said.

"You need more training so I am helping you, Zack ordered it," Clara said. "And Mike told you to stay away from me, if I see you again I will phone the police," Mia yelled. "They will not believe a single word you say since you have been listed as a danger to the public," Clara proudly said. "If you want a danger close to you be careful your asking for it," Mia said.

"Mia, what is going on?" Mike said. "It was Clara she asked the man to cover my apartment in ice, the more I clean up the ice the more they cover everything in ice and now she says I can not go to the police because Zack paid for her services," Mia said.

"Clare we told you to leave Mia alone. You don't need to be worried about her anymore," Mike said. "That's not what your brother thinks," Clara said. Mia sat on her bed and Bella came to lie down on before she even realised she was fast assleep. Mike looked at Mai and knew she was exhausted. Mia woke up to someone shaking her awake. She looked around and was confused at first.

She saw the lady that complained she was being lazy and said, "good morning can I help you with something?" Mia asked. "You can not sleep in, we need help in the kitchen and you need to learn not to be lazy. The sun is about to come out and you are still sleeping," the woman yelled.

"But I was cleaning up the ice until late last night," Mia complained. "Do not complain about it, you were lazy and that's the end of it. Tell me why is that dog not sleeping in its kennel?" the woman asked. "Because my uncles said it's okay for her to be in here with me," Mia said. "Well she is not coming to the kitchen and you will not be able to tend to her since I am going to make sure you know what it means to work," the woman yelled.

The woman Mia learned was called Molly. She had Mia clean the whole kitchen until she was satisfied. Next Mia had to clean the whole bases bathroom. Mia was cleaning the last of the breakrooms when Molly came in and said, "good job now clean the dining room and wash the dishes all of it."

Mia had just put away the last of the dishes. She knew Molly told her to take some food for herself but Mia was worried about Bella and went to her apartment without taking any food. She discovered Red had taken care of Bella when he noticed Molly was working Mia very hard that day. Mia went back to the kitchen to make some food for her but discovered Molly had already given everything to the dogs.

Disappointed that she had nothing to eat Mai returned to her apartment and went through the cupboards to try and find some form of food to make. She discovered a pack of pasta and a packet of pasta sauce. Mia finished cooking her food and was about to eat when there was a knock on the door. Mia opened the door and discovered Molly standing there very angry.

"How dare you cook your own food when I told you to take food from the kitchen," Molly yelled. Everyone looked at Mia and she felt uncomfortable. "Since you don't want to eat my food you do not get to eat any food. Molly said as she took all of the food Mia had made.

Mia sat on her bed late that night when there was another knock on her door. She opened the door to find it was Mike's wife that stood there. "Hello, Mia can I talk to you?" she asked. "Sure, go ahead," Mia said. "I heard a complaint from Molly that you are refusing to eat her food?" she said.

"Its not that i refused to eat, its when you have to clean everything your last in line for food and what do you do when there's nothing left?" Mia asked. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I mean Molly does not make enought food so that i can eat as well. She provides for everyone else and with this ice insident she keeps calling me lazy. Not one of you were here to see how many times i cleaned up that ice and still you call me lazy," Mia said.

The next morning before everyone was even awke Mia started her day. Cleaning the bathrooms, all of them untill they shined. Then she cleaned the kitchen and helped preparing breakfast for everyone. When Molly came in to the kitchen. "Are you lazy again this morning?" she asked.

"No the base bathrooms are already clean and i finished cleaning the kitchen i am just helping the kitchen staff preparing breakfast," Mia said. But Molly wasn't satisfied and said, "start cleaning the rest of the base," Sally siad.

Mia was just cleaning the conference room when Kevin came to Mia. "I didn't see you in the breakfast hall?" he asked. "Molly ordered me to clean the break rooms and the conferece room," Mia replied.

"Go get breakfast before there is nothing left," Kevin said but before Mia could eat Molly took her hand and they went to inspect if she actually did a good job. Molly discovered a dirty room and said, "clean this room now and stop being so lazy?" Molly said.

Mia was cleaning the room and was just finished when Luna found her. "What have you been up to all morning long?" she asked. "Molly has had me clean every room on this base. I think i need to talk to Mike, I need some food and she isn't allowing me to eat," Mia complained. "What do you mean?" Luna asked. "Its always clean this clean that and then she forgets about me and give all the left overs to the dogs," Mia siad.

Molly overheard Mia's complaint and siad, "if you work faster you would get your food on time but you are lazy and slow thats why yout not getting any food," Molly said. "But thats not fair no one can do there work if they didn't eat," Luna said.

"Mia needs to learn not to be so lazy. She is the worst i can not believe Zara and John raised such a lazy and stupid daugther. No wonder they abbandoned her, I would to if i had a lazy girl like her," Molly said but Mia had tears in her eyes. Luna noticed and tried to comfort her friend but Molly would not let her. Instead Luna interupted a captian meeting to report the insident to MIke.

"Captain sir you need to talk to Molly and get her to give Mia a break. She just told Mia thats its fault that her parents abbandond her. She keeps telling Mia she is lazy and keeps asking Mia to clean everything on this base. Sir isn't it everyones' reponsibilty to clean the base. Plus Molly gives all the left overs to the dogs but she forgets Mia needs to eat as well. Sir, I dont think Mia ate yesterday or today," Luna siad.

"Nonsence i told Mia to get breakfast?" Kevin siad. "Molly wouldn't let Mia eat since the tv room was a mess," Luna said. "Yes and Molly's keeping mia so busy i have had to fetch Bella and keep her in the dog kennel," Red complained.

"Yes and we need to train as a team we can not go on a run if Mia isn't with us. She has the vision to see danger we dont have it," Amber said.

"Okay, I will talk to Molly and see what the problem is, in the mean time make sure Mia eats," Mike said.

At lunch, Mia took a lot of food and sat next to her friends to eat. Bella was sleeping on the floor next to Mia when Molly came into the dining room. She was instantly angry when she saw Mia was eating but Mike stoped her before she could say anything.

"Tell me i just check with everyone on this base. Have you really been telling Mia to clean up after everyone the past two days?" Mike asked. "I only did it becuase she is the most lazy girl i have ever seen. No wonder Zara and John abandoned her. You should have left her at the facility," Molly siad.

"One Zara and John have been kidnapped. They didn't abbandoned Mia, second Mia is not a lazy person she trians very hard on a daily basis. Third eveyone on this base needs to help out not just Mia. Forth you will make sure everyone has eaten before you throw out any food," Mike said.

Molly looked at Mia and said, "so you laid a complaint against you disgusting girl," Molly said. "I didn't tell my uncles anything?" Mia said. "I did and only because I am her friend," Luna said.