Chapter 4. Successful Breakthrough

Inside his room Zhao Long was sitting cross legged.His clothes were soaked in blood. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at himself.He grinned as he said"So this is the Innate Energy realm."

[Congratulations! to the Host for breaking through to the First Layer Innate Energy Realm.50 points has be added to the host's account as a Breakthrough reward.The host is advised to mediate to stabalize his current cultivation!]

After taking the systems suggestion he closed his eyes and started to circulate his qi within his body to stabilize his cultivation base.His body started to give of a golden light as the wounds he had previously got during the Breakthrough started to heal at a rate visible to the naked eyes.

After five days,the door of Zhao Long's room opened as a Handsome Young man with black shoulder length hair came out of the room wearing a blue robe.His figure looked rather skinny but was full of vitality.This young man was Naturally Zhao Long.He had finished stabilizing his cultivation and was now going to visit Zhao Yang and Luo Yan who were now his parents.

Even inside the royal palace there were different buildings each royal family menber had their own residence inside the palace.

He arrived infront of such residence.The door of this place were guarded by two guards at the second order Qi Transformation realm experts.It was the Emperor's residence.When the guards saw Zhao Long coming towards the emperors residence the bowed down their heads as they shouted "Welcome!Young Lord Long."

He waved his hand as the guards raised their heads and opened the door for him. Zhao Long the went inside the Place. After Zhao Long went inside the two guards closed the door and again started to guard the droom.

Inside the door Zhao Long saw a large corridor with a beautiful decoration. As he walked past the corridor he came across another door.

This time there were no guards guarding this door. Zhao Long did not open the door and go inside but instead knocked at the door. "Father may I come inside?"

After some time a voice came from inside the room"Yes Come inside". After hearing this Voice Zhao Long opened the door and went inside the room.

Inside the room he saw Zhao Yang and Luo Yan sitting in a chair staring at him with a joyfull aswell as surprised expression on their faces. "Long'er how are you feeling now?"Zhao Yang asked."I am feeling quite well father"He said.

Zhao Long was extremely ill from the moment he was born so it was a surprise for Zhao Yang and Luo Yan to see him in such a healthy condition. Zhao Yang and Luo Yan both came near Zhao Long as they grabbed his hand and started to release their divine sense to examin his body.

After half an incense worth of time they both released his hands as tears fell from their eyes."Dear our Long'er has finally been cured"

"Yes, dear the Heavens have finally heard or prayers and cured Long'er."They both thanked the Heavens.

Zhao Long on the other hand remained indifferent because he knew that this was not because their prayers had been heard by the Heavens but because of the Soul grade high rank pill that he had taken.

Zhao Yang adjusted himself and looked at his son again"Long'er what exactly happened to you a month ago?"Luo Yan also look at him with a look full of curiosity"Yes Long'er what happened to you we heared loud noise coming from your room and when we looked inside you were lying on the floor uncouncious, you really made me worried"

Zhao Long looked at both of them and bowed his head to apologize."This son apologizes for making father and mother worried.As for what happened a month this son is also unclear."

"As much as I remember I was mediating when my head suddenly started to hurt as I was crying in pain I became unconscious and just woke up a few days ago.

Zhao Yang and Luo Yan both wanted to ask him if there was anything else that he remembered but their son's safety was their top concern so they did not ask him.

Zhao Yang let out a loud laugh"Hahaha!!Long'er you don't have to worry about it to see you recover from your illness and begin able to talk to you is more than enough for us" Luo Yan nodded in agreement.

Zhao Long's heart was at ease he thought that they would try to ask more questions but they did not.Seeing these two's concern was about his health he felt really happy this was the first time he had experienced parential love.

In his previous life as Yun Chen he was an orphan who was brought up in the millitary as a special combat unit member so he had never experienced the love of a family before.

Just as Zhao Long was thinking about the past Zhao Yang asked"What are you going to do now that you have recovered and it also looks like that you have reached the Innate Energy Realm."

When Zhao Yang spoke these words Luo Yan was surprised"What Long'er has reached the Innate Energy Realm!"She quickly released her divine sense to check Zhao Long's Cultivation.After she checked his cultivation she said again"He has really reached The Innate Energy Realm."

Zhao Long said "Father Long'er wants to focus on learning Martial Arts and to cultivate so that I can take full advantage of my blessing" As a smirk appeared in his face.

Zhao Yang exclaimed "That's my son!haha!Don't worry father will provide you with the best Martial Arts and Cultivation resources so cultivate properly"

Zhao Long was really happy to hear that "Thank You Father!"he bowed down to Zhao Yang to show his gratitude.Zhao Yang nodded as he tossed a space ring to Zhao Long.