Chapter 5. For Better or For The Worst.

Zhao Long grabbed the Space Ring and examined it with his divine sense.The ring was filled with yuan crystals,Innate grade high rank pills and many other cultivation resources.Zhao Long was really happy with the contents of the space ring.

"Thank You father Long'er will now go back to his room to focus on his cultivation."He looked at Zhao Yang and said.Zhao Long went back to his residence.

In his residence Zhao Long took everything out of the space ring he had got from his father as he showed a look of satisfaction.

"As expected of an Emperor from one of the four great empires.He was casually carrying all these top quality items."There was a pile of one million yuan crystals, about a hundred bottles of Innate Grade High rank and Soul Grade Low rank pills and a Soul Grade mid rank Long Sword which were all taken out from the space ring.

Zhao Long than took a few Soul grade pills and a thousand Yuan crystals as he took everything else inside the space ring. He then spread the yuan crystals around himself as he sat crosslegged in the center and took the Pills out of the jade bottles and put it inside his mouth.

Zhao Long then started to refine the Pill's as he meditate .He had been meditatinh for six hours. Suddenly a bright golden light covered his whole body. The light became brighter and brightef until Zhao Long's figure completely disappeared inside the Light.

Kachh... Kachh... the golden light dispersed as Zhao Long's figure appeared again he had brokenthrough to the second layer of the Innate Energy Realm. He had just brokenthrough to the First Layer of the Innate Energy Realm but he had again brokenthrough a minor realm.

Even after breakingthrough Zhao Long did not stop his meditation he was still focused on meditating.

Several hours passed but Zhao Long Showed no signs of moving as he continued to meditate. A day had passed but Zhao Long was still meditating. Two days passed but nothing had changed. The third day also passed without any change, then the fourth day then the fifth,then the sixth day also passed.Only on the seventh day did Zhao Long stopped meditating.

He opened his eyes and found that the One Thousand Yuan crystals that he had gathered around himself before he started to meditate had all turned to dust.He stood up and streached his muscles and joints.

After he finished stretching he examined his body and a satisfied look appeared on his face. "Peak of the Fourth Layer of the Innate Energy Realm just a step away from breakingthrough to the fifth layer"

Zhao Long then changed his clothes which were soaked in sweat and headed towards the emperors residence once again.

As he reached the door of the emperor's residence the two guards he had seen last time bowed their heads and welcomed him again. Zhao Long then went inside and walked passed the corridor and knocked at the door of the emperors room.

"Come inside"Zhao Yang answered from inside the room.After getting Zhao Yang's permission Zhao Long went inside the room. When Zhao Yang and Luo Yan saw Zhao Long the both were shocked.

"When did you breakthrough to the fourth layer of the Innate Energy Realm weren't you only at the First Layer just a few days ago!"both of them asked at the same time.

Zhao Long let out a awkward laugh and said nothing. Zhao Yang and Luo Yan looked at eachother and did not ask anyfurther."Little brat looks like you're cultivating diligently you xhave a really high aptitude and a great future ahead of you. You are the hope of this empire."Zhao Yang said.

Zhao Long chuckled.."Father jests Long'er is not that great. I just have a good altitude and about what the future holds no one knows."

"Little Brat you have become quite good at flattering people in these past few days"Zhao Yang chuckled."So what exactly did you come here for today?"Zhao Yang asked.

"Father today I am here to ask you to find me a sparring partner although I am now at the fourth layer of The Innate Energy Realm I have no fighting experience of this level. I in the future I were to face someone at the same level as me there is no guarantee that I would win"

"Don't worry there are many takented people in this palace who are at the Innate Energy Realm. I will find a suitable opponent for you."Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Long and said.

"And father I also want some Qi grade Low and mid rank hearbs the more the better."Zhao Long said to Zhao Yang.

"Why do you want so many hearbs? Are you perhaps trying to learn alchemy?"Zhao Yang Looked at Zhao Long with a Surprised look.

Zhao Long just launched it away.

Zhao Yang understood the gesture and said" The herbs will be provided to you in a few hours and some Alchemic Books for Qi Grade and Innate Grade Alchemists will also be sent to you rest assured. "

Zhao Long said "Long'er thanks father"after he thanked him he left the room. Luo Yan looked at Zhao Long and then turned her eyes towards her husband."He has changed alot in the past few days hasn't he dear?"

Zhao Yang replied "Yes dear he has indeed changed alot in these past few days but is it for the better or for the worst?"Zhao Yang had a worried expression on his face.

"Have faith in him dear he is our son after all he would not go down the wrong path"Luo Yan Said with a calm look.

Zhao Yang Looked at Luo Yan "Sigh... You are right I should have more faith in him. Even if he goes down the wrong path with his current strength I can easily knock some sense into him"Zhao Yang Laughed.

Luo Yan also chuckled"You are right dear.In the end he is still a child. Lets just hope that day never comes when you would have to raise your hands at him"

They both nodded in agreement as Zhao Yang called a servant and ordered him to gather ten thousand Qi and Innate grade low rank herbs and Some Alchemic Books for Qi and Innate grade Alchemsts and send them to Zhao Long. He also ordered him to find a Newly promoted Fourth Layer Innate Energy realm disciple to sparr with Zhao Long.After ordering the servant he sent him of.