Chapter 5 The Labyrinth Caves

Surrounding Yukikaze was to much darkness to make anything significant out.

` Luckily I have night vision. `

Yukikaze quickly activated (Nightvision Lv.1) to be able to see her surroundings and determine were she is now.

After Yukikaze activated (Nightvision Lv.1) she was able to see that she was in some sort of cave. There was only one way she could go and hopefully reach an exit since she won`t be able to get back up the hole. But before she could start moving towards the passage a message notified here that she completed the Quest "Escape the Fire Lion".

(Quest "Escape the fire lion" completed)

+ 5 Skillpoints

+ 30 Statpoints

+ 200 Knowledgecoins

Level up!

+ 2 Skillpoints

+ 3 Statpoints

( Your reached Level 5. New Skills are ready to be bought. Level ups now give 2 Skillpoints and 5 Statpoints. )

(Quest "Find out what the cause for the smoke is?" completed)

+ 10 Perception

+ 50 Knowledgecoins

Level up!

+ 2 Skillpoints

+ 5 Statpoints

` Nice that means I can open that beginner box now right? Hopefully it`s something useful. `

Yukikaze first opened the system and got the (Lv.5 Beginner Box) out of her inventory and opened it.

( (Lv.5 Beginner Box) is being opened)

( Congratulations you got 1 (Enchanted Katana), 1 (Dagger) and 1 (Ancient Technic) from (Lv.5 Beginner Box) )

` Two of the three things I definitely can`t use and the other might be useless? `

Yukikaze put the (Enchanted Katana) and the (Dagger) back into her system Inventory and tried to read the (Ancient Technic).

` Huh? I don`t understand any of this. How am I supposed to ever understand it? `

( Do you want to understand (Ancient Technic) for 2000 Knowledgecoins? )

` Yes ` Yukkaze hoped she could cheat the system but it backfired.

( Error. Host only has 350 Knowledgecoins. Host tried to cheat. Price to understand (Ancient Technic) has been raised to 3000 Knowledgecoins. )

Yukikaze slapped herself for her own stupidity.

` The price is raised by 50%. WHY??? ` Yukikaze screamed in her mind.

After Yukikaze sighed in disappointment she decided to look at what new skills she could buy.

(Skill list:)

( Invisibility Lv.1 ) ( 15 Skillpoints)

( Enhanced sense of smell Lv.1 ) (5 Skillpoints)

( Enhanced sense of sight Lv.1 ) ( 5 Skillpoints )

( Enhanced sense of hearing Lv.1 ) ( 5 Skillpoints )

( Enhanced sixth sense Lv.1 ) ( 5 Skillpoints )

`Hm there are a couple good ones but they all got more expensive then the ones before. I only have 13 Skillpoints. Maybe I should save them. Yes I will save them until I need them. Lets look at my (Status). `

Name: Yukikaze (Lv.6)

Race: Night Fox

Grade: Common

Age: 17

HP 17/20

Stamina 16/20

Ability: (No ability)


(Bite Lv.3)

(Claw Lv.3)

(Jump Lv.2)

(Camouflage Lv.2)

(Dash Lv.2)

(Appraisal Lv.2)

(Climb Lv.1)

(Night vision Lv.1)


Strength 24

Perception 37

Endurance 20

Intelligence 80

Luck 20

Speed 27

Defense 20

Vitality 20

Statpoints 38

Skillpoints 13

Knowledgecoins 350

` My Stamina is still a bit exhausted from using (Dash Lv.2). `

` Well I know everything I need to know. I have a cave to explore and an exit to find. `

With these last thoughts Yukikaze closed the Status screen and moved down the passage.

The corridor was very narrow. A Human would have barely the space to walk through this cave and Yukikaze would soon find out why this Cave is a Maze. After Yukikaze walked around a corner she came across 3 different passages.

` I guess one wrong choice and I`m going to be in a bad situation. Hm how can I decide how to get out. If I can smell from which direction the fresh air comes I can find the way out of here. `

After that idea Yukikaze tried to find out from where fresh air comes from but she wasn`t able to identify were exactly it is coming from.

` I really have to get (Enhanced Smell Lv.1). That kinda feels like a waste for this. But I have no other choice so I have to. `

( (Enhanced Smell Lv.1) successfully bought. Host has 8 Skillpoints remaining)

` Well lets try it then. Hm passage 1 isn`t the right one. But from passage 2 comes a difficult to detect but definitely fresh wind. `

And with that Yukikaze went through the second passage. She had to decide which way to go for four times until she noticed something quiet useful.

` My Map can even map out the underground. This is Amazing. `

The System (Map) not only can note at the surface but also maps out caves.

` With this I can explore this cave later quiet easily without getting lost. `

After Yukikaze had to decide which passage to follow further three times she made it into a room that had only one passage. Nearly a normal passage but on the left side of Yukikaze is a chest. It looked very old and it could be a trap.

` I won`t risk that. It could be a Beast that looks like a trap. But that would mean I can use (Appraisal Lv.2) on it if it is a Beast right? `

She used (Appraisal Lv.2) on the Chest and a window popped up.

Name: (No name)

Race: Living Chest

Grade: Common

` I knew it. That thing would have probably eaten me if I had tried to open it. Maybe I should try to attack it. The Chest will think I want to open it and wait. Then I can surprise Attack it without even opening it. Haha I`m so smart. `

Yukikaze went to the Chest as if she wanted to open it. The Chest thought it would have another easy meal but instead of opening the chest Yukikaze used (Claw Lv.3) and ripped through the weak wooden hull of the chest killing it instantly.

Level Up!

+ 5 Statpoints

+ 2 Skillpoints

` Another Level Up yes. I`m getting stronger by the hour... what is this. `

Yukikaze picked up a scroll and as soon as she locked at it it disappeared and a message appeared.

(Skill (Trapper Lv.1) gained. (Trapper Lv.1) Allows you to set up basic traps.)

(Skill (Defuser Lv.1) gained. (Defuser Lv.1) Allows you to recognize traps Lv.2 traps and defuse Lv.1 Traps)

` Two really useful skills for free. It was a good decision to kill that Fake Chest. But it in the end it still contained a treasure. `