I have no right to invade her privacy

Liam looked over at the girl who was much calmer than before.

"No worries." He softly patted her head and closed the door of the car while he himself went to the front seat.

Lucia widened her eyes in surprise. Weren't they supposed to visit somewhere.

"We are not going?" Lucia asked looking back at the grave yard but quickly averted her gaze since she could not risk getting those damned vision again.

Liam noticed her hesitation and repulsion to the grave yard which was not merely just a phobia. Lucia was traumatized by whatever incident she had at the grave.

Or maybe she had something she, only she knew; her own personal nightmare.

He wanted to probe further, wanted to know further but he could not ask. What right did he have to ask anyway? He was just a debt collector and she was debtor who was going to pay the debt.

He could exploit his position to follow her, to keep an eye on her and maybe even stalk her but he could never force her to say things that she did not wish to speak out.

But he did not have right to invade her privacy.

That was simply not plausible.

"I remember I had another important work." Liam started the car and with a sharp turn they left the place they had arrived.

"What bout the place you said you wanted me to visit ." Lucia looked at him with a questioning look. He was so adamant on bringing her here but then he just gave up after they had finally come here. It simply did not match up.

"We can come over some other time." Liam answered vaguely as if he himself was not sure about it.

'Mom, might bring her to visit you next time.' Liam sneaked a peek at white grave stone looking at the name of his mother engraved on them.

'Trust me, she looks almost like you.' Liam looked back and forth at the grave and Lucia.

Before Lucia could refute his words, they were moving full speed on the busy road in a dense silence both of them lost in their own thoughts.


After a short drive of fifteen minutes they arrived at Lucia's home.

"Well…thank you for dropping me off." Lucia thanked Liam carrying the shopping bags by giving a slight bow of her neck.

"Hmm…run along now." Liam leaned back his strong back on the car door ushering the girl to go inside.

He watched until her figure had completely disappeared from his sight. 'I am dead tired…' He let out a yawn, his eyes almost droopy as he was about to fasten his seatbelt.

If he drove the car in that condition he was sure he was not going to make it home in one piece today.

Almost as if having a divine revelation he looked up at the apartment of Lucia's with a smirk in his face.

He just had a brilliant plan and all that left was to execute it.


'~~~Hmmm…..lalla...and I will never fall in love again~~~~~'

Lucia hummed a song happily as she skimped through the ladders until she reached her apartment door, her shopping bags swaying in the wind when her hand shook.

She was planning to cook things she had never tried before, make all of her mom's favorite dishes.

"Hehe…this is going to be a big surprise for her." Lucia could not wait to have her mom back home. She had forgotten today was her birth day but thanks heaven the new audition form.

She noticed the date and realized what she had been missing on that very day.

"Tch….stupid me..I deserve a bonk on my head." Lucia wanted to hit herself but decided to postpone it until further notice…until she had her hands free.



"Home sweet home…."Lucia threw herself on the couch after placing the bags in the kitchen.

"NO time to waste.." She patted her cheek slightly waking herself up as well as cheering herself.

In speed of light she was in and out of her room after changing into a pair of comfortable shirt and trouser pair.

Wearing an apron around her waist, she went about cooking.

First of all she sliced the watermelon in half and enjoyed the refreshing fruit feeling her fatigue leaving her body.

"Now, back to work." Lucia took out all the shopping bags and spread them on the table.

After separating all the ingredients, she was engrossed in cooking.

Just as she was halfway done..the door bell to her house rang.

"Huh?.." Lucia was a little bit startled. "Did she come home this early?" She had a hunch but when she saw that it was only 5, she was surprised.

"Who is it then at this time?" wiping her hand on both side of the apron, she minimized the heat of the soup she was boiling.

The bell rang again. It seemed as if who ever was outside was pretty in a hurry.

"Coming!!!" Lucia rushed through the living room and placed her hand in the lock.

"Who is it?" Lucia asked as she opened the door but stopped midway when the same face she had seen almost half an hour ago was standing there smiling shamelessly.


"Yo!!…" He smiled raising his hand.

"Sorry I don't know you." Lucia slammed the door right on his face but before it got completely shut down Liam had caught the door with his right hand, which overwhelmed her strength easily.

"What are you doing here?" She pressed the door trying to lock it. She was not going to let any men enter her house.

Why? Simply because they were men and she did not want close contact with them especially when she was trying to avoid them like a plague.

"I am sleepy and need a place to rest." Liam was shameless as he bluntly gave out his true intention.

'Give me shelter, let me in now.'

Lucia could do nothing but look with open mouth at the shamelessness and childishness of the man who was literally old enough to be her elder brother.

"Heh..Now's my chance."

Taking advantage of her absence of mind Liam entered the room bypassing the great guard i.e Lucia.

"Sniff…Sniff…" A delicious smell entered his nose and without him knowing his stomach gave out a loud rumble which was loud enough to jerk back Lucia to reality.

"You…" Before Lucia could say anything to make fun of him Liam interrupted her.

"I had to act as your driver and missed my lunch..tsk." He looked at Lucia with hungry eyes…and by hungry eyes I mean hungry eyes.

"Give me something to eat."