The heroes rarely spoke to eachother for the rest of the hunt for ingrediants. After Dnaiel told them there might be a traitor in the group, they all froze. They decided not to tell Catherine. But for all they know, she could be the traitor.
"Someone in our group is feeding information about the rest of us to the Dark Lord, I can't believe it" said Dennis angrily. "Oh stop whining and stop talking, whoever the traitor is, we can't say anything"
They collected the rest of the ingrediants for Harold's cure and returned to camp. "Hey guys" said Catherine cheerily. She was in a good mood. Nobody said anything. They sat on stones in silence. "What's wrong?" she asked. Nobody answered.
Catherine didn't like being ignored. Vines grew out of the ground and took hold of Daniel's ankles. She carefully lifted him up and towards her. "Care to explain why everybody is so quiet?" she asked with an exaggerating tone.
She was just messing around, having fun. But Daniel wasn't enjoying it. The grip tightened. "Pretty please" said Catherine. She didn't like the strange quietness. Still no response from Daniel. "TELL ME NOW" This got Daniel's attention.
He clenched his jaws shut and got out his dark purplse stone. A burst of shadow and Sciodes was in his hands. It turned into Sword Form and Daniel cut the vines with a vicious swipe. Daniel landed on his knees and returned to his seat. "Traitor" he said. "What do you mean?" Catherine asked whilst still treating Harold, who was whimpering on the floor with a strong fever.
"There is a traitor in our group" Daniel shouted with an annoyed expression. Catherine's eyes widened. "No wonder the Dark Lord's enemies are finding us. "Who could it be?" The heroes looked at each other with uncertanty. Nobody trusted eachother.
That's when they heard a car pull up outside the camp. This was unusual. No one drives cars in the tangled forest. "Heroes" came the shout. Some of the heroes stood up. They were suddenly alert. "Be ready, I know the situation between us is bad right now, but we have to... work together" said Catherine.
She was pained to say the last part, but she forced herself to not let the traitor get away with it. "Come on guys" said Daniel, whispering, whilst staring out into the forest. The engine died down and a woman and girl stepped out.
"Mother... and Mary?" shouted Bonnie, running up to them. "Hello Bonnie" said her mother. Bonnie hugged Mary, her sister. "Why are you here?" asked Bonnie. "Well, Mary said she wanted to help you on this Quest of yours" said her mother. "Oh" said Bonnie, looking back at her friends nervously. "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you" said Mary jockingly.
"Are you going to stay?" asked Bonnie, looking at her mom. "I'm afraid not" she replied. "But I have some horrible news..."