Chapter 5: Her highness Princess Chiu Yeung

'Ahhh' I shouted, awaking abruptly as I remembered the events of 5 months ago. Just another nightmare huh? I look around cautiously as I felt somebody sleeping peacefully beside me. All around me the furniture was draped in red the signs of marriage, 'ah yes last night was my marriage night'. I quickly got myself out of bed and changed into my outfit for the day a dark blue hanfu. The chilly autumn air hit my face bright early in the morning, as I remembered 2 years ago how sweet Xin Er looked against this autumn wind. "Ah I'm sorry my dear sweet Xin Er," I croaked as I ran towards the training grounds. My face was full of regret.

So exactly what happened five months ago. Let's find out.

Chiu Yeung's POV:

" Woah I never knew Chang'an could be so joyful," uttered Chiu Yeung in a man outfit. " It surely is, Chang'An is after all the capital of Dong Yue. Her Highness, I meant childe*(1) but Chang'An is especially busy today because today is the Double-seventh day*(2) festival. This festival marks a new beginning for the loved one and it is also a day for fate to bind two people together," explained An ping

" Wow, I haven't been outside of the palace for some time. You know childe it was a good idea to sneak out of the palace," An ping bragged. "An ping, we have three days before my isolation praying at the temple ends. Let us make the most of those three days," I spoke diligently as An-Ping headed off to buy some accessories. I went into a shop opposite. Inside everything was quite shiny and made of gold. I walked around once and declared that nothing caught my eye. When I walked out I heard someone saying. "A Prince Consort's life is worth than death. Dong Yue's princesses are both spoiled and unruly. A prince consort's life is fated to have no freedom, the loss of freedom. To bow and kneel, to suffer humiliation, the same life as a Eunuch," quoted a fortune teller " How dare you" I screamed. What happened next was a result of my whole robe getting splashed and the fortune teller's face splashed with red ink due to me. And my throat was hurting. 'I'm a princess how dare he humiliates me that much when he knows nothing about my life as I was about to slap his face someone's hand caught me midway and flung my hand back.

'Who is it now?' " Get off of me you peasant," I screamed as I saw from the corner of my eye An-Ping rushing towards me. " Childe let's not make too much of a fuss in case our identities are uncovered," whispered An ping " What happened here?" asked a young man. I saw a gentleman behind him who must be his manservant. This gentleman had a cold aura surrounding him fitting carefully with his looks. Dark brown eyes with Black hair wearing a classy robe. It seems this young man was somebody in the upper class. But it also seems that he has a dark and cold aura surrounding him. This aura changed the crowd's atmosphere as I felt the temperature drop a feel of degrees.


1. A young man of noble birth

2. Chinese valentine's day