Chapter 56: why are there so many rules?


This chapter is written from Chiu Yeung's perspective.

Back to the story:

"Princess, Princess wake up," shouted An Ping as she shook me up. Sitting up I opened my sleepy eyes and asked "what time is it?". An Ping bowed and replied "Princess it's already ri Zhong*(1)," I jumped straight out of my bed and frantically shouted "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Consort dowager must have been angry that I didn't greet her before shi shi," An Ping immediately rushed over to calm me down. "Princess you can rest assured I've asked someone to alert Consort Dowager that you've caught a slight cough from copying all of the scriptures at night. Also, I didn't wake you up because princess ask me not to wake you up that early as you were quite tired from copying all of those scriptures," An Ping explained. I gazed at her lovingly and praised her saying "An Ping you do know me well,". An Ping just laughed at my comment. She hurriedly brushed my hair and helped me get dressed. Today I was wearing a golden hanfu. My hair is adorned with golden flower hairpins, golden earrings, necklaces and rings. Just as I finished getting dressed Xiao Hua came in and announced that Tao Mama wanted to have a meeting with me. "Tell her to wait in the guest room,". Why is the Consort dowager's maid coming over to my Yan Chu palace? "What pleasure might I've for you to visit me Tao Mama?" I asked as soon as I walked into the guest room. "Your highness," Greeted Tao mama as she curtsied. I gestured for her to get up and talk properly. She stood up and began talking "Your highness, Consort Dowager has told me to teach you the rules you should follow when you get married to Prince Tian You,". My head seemed to be turning when she said rules. Today would be a long day.

"A woman should always follow the 'three obedience', the 'four virtues' and the seven grounds of divorce..."Tao mama began explaining as I felt my eyelids growing heavier. She slams a book on the table jolting me straight up she smirked seeing that I had woken up. "The seven grounds of divorce when your husband can divorce you: 1) Is you show no obedience to your in-laws. 2) you fail to bear a child after you married for 10 years..." my eyes stayed open but my mind was already sleeping. Before Tao mama left she even told me to copy the female virtues 100 times and to hand it to Consort Dowager before nightfall. That book consists of 10 pages but to copy it 100 times. My brain is going to die.

Today was a bad day...


1. Ancient Chinese timings

夜半 yè bàn11pm-1amMidnight

鸡鸣 jī míng1am-3amCockcrow

平旦 píng dàn3am-5amDawn

日出 rì chū5am-7amSunrise

食时 shí shí7am-9amMeal time

隅中 yú zhōng9am-11amMid-morning

日中 rì zhōng11am-1pmMidday

日昳 rì yì1pm-3pmSun-decline

晡时 bū shí3pm-5pmDinner time

日入 rì rù5pm-7pmSunset

昏时 hūn shí7pm-9pmDusk

人定 rén dìng9pm-11pmPeople still