WebNovelLove me!!53.68%

Chapter 73

"Alex, I can help you. I'll talk to her and see if she'd still give you a chance…" Danielle spoke up. Alex eyed her suspiciously.

"And since when are you so nice, Daniella? I was blind and didn't realize how selfish you were. But now... this little theater of yours doesn't convince me."

"It's not theater. But also, I can't blame you for thinking that way about me, can I?" she said.

Alex sighed deeply. He was in a foul mood, his head was throbbing with pain. He didn't trust Daniella, but what other option did he have? The woman was closer to Camilla than he was at that moment.

"Right. Talk to her." He finally agreed.

"I would be so happy to help you! Help the whole family, right? A little baby is on the way." She spoke, smiling. "But how am I going to communicate with you?" She asked.

"You give me your number and I'll call you." He said.

"It's easier for you to give me yours, after all, I'm the one who will have the information."