A walk through the dungeon

Giving a loving kiss to Touka who is lying on top of me, I moved my right hand to her cheeks, to which she responded by leaning back as I continued the kiss, placing my other hand on her hips. I continued the kiss for a few more seconds before we broke apart.

"You look beautiful Touka," watching the gasps coming from Touka's lips as well as with the small blush on her face and her longing eyes, it was a very beautiful sight.

"Shut up and keep kissing me."

To which I let out a slight laugh, "It will be a pleasure", I moved my face towards her to continue with the kiss, only this time I tried to introduce my tongue. Which after a few seconds she accepted.

Moving my tongue inside Touka's mouth in a gentle manner as I wrapped her tongue around mine, I continued this for several seconds as my hands on her hips moved up and down in the same place.

She put her arms to wrap around my neck. I pulled Touka closer so I could place my hands on her hips, to which she let me move and let out a slight moan when I ran my hand over her buttocks.

Moving my hands slightly towards her firm but soft ass, I saw that she had no complaints. So more confidently I reached the spot several seconds later and squeezing my hands on her buttocks gently, I heard another moan from Touka, so squeezing a little harder, I heard another moan while continuing to play with Touka's tongue.

Parting our lips, I saw that a string of saliva joined our lips while Touka had a blurry look, to which I gently played with her butt, waiting for her to regain her composure.

"I didn't think you were a good kisser," leaning back against my chest as she turned his inquisitive gaze on me, I let out a light chuckle.

"I'm not as much of a newbie as you can see," to which I let out an "Nn" as confirmation, to which running his fingers through my chest, I let his continue while resting one of my hands on his hips while the other on his short hair.

"I have to tell you something, will you listen?" to which with a curious look, he nodded slightly. To which running my hand through his hair soothingly, I began to tell her everything except about my player system.

To which after several minutes of telling this not-so-long story, I continued to run my hand through her hair while she was processing all the information I gave her.

A minute later, she turned her gaze on me. "If it's true what you say. Show me some of your magic," to which I nodded in response and lifted Touka from my chest who was still in her school uniform, and sat her on her bed.

So summoning [Fireball] in my hand, I saw how the look of shock appeared on Touka's face, to which after recovering. She stood up from the bed and headed towards me.

"Can I put my hand over it," to which I nodded? I grabbed her hand gently and placed it above the fireball, for if the heat is transmitted from afar wasn't enough, the one nearby should convince her.

Letting out a gasp of surprise, Touka moved her hand away after a few seconds of placing it near the fireball, thus deactivating the skill. I turned my gaze towards Touka to move on to the next topic.

"So what do you think about the other topic. Are you okay with that?", to which I sat on Touka's bed as I placed Touka on my lap, still processing that the magic is real. I ran my hand through her hair in a soothing manner, which was helpful as her shoulders relaxed as she lay back down on my chest.

A couple of minutes later Touka turned her gaze on me... "I don't know what to think about your harem", to which I kept running my hand through her hair and waited for her to finish. "If I agree to be in your harem, will you keep attracting girls?", to which I let out a nervous laugh and placed my hand on her cheeks. Turning her gaze back to me.

"I can't answer that question. Well, I think I will attract more girls, but what I can promise you is that I will still love you even if there are more girls. It's okay if you don't want to talk to the other girls, all I ask is that you get along well and nothing more.", finishing saying those words, I punctuated my words by kissing Touka full of affection and love.

Pulling us apart after a few seconds she turned her gaze on me, "Okay, that's more than enough for me. I'll try to get along with your other girls though," to which I smiled in response and kissed her again.

"That's more than enough", after that I stayed with Touka for another hour because it would be a bad choice to leave, I didn't want to leave her alone after telling her those things, it was also a chance to spend more time with her while helping her with her homework. Which were too easy thanks to my high intelligence that allowed me to have a faster-thinking process along with more understanding and mental capacity.

To which after helping her with the homework we finished in minutes thanks to my high intelligence. So kissing Touka goodbye and saying goodbye to Yoshimura, I went back home, but not before calling Eto and telling her that I couldn't train today, which was a good decision because I was almost knocked out again. Although I'll only be free for today until I train at least a week with Noro.


"Frank get me out of your Hub already. I want to be in your hands!", hearing Ignis's pouting voice in my mind, she was so far back to talking, wherever Ruby put her must have kept her very entertained.

"I'll get you out Ignis. Let me talk to my girlfriend and we can kill some enemies."

"Yeii. You're going to use me now!"

Letting out a nervous laugh at Ruby's excited voice and her words that could be misinterpreted in many ways, I made my way to my room.

"By the way, what's a girlfriend?" to which, letting out another nervous laugh, I passed the paper to Ruby to explain.

"Why don't you explain it to her, Ruby?"

[Leave it to me Frank], listening to her confident voice, I entrusted Ruby to explain to Ignis that she's a girlfriend.

So going back to my main thought, since the one who talked to the two of them was my second thought, I kept running my hands through Rize's hair who is lying on my chest.

"And that's what happened today," finishing explaining what happened today, to which kissing her to make her anger lighter, I continued to coddle Rize.

Letting out a sigh after our lips parted, she leaned back against my chest, "I'm not mad at you. I just feel like you won't have time for me anymore," to which kissing Rize again to make her negativity go away, we spent an hour of having sex, as she wanted to feel loved. Plus that helped me to level up to level 3 sex gem skill.

To which after giving a lot of my love to Rize and letting her sleep contentedly, I pray to the heavens that Ignis was distracted at the time, so moving to the Hard stage of the zombie dungeon, I took Ignis out of my Hub.

"Are you ready Ignis," I asked as I felt the heat Ignis was giving off, as it didn't feel like 2500 degrees Celsius earlier?

"I'll always be ready for you Frank," hearing Ignis' excited and cheerful voice in my head, an affectionate smile appeared on my face.

"You're a sweetheart Ignis," to which after saying that and hearing an excited Ignis voice in my mind, thanks to the mental connection she made with me. Which I have to find out how she did it, I started to test Ignis' abilities.

I activated my first skill [Fireball] which once activated I saw that it was double or maybe triple in size if before it was a soccer ball now it was a basketball, so throwing the skill at the first defenseless zombie in my sight, I waited for the damage it did.

*Boom *

[You have done 7981 magic damage].

Looking at the damaged sign in sight next to the hole left by the fireball on the ground and seeing no ashes of the corpse that was walking towards our direction, a predatory smile appeared on my face.

"You're ready to kill Ignis."

"I'm always ready. let's set this whole place on fire!", hearing Ignis' voice in my mind I was very excited at the idea of setting the whole place on fire, notice that I was a pyromaniac on the rise, being my first magical weapon. I would have to figure out a way to get Ignis to evolve.

"Let's do it!" though not caring much, I did as Ignis posed, burn this whole place down, which we did, as many patches of dirt, buildings, asphalt, and cars were left on fire in our path.

6 hours after burning everything in our path and unintentionally killing the mini-boss after bombarding the whole place with [Fireball], [Great Fireball] which was the size of a beach ball, and [Fire Flare] which I used as if it was a flamethrower and the other skills, I burned everything in our path. While listening to Ignis's moans of satisfaction and excitement in my mind.

To which during those hours I caused destruction accompanied now by my weapon of choice, which helped me discover that I was a pyromancer as I watched the world burn (albeit another alternate space) while I had a smile of satisfaction and sitting on my throne on top of a mountain that I modified with [Ki Manipulation] and [Alchemy], I looked like the Chief of a place as I looked down on the destruction I caused.

[You have killed the Mini-Boss now the boss can appear]

[You have earned 122,450 experience for killing enemies].

[For killing the mini-boss you have gained 60,000 experience]

[Combining experience]

[Combined experience].

[Some skills have been leveled up]

[Fireball has risen to level 52].

[Fireball: The skill that every pyromancer needs. does (Int*Sab*5+Attack damage)

Cost: 240 Mp]

[Firebolt leveled up to level 67]

[Fiery Hands have raised to level 66]

[Wall of Fire has risen to level 65].

[Great Fireball has risen to level 20].

[Flare of Fire has risen to level 23].

Nodding at the extraordinary level ups as it seems Ignis' skill [One with Fire:(A)] increased the effectiveness of my fire-related skills by 100% and in that 100% is also the experience gained. Which was a pleasant surprise.

So, shifting my gaze to the next window while caressing Ignis with Fiery Hands and hearing her moans in my mind of satisfaction at seeing the destruction below us and for caressing her with my hand (which sounds bad), I checked my levels.

[You have gone up several levels]



[Frank Evans]

[Level: 179]

[Race:One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Class: Elementalist(Fire)] (79/100)[19,663/23,700].

[Hp:35,196](3000 per second)

[Sp:35,196](1676 per second)

[Mp:4855](128.4 per second)

[Fuerza: 198.5(238.2)][Ataque:1985(2858)]

[Constitución: 209.5][Defensa:3142]

[Dexterity: 0.5] [Speed:9 m/s]

[Intelligence: 32.1][Weight:99,250(178,650) Kg]

[Wisdom: 32.1]

[Luck: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.5]


[For reaching level 75 of the Fire Elementalist class you have gained some skills].

[Fire Resistance: Decreases fire damage by 100%].

[Fire Infusion(1/100): This allows you to imbue fire into small things, which will increase as you level up.

Cost: Varies per second]

[Pillar of Fire:(1/100): Summon a pillar of fire from the ground where your target is or wherever you want. (Wis*4).

Cost: 40 Mp per second]

[Loved by Fire: This perk causes anyone related to fire to have a high impression of you and even favor you if they like you].

Once I finished reading the new skills as an advantage, I didn't feel anything different. So I turned my gaze towards Ignis who has been letting out moans of satisfaction in my mind for a while now.

"Hey, Ignis do you sense something different about me?" to which after mumbling something meaningless, he came to his senses.

"If there's something different about you, how did you do it?"

To which curious "What's different about me?" I asked Ignis what's different about me.

"Well, how to put it. I feel safer with you as if I were at home, and if this world had magic the particles and even fire elements would come close to you. Which with your ultra purified mana would make them gain strength just by being in your presence, unfortunately, I can't gain strength I don't have that trait," listening as Ignis' voice went from excitement to sadness, I ran my hand over his blade. Well, thanks to having 100% fire resistance I wasn't hurting anymore, I felt very connected to Ignis.

"Easy Ignis. I'll figure out a way for you to get stronger, just wait a while, okay?", to which I responded with an "Nn", I kept running my hands over Ignis feeding her my fire mana which thanks to her [Mana(Fire) Absorption:(A)] absorbed it almost instantly and stored it wherever she went.

[You have gained 38 Affection with Ignis].

[For reaching 50 affection with Ignis you unlocked a perk].

[Favorite Firearms: Increase affection gain with fire-related weapons by 40%].


[Note of Author]

I wanted to ask if one of you can do the favor of being my editor,

The only benefits I can give would be that you have the chapters before another.

That would be all.