
Closing the eyelashes that appeared in front of me and with an affectionate smile on my face as I swiped my hand with [Fiery Hands] on Ruby's blade. I watched curiously as the fire around me slowly but progressively approached me.

So curious about that, I watched her slow progress towards me, "Is it normal for the fire to come towards me?", I asked Ruby because if it's because of the new advantage she seems more cheeky than I thought, listening to Ignis' humming in my mind as I continued to pamper her.

[As you may have already discovered your new Fire Loved perk makes for this interesting situation].

Humming in response to Ruby I saw how the fire was closer, so I waited a few seconds for it to come towards me. It was 2 a.m., several seconds later the fire was a few centimeters away from me, so I kept my clothes in my inventory. For this was not resistant to fire, I watched with fascination and curiosity as the fire went up to my leg.

"Let me cover for you Frank," hearing Ignis' voice telling me that, I decided to trust her, but not before storing the two bronze chests and one iron one in my inventory.

"Don't be shy, come closer to me," and as if they had heard me their slow progress steadily accelerated, to the point where most of the fire was gathering above and my stone throne.

Looking at my throne with sadness. Because I didn't want to lose it, I did the first thing that came to my mind using [KI Manipulation] and [Ki Detection] to search for the stones 1 km away from me and with [Alchemy] I used it to rebuild the melting throne.

Seeing the flames die down a bit, I put my hand through it (if it has a gender). "Don't worry, they did it without meaning to. You can keep covering me", to which after listening to me, the flames kept coming towards me, until after several minutes I was completely covered by the flames and my throne seemed to go through an evolution.

Well now my throne has a reddish color on it, as well as its temperature, increased, so curious about what happened and seeing that the fire that covered me was trying to take a form I used some of my thoughts to feed it with [Fire Infusion], which at first attempt didn't work, but after several attempts, I managed to imbue some of my magic into the fire, which made it react.


[Throne of Stone]

Description: A throne made by someone bored, by its recovery at the hand of its creator and being imbued with fire, the base material of the Throne has evolved to give way to Fire Stone, a material imbued with fire.

[Rank: E]

Skills: [Made of Fire:(E)], [Fire Beloved's Blessing:(D)], [Fiery Dignity:(E)], [Fire Throne:(E)], [Fire Recovery:(E)], [Fire Evolution:(E)], [Fire Mana Absorption:(E)].


Surprised by this information in front of me, I cast [Observe] on it to see the descriptions of these skills/enchantments.


[Fire Fact:(E)]

Description: Made from fire, the fire has decided to let you be one of them, increases by 10% the effectiveness of fire skills.


Nodding at this skill, though weak if it rose in rank it could be useful in the future, so move on to the next skill.


[Blessing of the Beloved by Fire:(D)]

Description: You have been blessed by the [Fire Beloved], therefore the lower magical creatures will be friendly to you.


A little confused by this, as I don't remember blessing it, though I only thought that for a second, as long as the throne is right the rest doesn't matter.


[Fiery Dignity:(E)]

Description: Saved by your creator from your destruction, you have decided to return the favor making it worthy before the figures of fire, in front of the entities related to the inferior fire. They will have a moderate respect for the one who sits on you.


Smiling at this, I ran my hand along with the armrest of the throne, in response I could feel the small flames protruding from the throne touch me.


[Throne of Fire:(E)]

Description: Back based on superior material, you have decided to be worthy of being part of the element [Fire], therefore your temperature is high, reaching up to 100 degrees Celsius.


Nodding at this, as it seems that any item that is made from the fire will have this kind of ability. I lovingly drape my arm across the throne, as it seems she is trying to awaken consciousness and I want to help her(as I bias the gender of the throne, don't I?).


[Fire Recovery:(E)].

Description: It has a recovery through the fire that is inferior, therefore you will take a lot of time in recovering any wound.


Smiling at this, there wasn't much to say, so I moved on to the next skill or rather incantations.


[Fire Evolution:(E)].

Description: Your creator has imbued in you the [Fire] with which you managed to evolve to a higher stage, by feeding on elements of [Fire], you can evolve 1 skill per month.


Surprised by this ability, I took note that I had to make Ignis have it as possible, though to do that I would have to have the job of [Blacksmith] while passing this thought to my second thought, I used my main to keep feeding the flames above me. Which had a short time left to finish what they were doing.

So after a minute the flames finished doing their thing, which was a suit made from the fire, my face from the nose to the neck was covered by the fire taking what seemed to be a mask with some gems in the neck, the shirt had what looked like a jacket with sleeves that left my chest exposed which reached above the waist leaving the rest uncovered, also the fire took in my arms what seemed to be greaves, also the jacket had a 'fur, the pants' seemed to be attached to the shoes making it a single piece, also had some greaves on the calves, also the pants had an object tied at the waist.

Finishing glancing at the outfit, I turned my gaze on the fire, "Thank you, is there anything you want me to do for you?", at what seemed like a denial the flames that made up my outfit made what looked like a tentacle of fire and denied, making the message clearer.

But I couldn't leave them like that after they did so much for me. I kept thinking until Ignis brought me out of my thoughts.

"Feed her with your mana," Ignis said in my mind in what sounded like a serious tone, though the emotion hidden in her tone, took away any seriousness.

So I smilingly accepted Ignis's proposal, so feeding my fire mana, using [Fire Infusion], which went up several levels, I kept feeding my mana to the fire. Which I gladly accepted, all the fire that was around me joined together including the one towards my suit, they united into a single flame that absorbed all my mana, so after an hour. Something fascinating happened.

The flame that was in front of me seemed to have evolved, as it seemed to use my fire mana to become stronger and reach a higher existence, how do I know this, Ignis and Ruby had just told me.

The flames in front of me seemed to have merged into a single entity, and the changes in their appearance were not much. They still had the shape of a flame only now their colors were more vivid, and you could see that their flames were made up entirely of magic.

Once I finished observing the changes in the appearance of the (now the) flame in front of me, it approached close to me until it landed on my neck, so passing my hand over the affectionate flame, I cast [Observe] on it to see its changes.


[No Name]

[Race:Magical Fire]


[Hp:100](2 every 5 minutes)

[Mp: 300](5 each minute)

[Strength: 0.5] [Attack: 5] [Attack: 5]

[Dexterity: 1.0] [Speed: 18 m/s]

[Constitution: 1.0] [Defense: 10]

[Intelligence: 1.0] [Weight: 250 Kg]

[Wisdom: 1.0]

[Charisma: 1.0]

[Luck: 1.0]


Reviewing the changes as she lovingly caressed the nameless flame on my neck trying to take the form of a snake, I turned my gaze to her, "Do you want a name?" to which nodding her snakehead in formation, I began to think of a name

So after a few seconds I came up with one: "I'll call you Serafina, which in Hebrew means fire or spirit of fire, in your case it means spirit of fire. Do you accept it?", to which she nodded her still imperfect snakehead and accepted the name. But not without first trying to use my mana to see if the name affected her at all.

"Then I call you Serafina from now on, welcome to the family", to which after saying that I saw my mana deplete in an instant, directly consuming 3500 mp, which after noticing how much mp it depleted. I shifted my gaze on Serafina who was wrapped in a cocoon of fire, to which after waiting for 2 hours, being 5 am the cocoon broke.

Coming out of the cocoon of fire was a snake that looked real, the only thing that made it different from a real one was that it was made from fire, although if you removed that detail looked like a real snake.

"Welcome back Serafina," I said to the snake which her sed with joy and wrapped itself around my neck like a scarf.

"C-creator," hearing the small voice in the back of my mind, I turned my gaze on Serafina who raised her head slightly to return my gaze.

"Was that you?" to which nodding, she put her head on my cheek and rubbed on it affectionately, so letting her do that while having a smile on my face, I cast [Observe] on her again to check her changes.



[Race: Fire Magic]

[Level: 33][0/6600]

[Hp:100](2 every minute)

[Mp: 9900](165 every minute)

[Strength: 0.5] [Attack: 5] [Attack: 5]

[Dexterity: 1.0] [Speed: 18 m/s]

[Constitution: 1.0 ] [ Defense: 10 ]

[Intelligence: 33.0] [Weight: 250 Kg].

[Wisdom: 33.0]

[Charisma: 2.0]

[Luck: 1.0]


Nodding at the new changes, I now decided to cast [Observe] on her race, to see what changes it entailed.


[Race: Fire Magic]

Description: A race of flames that is conformed only by magic that can evolve to a minor elemental to reach the required level next to the required fire, it grants [Physiology of Magic Fire].


[Physiology of Magical Fire]

Description: A physiology that concentrates on the magic, since this one is the one that conforms to the body of the race.


-Magic modifier starts at 300

Gain 1 stat in [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] for each level.

-Her body is incorporeal, so she only takes damage from magical attacks.

-Your natural mp regeneration starts at x5

-You do not need [Sp] status as [Mp] covers that.


-It does not have a physical body, so it does not receive statistics in those departments.

-Take 200% damage from water-based magic attacks or water as such.

-If a pyromancer or any fire mage has his intelligence stat higher than your [Intelligence] and [Wisdom] stats combined, he can control you without your consent.


Nodding at Serafina's [Physiology of Magical Fire], I continued to massage the very affectionate snake that was rubbing on my cheek, so taking note of its weaknesses, now watch the second sale that was in front of me.

[You have reached 100 Affection with Serafina... Blocking affection].

[For reaching 50 Affection with Serafina you unlocked a perk].

[Kiss of Fire: Increase affection gains with fire-related entities by 20%].

[For reaching 100 Affection with Serafina you unlocked a perk].

[Fire Prodigy: Increases experience with fire skills by 100%, as well as increasing the speed of their development and creation].

Nodding at this change. I turned my gaze to Serafina, "Then how about we get to know each other better, do you agree Serafina?" to which I continued to caress her, waiting for her response.

"H-how do you w-want c-reator," seeing how she stuttered with every word she said, I made a note to teach her how to speak and show them more words.

"Then start by telling me your story", after saying that I listened to Serafina's account of how her creator made her(ie me), and her short but interesting perspective of Serafina as a common flame.