A little talk

Entering the store, I saw, at first sight, Enji and Kaya attending to the customers. So after greeting them by raising my hand in the air, and explaining to Yoshimura why I was late. After all, he is my boss, I headed upstairs, so after changing through the inventory and waiting for some time. I went down to the lower floor to start working.

While I was working I was listening to the news in the background. Which said that thanks to the two investigators sent by the GCC the Ghouls in the 20th district have decreased, so humming in response to that, I continued to attend to the woman in front of me who was making eyes at me.

So after fooling around with her for a while I continued work, after a few hours of work I was having a coffee with Kaya and Enji, while Yoshimura went to deliver meat to some Ghouls.

"So how was your day, Frank?", Enji asked me as he took a sip of coffee, to which Kaya hummed in interest as well.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, these days I'm going to train with a friend my Kagune, what about you?"

Nodding in response, "It's a good idea to train your Kagune. It'll help you when you're in difficult situations," taking another sip of coffee Enji continued with his words, "Besides I haven't done anything else, I've been relaxing this time. Though with the news of the two pigeons it's had me a bit on my toes," to which Kaya nodded in response.

"The pigeon thing has us a little worried, after all the 20th district is the one that's been the most peaceful all these years thanks to Yoshimura. And that because of a selfish Ghoul this is ruined makes me a little angry.", to humming Enji and me in response to Kaya's words, I took a sip of the coffee in my hands.

"Yes, I've noticed. Ever since the pigeons arrived the Ghouls who have their lives made are afraid they'll find out, plus some Ghouls who haven't done anything have died because of them."

To which we both let out a sigh, "You're right Frank," they both said at the same time, which was more than enough to get a chuckle out of us and drive away from the grumpiness around us.

To which after that we chatted about other things, moving away from the sad. After all, the pigeons are killing Ghoul who did nothing because of Jason, so I decided that I would try to stay in a long time in the dungeon. To level up and choose my next class, because after choosing the next class, my agility would go through the roof. Which would make me unbeatable in this world.

While we were chatting, Yoshimura came back in, so after greeting him, he called me to his side. So after saying goodbye to the two of them, since they were leaving, I followed Yoshimura who went behind the bar. Sitting on the stool, I waited for his next words.

"So how have your days been, Frank?"

To which I took another sip and lowered the cup of coffee, I replied, "I'm going to start training my Kagune with some friends this week, so I thought I'd tell you if you can give me this week off", taking another sip of coffee, I continued with my previous words". And I also want you to teach me how to brew coffee as you do."

To which laughing in response to my words, a kind smile grew on Yoshimura's face." About your first question. If I permit you, you must train your Kagune now, the pigeons are making a lot of fuss in the district. And I don't think it will stop anytime soon, and about your second request. It will be a pleasure to teach you"

Smiling at that, I continued sipping my coffee, "So what did you call me for?" to which he just nodded as he waited for me to finish my coffee.

"I wanted you to deliver the meat to one person, but if you're busy I can give the task to Renji," to which I put down my cup of coffee. Which I finished.

"I'm interested, when do I have to deliver it?"

"In 3 days, then I'm counting on you?", to which nodding in reply, I talked for a few more minutes with Yoshimura, until I said goodbye to him and went upstairs, a short walk later. I arrived at Touka's room, so knocking on the door I waited for her to open.

Which was after a few seconds, "Yes?", hearing the question before even seeing who it was, a smile grew on my face. This is why when Touka's face appeared I took the moment to steal a kiss from her, so placing my hands on her waist to pull her closer to me, I gave Touka a long kiss. She had her eyes wide open in surprise which disappeared after a few seconds and responded to my kiss while wrapping her arms around my head, so entering her room and closing the door, we stayed like that for several seconds.

Separating my lips from Touka while resting my hand on her cheek and caressing it affectionately, "Did I mention that I love your lips?" to which she leaned against my chest. For she was sitting on my lap.

"You didn't tell me, but you kiss me so much. I thought so," to which I laughingly kissed her again, which I accepted the kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck, so resting my hands on her narrow hips, I moved my hands up and down slightly. To increase her sensitivity, though this technique would work better if I touched her skin directly.

Listening to Touka's slight moans, which sounded muffled because I was kissing her, I parted my lips from her. After noticing the blush growing on her face, "So what did you do at your school today?", to which waiting for her blush to go down she began to speak, but not before leaning back against my chest.

To which listening to her story about what happened at school today. Well, the guys and girls who saw us at school must have already made a gossip, which it was. Well her best friend asked her if the guy she was with was her boyfriend, which she answered yes, which after that several girls she didn't know approached her to become 'friends' with her. Although the truth is they just wanted to ask about me.

Although Touka didn't pay much attention to those girls after he told them some things, after that he told them unimportant things and complained about the final exams, because there were only 5 days left until July 20th and he would be on vacation until the end of August where he would go back to school because this was the summer vacation.

So after he told me that and we were talking about our thing to get to know each other even more. So that's where I 'knew that he had a younger brother and that her father had died when he went to get food for them.

Which after that I told her about myself, my ability to go to other worlds, and how to become strong. And all the things I had done since my first day in HOTD, which she was very impressed that there was a world where zombies were real. Although after telling them that the ghouls where I come from are not like the ones here and are more undead, she readily accepted the occurrence.

After a few minutes of talking about our life. And giving Touka another kiss, I decided to help her with her homework. I would have to go train with Noro soon, so I sat Touka on my lap while I helped her with her homework.


Several minutes later I left Anteiku to meet Noro, which I found after a few turns where he appeared out of a dark alley with his robe and mask along with his ponytail that looked like something out of a cultivation novel.

"Then don-", and just like the first time. Before I could even finish my sentence, Noro knocked me out to go to the place where the buildings were in ruins and a petrified Kagune surrounded this very district.

So entering the same place as the other time, only Ruby was no longer alone. For she had Ignis which no longer looked like a dagger, for she had the appearance of a 7-year-old girl as her ability said. She is about 117 cm tall with red hair that reaches her back with eyes of the same color and a rose on the side of her head, along with a red dress and black ruffles that have a red bow tie and gold lines. She also has black stockings that match her black shoes.

I also managed to find Serafina who still had a fire snake form, so after seeing me together with Ignis, they both threw themselves at me. The two of them jumped at me, so I caught Ignis with my open arms and Serafina who wrapped her head around me, and I let out a light laugh.

"So this is what you look like Ignis, you're really cute," saying that after I walk around a few times and put Ignis down on the ground. And that Serafina settles on my neck, to which I pass my hand over her in an affectionate manner while feeding it with [Fire Infusion] which is level 32.

To which she raised her flat chest in pride, "I knew you'd like it," to which after she said that she did a little turn which made her flying dress rise a little. Until she was facing me again, "How's it going?"

To which, placing my hand on her head, I replied with a smile, "You're very pretty Ignis", to which her non-existent chest rose again in pride, "And where did you get that dress".

"I got it out of your memory, I got my underwear out of it too. Do you want to see it?", to which looking at her playful look when she said her last part. I turned my gaze to Ruby who had her features already formed but was still a figure of light.

"Did you teach her that?"

Laughing lightly, Ruby rested one of her hands on her cheek, "Why, don't you like the way it is?" rolling my eyes at what she said. I returned my gaze to Ignis, which when I did I saw her sad look.

"Don't you like the way she acts?" to which I saw her look. Which touched my heart, I lifted her by the waist and put her on my lap, to which after doing that I kissed her on her forehead.

"No, I was just surprised by your new attitude. You seem to be a quick learner," to which blushing at my kiss and giving a smile of joy at my words, Ignis' pessimistic attitude disappeared instantly, like a child.

"Besides. Frank. You shouldn't think that just because the skill says she has the mentality of a 7-year-old means she's like a 7-year-old. What the skill was referring to is that her emotions are like a 7-year-old, so her emotional changes are very fast.", to which taking Ruby's advice, I gave her a smile of thanks which she returned to me while looking at Ignis who had an affectionate smile while lying on my chest.

"Thanks for that Ruby, now how about we talk about the elephant in the room," to which Ignis' gaze became confused. While Serafina who was relaxing while still using [Fire Infusion] on her, raised her head in a confused manner as well.

"What do you mean, Frank?" with a big grin on her face, Ruby asked as she had a hand on her cheek.

"I mean because the place is filled with elements of fire," I said as I looked at the place. It was made up of a sky of fire, grasses of fire, rivers, and seas of fire, trees of fire, and everything of fire around me.

"Well, it got like this, when you acquired the [Fire Beloved] perk which made your fire element form this landscape in your soul," to which I nodded at that as Serafina went out to explore after arriving with my mana, which made me gain experience. Almost about to level up, while still petting Ignis who had a growing blush on her face.

"And why are you blushing Ignis?"

"You're welcome, it's just that it's so satisfying that you're doing this," to which punctuating her words a moan of satisfaction left her lips.

"Have you always been this erotic?", to which seeing her look of confusion on her face. I realized she was a natural at this seduction thing.