Unknown Firm

Shaking my head at the eroticism with a girlish form, I decided to focus on something else for the time being. Such as this. "So is the Hub in my soul or is my soul the Hub?", to which hearing my question, Ruby, humming lightly as she continued to watch the blushing Ignis on my lap.

"How to say, your Hub merged with your Soul when you received my [System Owner] advantage. Therefore it merged with your Soul and now, it causes this to change in the Hub. For since it is related to your Soul, the changes that happen to your Soul will happen to the Hub as well," to which I nodded in response to Ruby, for since I entered this place aside from the blue color that almost permeated my entire soul, there was also a red/orange colored aura surrounding me.

So, taking a short walk, I found my throne. So with a happy smile on my face, I sat on it, to which I saw how the small flames surrounding the throne embraced me with happiness.

Once seated on my throne, next to the clothes that took the fire the last time. And with Ignis, on my lap. I look like a villain in his lair, so with a laugh, I turned my gaze to Ignis.

"So are you having fun, Ignis?" to which hearing her question her glazed look slowly dissipated.

"Nn! I've had a lot of fun with Ruby and Serafina. I'd rather keep being used by you though, so always remember to use me! Okay?", to which I placed my hand on her cheek and rubbed it lovingly, I smiled at her words.

With a stronger blush on her face, Ignis leaned back on my palm. "You don't have to worry, if I'm going to use a weapon I'll always call you. So keep an eye out, Yes'", to which receiving an "Nn~" in reply, I continued to pamper Ignis, while having a chat with, Ruby, while, Serafina was walking around my Soul.

[You have gained 46 Affection with Ignis].

[You have reached 100 Affection with Ignis, Blocking Affection.... Blocked].

[For reaching 100 Affection you have unlocked an Ignis ability].

[Fire Strengthening: You can strengthen yourself by absorbing the fire around you, depending on the quality of the fire and whether it is magical or not. Increases your parameters by a certain amount]

Closing the tab that appeared in front of me mentally, I continued chatting with Ruby for several minutes.


Opening my eyes in an unfamiliar, now familiar place. I turned my gaze around, so after a few seconds, I found Noro. Getting up from the floor where I'm lying, I wiped my clothes, "Why did you knock me out?", to which waiting for an answer I kept looking at the man in front of me.

Which never came, because he pulled out his Kagune. So preparing myself, I also took out my Kagune. "Is it some kind of test to knock me out?", asking the last question before receiving a beating, I waited for his answer? Which came with a nod.

Whereupon nodding in response, I approached him at full speed while using my Ukaku to do some damage to him. While my Rinkaku was used as my main source of damage, as I was using only my Kagune. Since I wanted to unlock my Kakuja.

So seeing that he used his Kagune which he separated into two, one to block my projectiles. While huge he used it to attack me once I'm close, we kept doing this for 6 hours, which is why we stopped at noon.

Lying on the ground with most of my clothes destroyed. I looked at Noro who was putting away his huge Bikaku that had a mouth with sharp teeth, letting out a sigh at that. I turned my gaze on Eto who was sitting on my abdomen while running her hand across my chest. Shaking my head at that, I focused on the notification tab in my view, about the level up.

[Rinkaku Regeneration has leveled up to 85].

[Kagune RInkaku has leveled up to 99]

Closing the notifications and going over what happened in my 'fight' with Noro, well thanks to [Kagune Mastery] I managed to develop my Kagune quickly. So in those 6 hours of fighting him, I managed to develop my Rinkaku in various ways, such as forming jaws with teeth in it, forming almost perfect claws, linking my Rinkaku to make Noro's Kagune. Which took him by surprise, because it was with that form of my Kagune that I managed to hurt him, among other things. I also managed to separate my Rinkaku, which was nice, because by separating that Rinkaku Tentacle I made it take the shape of a sword, and as I recovered my previous tentacle with [Rinkaku Regeneration] and [Kagune Rinkaku] I managed to recover that lost Kagune.

While I left those thoughts to my second mind. I was chatting with Eto, who was surprised by my results in these 6 hours. It was as if I was a prodigy or a master who had used his Kagune for years because of the ease with which I managed to change the shape of my Kagune as well as its structure. It was as if I was born for this.

"You keep surprising me. Are you trying to seduce me?"

Listening to Eto's words, she took off most of the bandages and only covered her breasts and secret garden. I placed my hand on her cheek, "Do I need to seduce you?", to which I let out a laugh in response. She lay back down on my chest.

"No, that wouldn't be necessary. You had me won over long ago," to which I placed my hands on her waist, and we remained in this comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"And where is this place?"

To which her hummed lightly. She turned her gaze on me, "This is district 24, the only place where the CCG has no domain or patrols. More specifically we are in the underground city that only Noro and I know about, which is reached through the tunnels of this very district," listening to her long answer to where we are. I nodded slightly as I kissed her on the lips, as far as I remember this is the place where Kaneki took shelter with the other Ghouls when he became their King.

Breaking apart after a long minute of a passion-filled kiss. I saw a look full of lust grow on Eto's face, "And that kiss, I'm not complaining though," saying that with a smile and a look that only had eyes on me. I couldn't help but have a fondness for her.

"Can't I kiss my girlfriend whenever I want?"

To which I gave a smile full of madness, "You're right, you can kiss whenever you want and do whatever you want with your girlfriend, can't you?", watching her gaze. A smile grew on my face.

"I wonder which of the two of you is crazier?" to which a little surprised by my question. Her let out a slight chuckle.

"Why do you say that?" she said as a smile full of madness grew on her face.

"Well you only have eyes for me and only have feelings for me. You can say that I'm the only light in your life, and the rest doesn't matter as long as I'm there."

"Don't you think it's pretty arrogant to claim that?" seeing her smile grow. Mine couldn't help but grow to the same extent.

"But it's true. Or do you want to deny it?" to which she only denied.

"You're right, you can say that before I met you I didn't feel anything. When I killed, when I lived, I felt nothing. My only purpose was to find someone who would defeat the GCC and wipe it out of existence and restart this world, to start anew. So you are right, ever since you appeared. I managed to feel my heart beating, something I haven't felt for a long time," to which I finished saying those words. She brought her lips close to mine, and we had a long kiss where Eto showed all her affection towards me. To which after several minutes, we didn't know. "So you are right, you are and will be my only reason to live. By the time you are done with everything related to the GCC."

To which with a smile on my face. I brought my face closer to Eto's. "And that's why I wonder if my madness is greater than yours because even knowing that. I still feel a great affection and fondness for you," to which letting out a laugh I brought my face closer to Eto's. Then how about I tell you my story," to which I hummed in response. I started to tell her my whole story.

"So what do you think?"

To which bringing her face closer to mine, "It doesn't matter your other girls or if you get more, the only thing that matters to me is you and only you. As long as you're with me, I don't care about anything else," to which with a look of obsession on her face, Eto said those words.

"Besides, you can call me Eto. That's my birth name and my last name. That's not so important, but since we're a couple, I'll start calling me Eto Evans. I'll start calling myself Eto Evans, not bad, right, we just need to get married and it'll be official," to which with a dreamy look on her face. I let out a light laugh.

"Shall we fix this place up?" to which I stood up with this on my chest and my hand on her ass, though it wasn't as big as another one of my girls, it was full, firm, and smooth. And that was enough.

"You say that with your [Repairing Hammer]?", to which I nodded. Wait for her next words. "Then let's do it. A King needs a territory, and since this one is unclaimed. You can have it."

Laughing lightly, I took out the [Repair Hammer] from my inventory. Which was golden in color, so I placed Eto on my back, which thanks to her short stature doesn't bother me. I began my walk through the entire city of the 24th district repairing every building, street, and various things.

So after about 8 of hitting every building and construction with my [Repair Hammer], we managed to repair 45% of the place. So sitting on top of a building I repaired, we turn our sights to the other buildings that were repaired.

"When I repair this, it will look very beautiful," running my hand through Eto's hair. Which was in my lap, I kept looking at the place.

"Nn~! It'll be a perfect place for Ghouls," to which I nodded at that. I used out of curiosity [Ki Detection], which I expanded to maximum capacity. And when I did that I felt 3 signatures in front of a building, which I repaired.

"I just felt 3 signatures. Shall we get closer?", I asked Eto, after turning off my ability.

"I think I know who they are, so let's go," getting up from my lap, I watched as Eto stood next to me. So getting up and taking out my Ukaku, which I can make bigger size thanks to my new perk, which is [Kagune Master]. And the new size I made, I set it as default. So now it's not 6 meters long and 3 meters wide, now it's 8 meters long and 4 meters wide.

"You're still surprising me that you can increase the size of your Kagune so easily," to which letting out a light laugh, I motioned Eto to come closer. So once near me, I lifted her and pressed her against my chest.

"It's time to test my theory."

"What theory?"

"The one about if I can fly", to which with a look of excitement on her face, I started using [Master Kagune] to manipulate my Ukaku, to which after a few minutes, I started flapping. Which were slow but powerful, so after flipping several times I was about 8 meters away from the building, and about 30 from the ground.

"My theory worked," I said as I looked at my Ukaku, which had several small changes to allow me to fly, such as increasing the hardness or decreasing the hardness of the feathers, the strength of the feathers as well. And several other things.

"We have to do this several times!"

Hearing Eto's exclamation, I let out a laugh, "Then we'll do it many times, but first. Let's see our guys," to which nodding, we headed towards the 3 signatures I felt.