
Running my hand gently through her hair, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of Eto with a happy smile on her face. So mentally saying good morning to Ignis, Serafina, and Ruby, so kissing her on her forehead. I got up from the bed to level up the [Alchemy].

So I set up the table and took out the items I would use to make potions, getting ready to start. I heard a knock on my door, so I got up from the floor and headed for the door.

Once I opened the door, I noticed at first glance that it was Akira, Akina, Akiko, and Rize, who was standing in front of the door waiting for me to open it.

"Good morning everyone" I greeted cheerfully as I let the girls into the room.

"Nn! Good morning, Frank!" cheerfully greeted Akira with her bright attitude.

"Good morning, Frank" Speaking in her soft voice, I couldn't help but pat her on the head, which caused a blush to grow on her face.

"What are we doing today, Frank?" asked Akiko as she turned her gaze to me.

"Good morning~, Frank" Greeting with a smile on her face, I let Rize kiss me for a few seconds.

So breaking away from her lips, I turned my attention back to the girls. "I'm going to start doing alchemy," I said while pointing at the vials of potions and alchemy materials on the small table on the floor. "Want to see?" to which I fiercely nodded my head and let them see how I was doing alchemy.

"Looks like you tired, Eto" Hearing Rize's words, I turned my gaze towards her to see that she had a smile on her face, as she looked at the sleeping Eto.

Running my hand through my hair, I let out a laugh in response to her words, so seeing that her smile grew. I turned my gaze on the girls who were curiously touching the Alchemy materials.

"Ok, pay attention. This is Alchemy" To which nodding affirmatively, I started making mana potions first. To which after 1 hour 20 minutes and 20 seconds, I made 500 Inferior Mana potions, which allowed me to increase my Alchemy level several times.

[Alchemy has been raised to level 11].



Description: The art of Transmuting one object into another, or combining several to create something new, allows you to use 2 materials in Alchemy.


After finishing reading the skill description, I noticed that I could now use 2 materials to create stronger potions, so I finished storing the last potion in my inventory. I turned my gaze on the girls who had a look of excitement as they saw the materials turn into liquids.

"Ok, that will be all for the moment. I have some business to attend to and I'll be right back" Saying that to the girls and Rize, I turned my gaze on the latter." I'll leave you in charge and take this to continue repairing the buildings" to which taking out the [Repair Hammer] I gave it to Rize, explaining its function. To which after that, I grabbed the [Disguise Feather] and asked Rize for directions. After doing that, I changed my appearance and clothes and headed towards the exit.

Several minutes later I exited the tunnels of the 24th district, to which once outside, I began my walk to the train station. A long walk later and taking a train, I arrived in the 20th district.

Once in the place, I walked in Anteiku's direction, but not before going through my head and observing it with [Ki Detection]. The instant I activated the ability to check my house, I noticed a signature inside.

So keeping that information in my mind, I decided to ask Eto who could look for me. A walk later I'm inside Anteiku, but before entering I changed my appearance back to my original one with [Feather of Disguise].

Taking a look inside the store, I saw that there were Kaya, Enji, Yoshimura, Touka, and Nishio, because with a smile on my face I greeted everyone "Good morning, it's been a while since we've seen each other, right?"

Turning my gaze back to me, I noticed a smile form on everyone's face except Nishio, who gave me a nod of acknowledgment which I returned.

"It's good to see you again, Frank!" Enji exclaimed, who walked over to me and patted me on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Same here, Enji" returning the greeting, I turned my gaze to Kaya.

"Welcome back, Frank, how have you been?" greeting me with a smile and her soft voice, I answered her question.

"Everything's been fine, I've been training and I came to do Yoshimura a favor" to which nodding with a cheerful smile on her face, I turned my gaze to Touka, who went up to the second floor not before making signs to me which I nodded slightly.

So approaching Nishiki I greeted him, "It's been a while Nishiki, how have you been?"

"It's been a while, Frank. I've been fine these days" replying with a serene look on his face, I couldn't help but smile.

"Looks like your arrogant attitude has calmed down, was it a girl that made you change?"

To which let out a snort, he replied. "I don't think I have to answer that to you, but I've realized that if you want to have lasting friends, I don't have to treat them with arrogance."

Nodding at his answer I replied, "Send my regards to the girl who made you change your mind" clicking my tongue for my answer, I managed to hear an "I will" under my breath.

Finishing that conversation I turned to Yoshimura, "I already came Yoshimura, but can you give me some time, I have to talk to Touka" nodding with a kind smile on his face, he accepted what I said.

"Don't worry, go with Touka. It's not time to deliver this shipment yet anyway." Giving he a thank you for that, I headed towards the second floor.

Once upstairs I saw how the door to Touka's room is half-open, so smiling at that. I walked towards her room, a few seconds later I opened the door fully and entered the room.

"It's good to see you again, Touka" Greeting with an affectionate smile on my face, I walked towards Touka who was sitting on her bed.

"Same here, Frank" Returning my affectionate smile, I sat Touka on my lap and proceeded to give her a kiss showing my affection towards her.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, I kept kissing Touka for several seconds. To which once our lips parted, a string of saliva still connecting us, resting my head on her forehead, I waited for her response.

"I missed you" saying that with all the feelings she felt towards me, I ran my hand through her hair soothingly.

"I did too" placing a kiss on her forehead, I continued to run my hand through her silky hair.

"Next time you go, let me know in advance" Smiling in response, I brought my lips to hers, to which she responded by opening hers slightly. Finishing closing the distance that separated our lips, I gave her a kiss that showed my affection towards her.

Which lasted for several minutes, separating our lips, I saw Touka's blushing face that had slight moisture in her eyes. "From now on I'll let you know if I go away for a while, so don't worry. I'll never forget you" I let out an "Nn" in response and saw a smile grow on her face.

"I know that silly" letting out a laugh at her words, she also joined in letting out a light chuckle, after that moment, I spent some time with Touka, where she told me about what she did in school. How her friend Yoriko made fun of her for being in a relationship and stuff.

After she told me what she did in her day, I decided to help her with her homework which took several minutes to do. It would have taken less if I had done it myself, but she wanted me to just help her, not do her homework.

Finished helping her with her homework, we decided to go downstairs. But not before warning her about something: "I'll still be training this week, so I won't be able to see you. But after that, we can still see each other normally."

"Nn. Then I'll wait for your return!" nodding at her positivity with that, I gave her a short kiss. After that, we went downstairs, where I had a chat with Kaya, Enji, and Nishiki that lasted for a few minutes.

After finishing that conversation we had, I let him go on with her work. Turning to Yoshimura, I waited for him to give me the delivery.

"Here" Handing me two large envelopes (or rather packages), I grabbed them and noticed that they had a good weight, I would say about 10 to 20 kg each. "And this is the address, once you have delivered this, come back here and let me know" to which nodding I said goodbye to him and everyone.

So coming out of Anteiku, I changed my appearance again with the [Feather of Disguise], so once I stepped out onto the street, I was a different person. Reading the address and the place where the Ghoul was, I nodded and started my walk towards the place.

A taxi and a short walk later, I arrived at a fairly normal two-story house, so I took off my disguise. I rang the doorbell, to which I got an "I'm coming!" and waited for the girl to arrive.

A few seconds later the door opened, to find the woman from the cinema, Umeko Ayako, a girl about 160 cm tall with pink hair and blue eyes and a pair of glasses that have no frame on top, wearing a blue button-down shirt with light blue shorts.

"Yes, how can I help you?" asked with a thoughtful look on her face, I replied with a slight smile.

"I'm an Anteiku worker, I came to deliver your order" Lifting the two boxes in my hand, a look of compression passed over her face.

"Ah, thank you for this!" losing the attentive look on her face, he replied with a cheerful look on her face, as he looked at the boxes in my hand.

"It's our job to help Ghouls, like you. You don't have to thank us" Replying with a kind smile, I handed the box to the woman in front of me.

"That's why I have you guys to thank if it wasn't for you. I wouldn't be able to feed my little sister and me" Smiling cheerfully in my direction, I couldn't help but smile back.

[You have won 46 Affection with Ayako Umeko].

"Then I'll accept your thanks."

"Nn, I forgot about the joy. Even if I don't have much, I can offer you a coffee for coming over here" Replying with an embarrassed look on her face, I smiled at her.

"It would be nice."

"Then come in, make yourself at home" Nodding at her reply, I entered her home. Once inside I made my way to the living room, which was furnished with couches, a table, television, and a fireplace.

Finishing checking how furnished the place is, I turned my gaze on the little pink-haired girl watching TV in a blue dress, so I approached her and sat down next to her.

Blinking prettily at the sight of a stranger in her house, the girl asked a question. While looking at me with her adorable eyes, "Who are you Onii-chan?".

Patting she on the head, I saw her close her eyes, while a smile grew on her face, "I'm a friend of your sister's, I'm here to deliver a couple of things. And what's your name?"

Opening her eyes slightly, she turned her gaze to me, "My name is Hinami Umeko, and you Onii-chan?"

"My name is Frank Evans, nice to meet you Hinami-chan."

"Nn~! Same Frank-nii-chan"

[You have won 62 Affection with Hinami Umeko].

[For reaching 50 Affection with Hinami you unlocked a perk].

[You have unlocked the Loli is Justice perk].

[The advantage Loli is Justice has been combined with the pre-existing]


[Loli is Justice]

Description: Increase Affection gain with lolis by 30%.


With a trembling eyebrow, I closed the entire pop-up tab just like the advantage upgrade [Loli is Justice], turning my gaze on Hinami, who took my lap as if it was her throne. She focused her gaze on the program in front of me.

The show is a detective series, or rather it seemed like this was this universe's version of NCIS: Los Angeles. So turning my gaze on Hinami, I asked her a question. "You understand all this, Hinami-Chan?"

"Nn! It's easy to understand, plus it teaches me several things" Responding with a cheerful smile on her face to my answer, I couldn't help but ask another question.

"How old are you, Hinami-Chan?"

"I'm 8, why do you ask Frank-nii-chan?"

"You're welcome Hinami-Chan, let's keep watching the show," I said as I patted her head again, to which when I did. She narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.


As Hinami turned her attention back to the show, I couldn't help but think that she was a very smart girl to be able to understand the terminology used in this kind of series.