
Placing my hand on the bronze chest in my hand, I waited a few seconds before opening it. So opening it, I waited for good things to come out of it.

[You have received Mana Cigar x 533]

[You have received Vitality Apple x 425].

[You have received Stamina Flower x 420].

[You have received Golden Clover x 125].

[You have received Heart of Blood x 395]

[You have received Human Blood x 425]

Raising an eyebrow at the first item in the box, I took it out of the inventory for a closer look. Once I took them out, I checked the cigar I had in my hand, the only difference it had from a normal cigar. It was made entirely of mana, so I curiously cast [Observe] on it.


[Mana Cigarette]

Description: A cigar made of mana elements, can recover some mana.


Nodding at the description, I proceeded to the second Bronze chest. So once in my hand, I quickly opened it.

[You have received Fire Core]

[You have received Phone x 425]

[You have received Stamina Potion(Medium)) x 45].

[You have received Virtual Reality Capsule x 115].

[You have received Resident Evil(Virtual Reality)].

[You have received Elven Blood x 10].

Deciding to cast [Observe] on the two new items that came out of the Bronze Chest, I quickly started reading it.


[Fire Core]

Description: A core made from the purest fire element in existence, you can use it in alchemy or blacksmithing.


Nodding at this item, I decided to keep it in my inventory. So once that was done, I moved on to the next item on the list.


[Elf Blood]

Description: A vial with Elf blood inside, a race known for its incredible beauty and its high quantity and affinity with mana and elementals.


Nodding at this, I moved on to the next Bronze chest, so once in my hand, I quickly opened it. To see its contents.

[You have received Card Deck x 800].

[You have received Virtual Reality Capsule x 115].

[You have received Tablet x 425]

[You have received Nanito's Arms x 25].

[You have received Mana Core x 425].

[You have received Nanitos Leg x 25].

Taking the nanite leg out of inventory, I noticed that it was just as refined as the arm, so I played with it for a while. After doing that, I moved on to the last Bronze chest I had.

[You have received Gacha Token]

[You have received Nanitos Suit x 25].

[You have received Crystal Heart(Large) x 2].

[You have received Hp(Medium) Potion x 125].

[You have received Stamina Potion(Medium x 125)].

[You have received Enchantment Gem(Small x 15)].

Smiling at the objects that came out of the chest, cast [Observe] on them. To get a more accurate description.


[Nanitos Suit]

Description: A suit made from Nanites, gives 500 physical defenses to the user who wears it.


Raising an eyebrow at the high defense of this suit, I decided to put it back in my inventory and move on to the next item.


[Enchantment Gem(Small)].

Description: A Gem that allows you to imbue enchantments into the weapon with the corresponding work, it allows you to imbue 3 enchantments into the weapon.


Smiling at the gem in my hand, I put it back in my inventory. For it wasn't time for me to use it, so pulling the last chest closer. Which is of Iron quality, I opened it already satisfied with the previous items.

[You have received Mana Core x 725].

[You have received Apple of Vitality x 725]

[You have received Endurance Flower x 725].

[You have received Purifying Flower x 700].

[You have received Fertility Flower x 680].

[You have received Blood Heart x 650].

[You have received Golden Clover x 365].

[Diamond x 215]

Putting all the items back in the inventory, I decided to use the gacha ticket I have in the inventory. So watching as the wheel spun, I waited for it to stop, several seconds later the wheel stopped. So I waited for the object to come out of it.

[You have received Yamato]

Looking at the familiar Katana in my hand, I decided to keep it with the other one, once that was done. I decided to leave the dungeon to continue talking to the girls, so once outside I headed towards the place where they were.

A walk later, I'm in the room with the girls, so I sat down on the sofa. I directed my gaze towards Eto, "How much of the city have you repaired?" I asked while stroking Akira's head that's on my lap.

"Together with what you did last time, we've repaired a total of 57% of the place."

Nodding at Eto's words, I kept stroking Akira's head. "We'll have to repair this city, but we need more of the hammer I gave you to do it faster, so I'm going to train with Eto for a while," I said while I turned my gaze to the girl mentioned. "Do you mind?

With a smile on her face. "I don't care, as long as it makes you stronger. I'll do everything I can for you."

Nodding at that, I took Akira off my lap, "Then let's go," nodding her head and with the girls following us. We went to a place away from the buildings, but not before trying to put away the Kagune that was running around the city.

Which I did, after lifting it enough. I kept it in the inventory, which surprised the 3 little girls, whose age I still don't know. After that, we continued our way to a secluded part of the city.

Once in a secluded place and with the girls safe, I smiled towards Eto's direction. She smiled back, "I want to train my Kakuja, are you ready?" to which she just nodded, seeing her confirmation. Activate my [Kakuja].

Once I activated my [Kakuja], I saw how my two Kagune enveloped my entire body. After several seconds, my Kakuja covered me completely, so I turned my gaze to Eto, who had a huge smile on her face.

"Then it's my turn!" Eto exclaimed, which after saying that. Her Kagune enveloped her, creating her Kakuja, The One-Eyed Owl.

Looking at Eto's Kakuja, I noticed that it was about 5 meters tall, along with 2 meters wide, the mask on her Kakuja had 3 lines on each side of her face. Along with an eye and a mouth full of teeth. The mask also has some horns on it, along with several spikes or spikes on her back.

"It seems I'm still small in this form."

Hearing Eto's distorted voice with her Kakuja form, a smile formed on my face. "It seems so" approaching her, I noticed that I was 2 meters taller than her. Which made my height about 7 meters, along with the length of my body that seemed to be about 15 meters long.



Once he said those words, I used the tentacles that were in my Kakuja form, and transformed them into spears, though that was a mistake. For they were transforming too slow for what I'm used to, which gave Eto time to use her hands with sharp claws and pierce my chest easily.

Without panicking, for I could not. I held Eto's arm, stopping for a moment her advance on my chest. Which gave me a chance to cut off her arm with my claws, once the arm was cut off I swallowed it. So using the arm to speed up the regeneration of the hole in my chest with [Rinkaku Regeneration], the hole regenerated in a few seconds.

Moving several meters away from her, already knowing how much damage she can do to me. "I did it wrong there, I was used to the speed with which I transformed my Kagune."

"That I could tell, do you want to continue?" asked Eto.

To which, thinking about her words, I shook my head, "Not yet, we're just starting," finishing saying that, I threw my tentacles that had taken the shape of spears, towards Eto.

Which observing my spears heading towards it, her Kakuja smiled and using the same trick as me. She threw her barbs as projectiles, thus breaking my spears, without panicking about it, I decided to keep throwing spears. To which she responded in kind.

Several seconds after doing this, to see who would get tired first, I came up with a plan, so tensing my 4 legs and throwing another 3 spears. I waited for the perfect moment, which was when she responded to my attack with hers, so using all my strength. I lunged towards her, to which in what seemed like a blink of an eye, I reached Eto's Kakuja.

Laying Eto's Kakuja on the ground, I created several teeth in my Kakuja's mouth which I sharpened to the maximum and brought my mouth close to Eto's Kakuja, I gave it a huge bite. I took a big chunk of meat out of her Kakuja which I devoured.

Using her clawed hands, she grabbed my Kakuja's mouth and using her strength. Which increased with the Kakuja, and dislocated the mouth. Which reminded me of the scene in King Kong when he dislocated a T-rex's mouth.

With my Kakuja's main mouth broken, I decided to use the piece of meat from Eto's Kakuja and accelerated the regeneration with that combined with [Rinkaku Regeneration], regenerating the mouth in a second.

As my second thought accelerated my regeneration from my Kakuja's mouth, I used my three tentacles from my Kakuja growing on my back and transformed them into a sword to pierce Eto's Kagune on her chest and arms, immobilizing her Kakuja. Not for long, though.

So taking advantage of these moments, I used my newly regenerated mouth and took another huge bite out of Eto's Kakuja, thus removing another piece of her form, while my three tentacles pierced Eto's chest and arms, she decided to bring her face closer to mine. To which she opened her mouth wide and ripped a giant chunk out of my Kakuja.

With a smile forming on my face and imagining Eto's huge smile. We started our competition to see who could devour each other's Kakuja, Eto used her huge mouth to devour huge chunks of my Kakuja. While I devoured giant chunks of her Kakuja and used those chunks to speed up my regeneration in combination with [Rinkaku Regeneration].

To which after a long battle of resistance, he ends up devouring Eto's Kagune. Thanks to my [Rinkaku Regeneration] which combined with the pieces of Eto's Kakuja. I greatly accelerated my regeneration.

Devouring the last piece of her Kakuja and with Eto on the ground with a huge smile on her face. I brought my Kakuja head close to her face, to which after removing my Kakuja, I was on top of Eto with a smile on my face.

"I win" with a huge smile on my face, I said those words to Eto.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, I brought my face close to her, "So it seems, the winner wants a prize?" before I could even say anything. Eto brought her lips to mine and gave me a kiss full of lust and passion which also had tongue involved.

Wrapping my tongue around her, in a sloppy kiss along with Eto's occasional muffled moans. We continued to kiss for several seconds until we parted our lips. With a rope of saliva still attached to us.

Turning my gaze on her eyes that invited me to devastate her right there, I decided not to do it. Since the girls should already be coming our way. So turning my gaze on her fine and exquisite lips, I started again another careless kiss with Eto, while I ran my hands over her breasts.

A few minutes later I managed to hear footsteps coming towards us. So separating my lips from hers, I approached her ear and whispered, "Let's continue this in our room" punctuating those words with another kiss and squeezing her breast. I lifted Eto who didn't want to separate from me, as she had her legs wrapped around my waist, so placing my hands on her firm round buttocks, we walked towards where the footsteps could be heard.