End of delivery

Finishing my coffee, I turned my gaze on Ayako. "Thanks for the coffee, Ayako. But I have to go, I'm getting late," placing the coffee cup on the table. I got up from the couch, but not before patting Hinami's head.

"Nn. It's okay, it's been nice having a chat with you, Frank. besides Hinami met someone else" smiling in my direction, he set his coffee cup down on the small table.

"It would be the other way around, it was a pleasure to meet two awesome and fun girls like you guys," I said with a slight smile on my face, heading towards Hinami and Ayako.

To which with a small blush he said, "If you say it like that, then I'll accept your compliments," getting up from the couch. He headed in my direction, "Let me walk you to the exit," nodding at that, we headed towards the exit.

"I'll accompany you too, Frank-nii-chan" hearing Hinami's adorable voice behind me, I turned my gaze on her. She had a resolute look on her face.

"Then come" beckoning her to come, We headed towards the door.

A short walk later, I'm at the door saying goodbye to her. "As I said before, it was nice to meet you girls. But I'm afraid, I have to go" after saying that, I stroked Hinami's head for a few seconds.

"It was nice to meet you, I hope you comes back here for a while or Hinami would be very lonely."

"Nn! What Onee-chan said, you should come, Frank-nii-chan!"

Letting out a slight laugh, I nodded slightly. "Then I'll come sometimes, though I won't be able to this week. I'm busy, but maybe next week I might come" to which Hinami and Ayako nodded with a look of understanding on their faces.

"So here's my phone number" telling me his phone number, I spent a few seconds writing them down. "See you later, Frank" waving goodbye, Hinami did the same.

"See you later, Onii-chan."

Returning the greeting in return, I left Hinami and Ayako's house. Several minutes later, I took a taxi to head towards Anteiku, as I stayed at Ayako's house for a while.

A few minutes later, I'm at the entrance of Anteiku. I changed back into my appearance, which I changed before the taxi arrived, and once inside I waved to Touka, Kaya, Enji, and Nishiki. They all waved back.

So walking towards the stools, I sat down on one and looked at Yoshimura, "I'm done delivering the package. Do you need anything else, Yoshimura?" taking a sip of the coffee Yoshimura placed in front of me, I asked him a question.

Shaking his head, Yoshimura replied with a gentle smile on his face. "You did what needed to be done today. You can keep training or relax for the rest of this week."

Nodding, I chatted with him for a while until I finished my coffee. After that, I kissed Touka and the others on the lips goodbye and changed my appearance again. So once on the street, I had different clothes and appearances.


[3rd Point of View]

Walking in an alleyway, there were two people with iron briefcases in their hands next to the GCC suit. A young man with black hair and brown skin, next to an adult man with white skin and white hair.

Turning his gaze slightly towards the young man, the white-haired man said. "Then we already have enough clues to say, he's guilty of the murders. It's the S-Class Ghoul, Jason, what do you think? Amon-Kun?"

To which the man called Amon replied with a serious look on his face. "I think we should eliminate him, a Ghoul like him shouldn't exist in this world, as long as he is alive more innocent people will suffer by his hands."

Nodding slightly in response, the white-haired man directed his gaze straight ahead. "Exactly, Amon-Kun. That's why you should eliminate all the Ghouls in the world so that things like this won't happen again."

"Hai, Madou-san"

Coming out of the alley, in front of a small clinic, the man called Madou said while keeping his gaze on the small clinic, "We have had information from the Ghoul we interrogated. That the designated Ghoul, Jason. Has been seen passing by this clinic, you know what that means, Amon-Kun?"

"Hai, the first thing would be that the person in charge of this little building is an accomplice of the Ghoul, Jason. Or second, he's a Ghoul who is helping Jason. Which allows him to go undetected in his murders."

Nodding with a growing smile on their face, the CCG investigators were going to walk towards the small building that served as a clinic. Then suddenly a man, rather bulky and tall by Tokyo standards, walked towards the small building.

"Looks like we got lucky, Amon-Kun. We found the S-Class Ghoul, Jason" watching with a manic look on his face, the blonde-haired man in a white suit. Who is heading towards the small clinic, the two CCG investigators, followed the man with slow steps, so as not to raise suspicion.

After that little chase, the two Ghoul investigators stood outside, trying to listen in on Jason's conversation.

"Asaki, I need you to repair some of my nails," Jason's voice said from inside the small office.

"I-I don't have any more metal, Jason. You'll have to wait a few days," another voice said, stuttering for a moment. Until he recovered.

"Do you think I'm an idiot, Asaki?" came Jason's flat voice, inside the small office.

"Y-you're welcome, Jason. I just gave you-"

But before he could even finish his sentence, Jason. He grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him across the table before releasing him and throwing him out. "Don't be an idiot, Asaki. I know you still have the metal, so repair my metal nails," slowly walking out of the small office, the Ghoul named Jason. He turned his gaze on the two CCG figures, who finished listening to the small conversation.

"You know what to do, Amon-Kun. Pay attention to the other Ghoul."


After saying that, the man called Amon activated his Quinque and watched the Ghoul that was recovering on the ground.

"Oi. Pigeons, what are you doing around here?" asked Jason with a calm smile on his face, and with his hands tucked into the pockets of his white pants.

"We've been on your trail, until we finally found you, Jason. I wonder, what a Quinque of yours would look like?" said Madou as he activated his Quinque.

Turning his grin even bigger, Jason activated his Rinkaku which were two tentacles full of spikes. "And I wonder, what your screams will be like when I break you?"

With a calm smile on his face, the Madou man opened his Quinque that was made from a B-class Rinkaku Ghoul. Once the three tentacles of the Quinque opened, they headed towards Jason in an attempt to crush him.

Jason with a calm smile on his face and with his hands tucked in his pocket used his two tentacles of the Rinkaku to stop the tentacles from coming towards him. Once he stopped the tentacles he used his Rinkaku to remove the Quinque from the CCG researcher, which he did easily with his enormous strength.

"I'd like to hear your cries of pain, but I have other things to do" saying that he took a leap with the help of his Rinkaku and stood on top of the small clinic. "But next time, there will be no mercy Pigeon" saying that with a sadistic smile on his face, Jason took another leap and walked away from the place.

Picking up his Quinque again, Madou walked towards Amon who had his Quinque pointed at the Ghoul in front of him, once he reached his spot he turned his gaze back to the Ghoul in front of them. "I wonder which Ghoul you are?"

Without answering, the Ghoul named Asaki. He took out his phone while keeping his gaze fixed on the investigators, after a few seconds he sent a message he had prescribed to a contact named Ryouko, finishing that he destroyed his phone completely without leaving evidence to the one who sent him his message.

Once he finished doing that, he activated his Bikaku which was a long tail with sections covered in what looked like bone, with circles in those sections, it also has spikes that grew along the length of the Bikaku, ending in a sharp point.

"Oh, I recognize that Kagune," said Madou with a look of surprise on his face, "You're cased 696, I can already imagine having a Quinque of your Bikaku" with a look of excitement, imagining having his Bikaku as a Quine, Madou turned his gaze towards Amon.

"I'm sorry I don't have a new Quinque this time, Amon-Kun. But I'll make up for it next time" shaking his head, they turned their focus back to the Ghoul in front of him.

And just before the battle started, the Ghoul with a sad look on his face whispered to himself, "Sorry I'm not here for you, Hinami, Ryouko" After finishing whispering those words to himself, he used his Bikaku to attack the investigators in front of him.


[Your Kakuja skill has risen to level 19]



Description: Increases by 19% the [Strength] and [Constitution] when you use the Kakuja, also increases by 38% the manipulation, efficiency, defense, response, and attack of your Kakuja.

Cost: 600 Sp per minute


[Your Great Fireball skill has been raised to level 35].

[Your Firebolt skill has been raised to level 75].

[Your Fireball skill has been raised to level 64].

[Your Flare of Fire skill has been raised to level 42].

[Your Pillar of Fire skill has been raised to level 37].

[Your Fire Infusion skill has been raised to level 54].


[Fire Infusion]

Description: This allows you to imbue fire into large objects.

Cost: Varies per second


[Your Wall of Fire skill has been raised to level 73].

[Your Fire Absorption skill has been raised to level 6].

[You have gained 122,450 experience]

[You have gone up several levels]

Several hours had passed since I left Anteiku, more specifically. I spent 6 hours in the dungeon to gain experience and level up skills thanks to the perk [Fire Prodigy] which increases the experience in fire-related skills by 100%, as well as its creation. Although the latter, I can't do it at the moment.

The moment I entered the dungeon, I also tried to put Serafina in the party. Which worked, but when I tried to put Ignis, I couldn't because he didn't have an ability that allows her to evolve, which my throne does. Well, this one did allow me to put her in the party because she had an evolution ability. Although I didn't put it, so only Serafina gained experience, although it wasn't much experience. As she had a lower level than me, she only gained 1% experience, and as before she had gone up a level thanks to feeding her with fire, so she reached 34.



[Level: 34](1224/6800)

[Race: Fire Magic]

[Hp:100](regenerates 2 every 5 minutes)

[Mp:10,200](regenerates 170 every minute)

[Strength:0.5] [Attack:5]

[Dexterity: 1.0] [Speed: 18 m/s]

[Constitution: 1.0] [Defense: 10]

[Intelligence: 34.0] [Weight: 250 Kg].

[Wisdom: 34.0]

[Charisma: 2.0]

[Luck: 1.0]


After reviewing your changes, I saw that they were not much. So I decided to check the levels I gained and see how much I am missing, to complete the class. So saying "Status" I checked how many levels I am missing.


[Frank Evans]

[Level: 194]

[Race:Perfect One-Eyed Ghoul]

[Class: Elementalist(Fire)] (94/100)[9900/28,200].

[Hp:90,396](7910 per second)

[Sp:90,396](4185 per second)

[Mp:5763](152.4 per second)

[Fuerza: 408.5(490.2)][Ataque:4085(5882)]

[Constitución: 418.5][Defensa:6277]

[Dexterity: 0.5] [Speed:9 m/s]

[Intelligence: 38.1][Weight:204,250(367,650) Kg]

[Wisdom: 38.1]

[Luck: 0.5]

[Charisma: 0.5]


Nodding at the changes, I turned my gaze towards the 4 [Bronze] chests and the single [Iron] chest released by the nemesis, so I sat down on my throne, and pulled the first Bronze chest closer, I placed it on my lap. And after a few seconds, I decided to open it.