I am held by the demon inside
Telling me things
Yet not telling me
I am held by the human I am
Doing things I know is sin
Yet not wholly doing it
Partly an angel in between
Throwing soft feathers around
Comforting the ones nearing hopelessness and despair
Never a god
Not wanting to be such
Too much of a burden
Too much of knowing
Too much of a bore
Timeless, deathless, always a mystery
Human I am now
Human I am flawed nearing the core
Everything crumbling down
Destroyed by human nature and human desires
Flawless, innocent, pure
Gentle, loving, forgiving
Sinner, betrayer, traitor
Imperfect, messed up, undeserving
Disgusting, remorseful, resented, rejected
Say more and complications come around
Punishment in every damn corner
In every walks, in everywhere, in everything
Already such a mixed of the world's and of beyond's behaviors
I am held...
...by myself, the world, the origin no one can ever tell for real, no matter how many conclusions come one's way.
©️ 09.22.2018