There was a girl in a corner of a cramped room. She felt so trapped and caged, which in fact is a "fact". Silence has a sound, it rang in her ears.
No! You won't understand the sound of silence, unless, you really heard it, firsthand. You wouldn't understand that pain she experienced in that room.
What is the meaning of light when all she knew is darkness? Was it something she did or is it something she still causes?
Who would ever understand her?
Would you? How would you?
Empathic, eh? Aren't we all playing empath but still play the "onhearing" sympaths from the comforts of our vast and free spaces?
We're all theorizing each others thoughts, words, reactions, actions and criticisms. Surely, that is what we "have" and "have been", doing a lot of times. Don't deny that fact 'cause surely, you have done such, even a split of a nanosecond, if ever that can be divided more, is considered "done".
The girl? Oh! Curious you...curious us. Well, she's gone.
And gone is the soul from the entrapped body of an innocent one.
So, to ask again... Would you understand her? She heard the silence, and, did you?
The bones in the room had turned to ashes, back to what its made of, according to the Holy Book.
Now, to ask another question... and oh! You do need to ponder.
What is the reason 'for' and 'of' the girl's existence? Since we've always say 'everything happens for a reason' and supplement it with 'sometimes we wish we know the reason',
Is her existence some kind of a lesson?
...Are you some kind of a lesson?
©️ 06.08.2018