Her (6)/Chest: Place

There's a place I cannot go

A place you reside that I can't allow myself to be

I left the scraps of me

Only to be found by you

Yet when you found it, you took it to that place

How can I ever complete me when the scraps I lack, I cannot have?

You greeted me with tears

I left with smiles plastered on my face

I wish I can go to that place and have the scraps I lack

You went away without a trace

Again I want to make things right

For me, to the least

For you, nothing should be for you

But such is life's ruthless humor and fun

Things we want, others have

Things we have, others don't

Myself, in pieces and scraps lost

You never bothered to tell

That I can have my scraps back if I loved you back

But all is gone and so are you

©️ 09.15.2019