Group training

3rd person Brian's fight…

"Are you sure this is fair?" Raimy asked, worried he'd hurt Brian, who already knew they couldn't beat him if he tried his hardest. "Yeah, it's fair. I'll start off just dodging both of you. I'll tell you when I attack."

Brian was just a step below Sapphire in power with a 13.6 PR and physical strength almost comparable to her. He mostly used his heavy scythe to propel his movements although he had been thinking about getting a double-edged ax. He figured his movements were much too slow and if he had to prepare for an attack he should get a new weapon he was more comfortable with.

The weapons that were provided were half-assed quality. They were also only starter weapons what the combat teacher meant when he said it will be your weapon for the year was that if you broke it or wanted to change, it wouldn't be provided for you.

But that wasn't much of an issue, as Brian's family was supremely rich. His family didn't spoil him they believed in hard work. They didn't believe in talent or luck, just hard work focus, and dedication, hence producing unspoiled heirs that thought about others, not just nobles who didn't work for shit.

It also produced the strongest, except for those who became the royals. The royals were deemed the absolute strongest in the country, having a power core said to be the size of a pebble.

He decided to not use his scythe he changed it out for two long-bladed medium-sized swords. He felt a little uncomfortable with them but he had been trained in almost every weapon type so he was fine.

They activated the fight. Raimy made some light chains out of the strange metal. His power was to freely manipulate the iron in his body. Although it was strange, his iron levels were way above average, making his Power even more effective.

Leona made a lightning bolt, making the dueling field flicker as she drew power from it. Once she became skilled enough, she could possibly draw power from the sun. Raimy shifted the chains to stakes as he threw two at Brian, which he easily struck with his swords to knock them away.

He had seen Raimy fight before, so instead of focusing on Raimy, he focused on the metal that was seeping back to him. He avoided its path to avoid getting trapped if he transformed the metal. He heard Leona approaching him quickly, she had made the energy coalesce around her hand. Brian quickly made the observation to completely dodge her attack instead of getting electrocuted.

She lunged out at him again and again. He narrowly dodged every time. His carefully slicked back and gelled hair stood up making it look frazzled. The tips of his hair lightly singed making his hair look like he dyed it blonde instead of natural.

He couldn't talk while fighting like Sapphire since he didn't have 360 vision and future vision.

So he was silently taking notes. Raimy quickly ran behind Brian to form more stakes to hit him in the back with. But for some strange reason, Brian could feel the danger behind his back.

While dodging he sidestepped Leona making her plunge into the trap Raimy set for Brian. Not knowing the limits on Raimy's power yet using the momentum from his side step he grabbed the back of Leona's shirt to save her from the incoming stakes.

Strained, Raimy quickly turned his stakes into liquid. 'It seems he can't change the form mid-air.'

Brian thought calculating. 'If I get too close To Raimy he can easily trap me with his metal.

Leona Struggled against his grasp eventually escaping.

She delivered a lightning-clad punch towards Brian, getting a hit in on him, but not solid. He backed away before he could get paralyzed. 'If they worked together, they could throw a lightning-clad metal spear towards me using his power as a support system.'

Leona's weapons were specially designed shoes with blades in them that's right blades hence why two spars ago she one hit her opponent. (See chapter 63 scot-free for reference) The bottoms were essentially harder sharper and more durable track cleats. It only took a light charge for her to activate them making her ability almost completely reliant on her legs and her speed.

As she ran imprints on the ground formed and sparkled as the entire field shut down, "I'll go on the offense now." He said, announcing it. He grabbed his bladder and held them to his forearms. He started running towards Leona while simultaneously dodging chains and stakes from Raimy.

They chased each other around, But Brian was the predator. Suddenly Brian's body blurred. He appeared behind Leona stopping his limiters.

He is a man of equality.

He grabbed her from behind and held the knife around her neck.

Feeling him from behind Leona blushed a bit from him being so close.

She still didn't know how much Kyla's death had traumatized him.

He hadn't looked at a girl with anything other than coldness and friendliness since.

Feeling him breathing behind her. Her heartbeat sped up.

She felt his chiseled muscles and warm body pressing against hers.

'Fuckin masochist.' Sapphire thought on the sidelines, seeing her horniness.

Feeling her heartbeat pumping harder, Brian decided to end the fight.

He was super uncomfortable he felt naked being so close to another.

He had a hard time not cringing.

"This fight is over." He said backing away from her.

'Huh you'd think he'd have some reaction being that close to such a pretty girl is he gay?' Sapphire thought but quickly dismissed but her thought's picked up again.

'Maybe he's been gay since Kyla's death.' She played with the idea but then nodded it off.

"We now have a solid idea of all of your abilities and the level you are all at," Sapphire said standing next to the other instructor Brian. "Now most of your training will be about how strong your power core is and your physical strength."

… Meanwhile at ???? Lokust base.

"Dammit! Why can't we just attack already!" ???? Said loudly, making the boss and the others turn their heads. "Because this is Relix academy, not any other academy." The boss said in annoyance while emphasizing Relix.

"Yeah! But we can just go after the first and second years!" ???? Said, trying to triumph in the argument. "The first and second years have two cold-blooded killers on their side. A PR of 17 isn't enough to beat them with a weak body and no training." The boss said obviously talking about our dynamic duo Sapphire and Brian.

But how did the boss know this information? ???? Looked down with a look of defeat. "Everyone!" The boss said in a commanding voice. "YES, BOSS!" they all said like trained soldiers.

"This academy knows we are coming! DOES THAT MATTER!!!??" The boss shouted. "NO, BOSS!!!" "GOOD!!!"

"When ARE WE GOING TO ATTACK?" "DURING THE EXAM BOSS!!!" They said in unison "GOOD!"



Teaching them how to enhance their life force faster….

"First you must be completely calm." "Focus on your life veins focus on your core." Sapphire said teaching them how to enhance their life force quicker. An: Let's call it refining.:


"Are you in a black space only being illuminated by your core?" She asked the group. They all nodded. "Good, now activate your power," I said, testing out a theor yI had for a while now. Her theory was that the power core or your life force was just a muscle with stored energy more like an engine.

It's constantly putting life force energy into itself and pumping out what you need to live constantly. S essentially the stronger and more quality your life force is the less your power core needs making you stronger faster and possibly immortal. It could even at a point make you more beautiful.

But it also worked like a muscle. The more you are stressed it, the stronger it gets with rest. So if you did both at the same time, you should have a higher quality and quantity. I had decided to call it the Forca technique (Strength in Portuguese.)

"Woah!" Brian said getting it before anybody else. His eyes glowed a brighter green than ever even under his eyelids. Next, Raimy got it the liquid came from his wrists. Is that mercury?

Then, Leona seemed to have siphoned energy from her own body.

Then came Maly. She had vibrated so fast that the floor was shaking violently.

Tenner His gravity field stretched just outside of his normal range which I thought would never happen.

This is quite dangerous if the wrong people got their hands on this…

I tried this with my eyes open. "Wait!!! All of you STOP!!!" I said seeing the future before it happened.

"What?" they all asked in unison. "You all were about to pop some blood vessels work your way up slowly," I said, easing them down. Not even I could activate my power, my power core, or my life force engine LFE at full power while refining it.

They could explode if they worked it to hard circulating life force and forcing your body to make more could cause a nuclear level explosion if not done correctly or if you overload yourself.

They worked up their way with me as their guide to know their limits. Maybe with this, I could reach 14.