Troy finished his short walk to the terminal. This girl with that bracelet had sparked his interest. She clearly was from a wealthy family. showed no signs of over achievements that is commonly groomed from young age. Her clothes where common and she talked with slang. She made eye contact when she talked with people. This showed that she genuinely cared for people.
She also showed a since of emotional maturity. A trait that is found in a capable person that is not pampered from young age.
He contemplated the concept that perhaps she was this way by choice. This was a story he wanted the answer. He had many questions on why she wore it. He couldn't understand why such a normal girl held one of these bracelets.
Troy really didn't like them. He felt like it was a side step to fix a real problem. Having self control over ones being, was the first step. A quick bandaid to fix a bigger problem. Was his opinion of the correction anklets. A part of him wanted to set her in the right steps to recovery for whatever she was emotionally dealing with. Troy shrugged off his annoyance. He could feel his old self squeezing through the cracks.
He was the last person to board the plane by choice. He found it easier and less confining. He also liked to see all the people aboard the plane. It was an odd thing he had done for quite some time. He never really could put a reason to it. He didn't like being in peoples personal space unless he had to.
The last thing Troy would have expected when he boarded the plane was that he was seated right next to her. Or more clearly the last seat available. His trip was rushed. He had to rush home to his family. In doing so he had to call in a favor from an old roommate. He also paid a nice sum of money to get home as fast as possible. There wasn't another flight for three days. He wouldn't have arrived in time. As hard as it was going to be for him to be there not being there would have killed him. He didn't even see her board the plane. Was she the first one on the plane. Another abuse of power he was sure from daddy.
When he first noticed his bunk mate for the next three hours he was filled with mixed feelings. Maybe he would get some answers to distract him and soothe his curiosity. Some part of him wanted to find out the answers. The answers that just didn't make since. He also knew the slippery path he was thinking of trading. For what purpose other then to sooth is curiosity.
The second part wanted to avoid her completely. He had waisted enough of his time on this subject already. Troy had trained for moments like this. He had met all sorts of people. Their crazy ideas never ceases to amaze him. Many ideas come from people wanting to control their surroundings. Wanting answers where there simply wasn't one. Wanting a solution and not willing to put in the work to change.
Troy decided when he was putting his bag away that he would one of two things. He would either find out the truth or simply sit back and study. He shouldn't get involved. The other plan was to be polite and avoid the subject. Let it fade away into a simple moment.
He was always studying he was behind at the moment. Troy was given a gift to retain information. He could read a book pulling out key points of context with a highlighter. If he reread the highlighted parts a second time he would quickly remember the context. His next stage would be to make a make flash cards. Troy took a deep breath as he sat down next to the girl in question.
Troy was behind in his studies do to his situation. He was busy and between work and sleep studying was the only other thing he did. He found that a social life was becoming more and more complicated.
This wasn't a happy trip home. He normally longed to go home. He longed for the feeling he got when he was with his family. None the less a huge since of relief came over him when he was able to obtain a plane ticket.
Troy had to call in a few favors but it was worth it. His old roommate was military and had a brother that flew for the airport. He was grateful that in the end he was granted passage.
There are few things that Troy couldn't prepare mentally for. This was his exception. He was always a type of person to deal with a situation at hand with a clear mind. When he was alone in the dark of the night was a different story. When his body finally started to shut down it would creep into his mind. Night was when the heaviness of the world seamed to sink in. That was when Troy studied the hardest.
Troy claimed his seat. The plane was completely full he had no choice to make this trip as comfortable as possible. Since he was the last people to board the plane he knew no other seats where available. He decided to make it as enjoyable despite his opinion. She was a person. She did deserve the respect of that simple fact. Treating a person wrongly simply because of his biases was morally wrong. He hoped that he was wrong with all his heart. Sadly he was rarely wrong and he pity her for that simple fact.
Troy introduce himself and got a response that gave him a small idea. He paused and created distance. Social creatures is what humans are commonly referred as. We all are strive for attention of some kind. This little test was a win win. He had done this before and it worked like a charm. He could see that him sitting next to her set her off a little bit. He knew that he had paid for an empty seat that wasn't empty. That was the only bit of information he was given. He realizes she was clearly confused. They where the same general age. He had guessed he was 3-5 years older but still acceptable attraction zone. If he ignored her his plan would unfold. There was a large chance; she would impose herself onto him to get the attention she felt she needed. The other option would be that she would simply get a hint and not talk to him the entire trip.
Testing testing one two three, Troy thought to himself. He introduced himself, smiled and put his hand away barely giving her time to react. He noticed her face turn a shade of pink. He felt satisfaction when he saw that. She responded with a simple i was distracted response. Classic he thought to himself, ya by me. He kept it to himself it was part of his master plan. She introduced herself as Jane now he had name to the girl in question. He could stop referring to her by her jewelry.
Troy didn't take her hand he wanted her to feel stressed. He wanted her to take charge and try to convince him of her worth. She was wealthy and she wouldn't tolerate being dismissed. He waited as he started highlighting his book. He could see it start to eat at her. She pulled a book out of her bag and started to read. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see it was mythology. He decided that she must be in college returning home. This made since why the plane was full. He had forgotten about school breaks when residency started.
He waited to see if she would because lost in her book. If she could his opinion of her would change dramatically. This would mean her parents where just paranoid. Maybe she had an amazing nanny. Perhaps she grew up with tight morals. Self made millionaire parents where different then old money. Maybe her parents had money but chose a simpler life.
He had seen it time and time again. The love for a child could make a rational person crazy. In the study they had reported children with health issues would ware them to help the parents locate their child in an emergency. He heard about one case that a child had an allergic emergency his mom tracked him down using the monitor. In rear cases like those Troy was in favor. There was many cheaper options but with small children they where not reliable. Or they would give a general area in a crowded place that creates issues. Also they could be pinpointed everywhere. Most people love them and the rave about how they changed their life and blame the removing them as the problem.